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Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • What are the odds on the next Country Obama goes to war with?

    Lets see, upon his arrival in office Obama promised to remove all troops from Iraq and Afghanistan. Instead, he has sent troops to Yemen and Pakistan and started two new wars is Libya and Uganda both of which unconstitutional since Congress never approved his troops being there. And before you start on the OMG BUSH DID TOO, I'm not condoning it but he at least got congressional approval instead of circumventing Congress.

    So anyone have the Vegas odds on what countries are next? I bet Ivory Coast or Bahrain have good odds while Iran and Syria are at least 2000:1.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Why do the people who hate capitalism say so from the protection of capitalism?

    For all the people who go on to say the lies like "CAPITALISTS HATE THE WORKERS AND THE FAT CATS HOARD ALL THE MONEY AND EVIL CORPORATIONS ARE OUT THERE MURDERING EVERYONE FOR PROFIT". How come ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of you say so from the protection and shelter of a capitalistic and free nation. Never from their communistic paradises, like Cuba North Korea Venezuela etc. If you guys really hate capitalism and it's so evil like you say, why do you continue to live in a capitalistic society? Why don't you go rush to enjoy the wonders of Marxism that you seem to lift on high?

    13 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Why partake in a pointless "argument"?

    And yes I do mean "argument" in quotations. Our credit rating is downgraded. Most of us know why exactly. Because we spent too much. Not because of the tea party. Not because we didn't raise taxes to 150%. Not because S and P made a rounding error. Not because it doesn't matter. It was down graded because our government spent itself into oblivion and then refused to make the cuts that THEY gave them to make in order to secure the AAA+ rating. Anyone who says otherwise is either delusional, lying, or doesn't understand any real life basic concepts.

    Anyway, all we see anywhere now is "THE TEA PARTY IS TO BLAME!" "NO THE DEMOCRATS ARE TO BLAME!" "NO THE TEA PARTY!" "NO THE DEMOCRATS!". What good is assigning blame going to do now? We need to get to work and focus on FIXING our situation now before it's too late. We're on a car racing down the freeway towards a broken bridge right and running out of exits right? Instead of fighting over who drove us here, let's instead work towards getting off at the next exit. We are running out of exits guys. Instead of putting energy into attacking people, let's put that energy into saving our country.

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • It's official now what?

    S and P just downgraded us. How is that "COMPROMISE" working out for us now?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • How long until the other agencies cut our credit rating?

    As per Reuters: (

    "Credit rating agency Egan-Jones has cut the United States' top credit ranking, citing concerns over the country's high debt load and the difficulty the government faces in significantly reducing spending."

    Go to the link to read more. So now that our AAA rating has officially been cut by one source how long until Moodys, S and P, and all the others follow suit?

    7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Is anyone honestly surprised?

    That the Republicans sold the people out yet again? Woohoo 1 trillion in cuts, over TEN YEARS. 7 billion (out of 14 trillion) in cuts this year woohoo! Only problem? We need to cut 4 trillion immediately or we STILL get the credit rating downgraded. That's per Moodys.

    So the Democrats are Marxists. The Republicans are traitors. Is it time to end both parties for good?

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • The Soros Owned Obama Admin and UN Agenda 21?

    For those of you who don't know what Agenda 21 is:

    It calls for unification of the globe through socialism and social justice. AKA, a one world government. In this new government, private citizens would not be allowed to possess property, cars, and farms. Only the one world government could own such things because otherwise they could be vehicles for "unfair" treatment.

    George H W Bush agreed to it in a UN conference in 1992. Clinton signed it via executive order in 1995, thus skipping Congress and any chance for debate, and essentially skipping the mainstream media who didn't report on it since they didn't have to. But then again they are all owned by George Soros, the guy who chartered Agenda 21, anyway. This UN agenda is now being implemented in significant parts all across our country. Most notable examples are California and Austin Texas.

    We all know Obama is a pawn to Soros. Obama shovels him hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars every few days. He doesn't even try to hide it since the media doesn't report it. Soros has stated in his numerous books that he was behind the violent overthrow of many governments to create socialist states. Look at Ukraine.

    Now look at UN Small Arms treaty that Hillary signed and is going to be voted on by the senate shortly. It's a very direct shot at our second amendment. These two combined UN policies are paving the way for the takeover. Without our second amendment right to bare arms, how can we combat threats both foreign and domestic? And with no resistance, Soros and his ilk can just walk right in and start their land grabs like they are ALREADY DOING IN AFRICA.

    So is the Obama administration paving the way for the one world government takeover? Do you support this communist/globalist takeover of Agenda 21? If you don't do some research. It's all out in the open. Spread the word around.

    4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Do you agree with UN Agenda 21?

    For those of you who don't know what Agenda 21 is:

    It calls for unification of the globe through socialism and social justice. AKA, a one world government. In this new government, private citizens would not be allowed to possess property, cars, and farms. Only the one world government could own such things because otherwise they could be vehicles for "unfair" treatment.

    George H W Bush agreed to it in a UN conference in 1992. Clinton signed it via executive order in 1995, thus skipping Congress and any chance for debate, and essentially skipping the mainstream media who didn't report on it since they didn't have to. But then again they are all owned by George Soros, the guy who chartered Agenda 21, anyway. This UN agenda is now being implemented in significant parts all across our country. Most notable examples are California and Austin Texas.

    So do you support this communist/globalist takeover of Agenda 21? If you don't do some research. It's all out in the open. Spread the word around.

    9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 10 Jahren
  • Is there a new political scale to be measure on?

    The events in the recent years have really made me think. Conservatism vs Liberalism is a thing of the past. Both concepts are so far deluded, skewed, and corrupted that they are both essentialy the same thing. Perhaps it's time to start measuring people on the TRUE political scale. Libertarian vs Collectivist.

    Are you for more rights and less federal government? Or are you for more government control and less freedom? That's the scale we need to be finding where people stand on now. Someone can say they are conservative and be as far towards the collectivist side as Stalin, and conversely liberalism USED to mean being LIBERTARIAN.

    So is the conservative/liberal ideology dead? And should we be using the more accurate political scale?

    2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you do when you aren't where you want to be?

    Long story short. Ex dumped me months ago in September. If you really want all the details you can look at the giant list of my previously asked questions. The breakup was bad. We fought a lot. I've been depressed ever since. I tried not talking to her for a month that didn't help me so I went back and begged her to come back to me. She insisted no because she just doesn't want to. I basically begged her a few more times over the months to no avail either.

    Over the last few weeks I just stopped talking to her. I feel like a complete emotional void now and talking to her only makes me scream in my head that I love her and want her back. But I know that it's not going to work so why bother talking to her. She got mad at me on a few occasions because i never talked to her unless she went out of her way to talk to me. And I want to ask her why she wants me as a friend so badly because that little part of my mind keeps thinking while maybe it's because she does still love me deep down. But I know the answer I'll get won't be what I want so why bother.

    So I'm not where I want to be in life at all. Like I said, I feel completely devoid of emotion if I'm not drinking with my friends, which I obviously can't do all the time or else my life will REALLY turn to ****, or when I'm talking to her. But the emotions I get from that only make me feel bad. So how do I fix myself? It's been months and months and I'm not over her and it destroys me. So what do I need to do to get to a better place?

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is love so terrible?

    Why does love only lead to heart break? I love this girl with all my heart for almost two years and then out of the blue she just breaks my heart for some stupid reason. She did it because I didn't like to kiss her in public and it made her feel insecure even though I told her day in and day out how amazing she is and how much I loved her. She never told me she had such a big problem with it because she didn't want to make me feel bad, and yet here I am heartbroken. I wouldn't have even felt bad if she just told me. I would have fixed it and we'd both be happy together.

    Now it's been months since the breakup. She's as happy as can be and i'm still miserable. I can't stop thinking about her and wanting her back because I know that if she just gave me a second chance I could fix everything. But all I hear from her is 'I don't want to'. Now i'm in a lose lose situation. I hate it so much. Apparantly I was so bad to her that i'm not even worth another chance. Now she's intersted in someone else and I can't even think about anyone else. I'm so sick of hearing everything gets better with time because it's been months and nothing has changed.

    So why even bother with this anymore? I love a girl more than the world and do everything I can to make her happy and in return she breaks my heart for something I could have fixed. It's pretty hard not to be cynical anymore.

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do I deserve a second chance?

    My girlfriend dumped me about 2 and a half months ago. We were together for over a year and a half and she was my first love. After a month and a half I went no contact with her and just broke it the other day. When she first broke up with me she didn't give me any reasons as to why. She just said she didn't feel the same. Well after I began talking to her again she told me what she really felt.

    She told me that there were a lot of things I did that bothered her. Like how I hated all her music and how I would argue with her over stupid things some times. She never told me that thee things bothered her because she didn't want to make me feel bad. Well after holding everything inside eventually it made her start to resent me a little bit until the point where he decided to break things off.

    So here I am now. I still love her with all my heart and I still want her back. I realized some of the problems while I was on my own and how I can change them. And if we were to communicate better and if she told me if somethings bothering her I can fix it and I think we can really make a relationship work again. The problem is she doesn't want to. I never cheated on her. I never lied to her. I never did anything to intentionally hurt her. I treated her as well as I could have. So do I deserve a second chance?

    9 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is she there when I need her the most?

    My ex broke up with me well over two months ago. We were together for over a year and a half. I've been no contact with her for a month now. She broke up with me because she said she no longer felt the same about me. That stupid "I love you but I'm not in love with you anymore" jazz. Well I've spent the last month trying to get over her since that's what she wants. I've been trying to better my life but just recently my life has really taken a turn for the worst. Ever since she dumped me it's really been spiraling downward and just when I thought I hit the bottom a brand new hole opened up and now I'm free falling again.

    Right now I really need somebody to help me get through this. I need her more right now then ever before and yet she's not there. Should I break the no contact prematurely? Even if she doesn't love me anymore. I need support and she gave it to me before. Maybe she can do it again?

    2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What do you do when you feel so alone?

    My first love is now my ex. Well I guess she has been for a month. But today I finally decided I need to let go completely. She wants me to be over her but she wanted to still be friends. I told her I could not do both. I told her that we can't be friends and that this is goodbye. She was very upset but whatever it's not my problem anymore. If she didn't want to lose me in her life completely she shouldn't have broken up with me.

    The first few hours were easy. I was busy at school and at work. When I got back home I realized just how alone I was now. I don't have many real friends. I'm not anti social, I just have a very small group of real friends who I still talk to and see every once in a while. All but one go away to colleges now, and even the one here I don't talk to all that often. Maybe once a week for a short time.

    The truth is, she was my best friend for the year and a half we spent together. I didn't need anyone else in that time. Now that she's gone I'm all alone. I just want to talk to somebody. Anybody. I know I made the right choice, even though every fiber of my heart was screaming no don't do it. So what do I do when I feel so alone? I have no one to connect to anymore. I can't go out and join clubs and meet new people etc. I'm busy enough as it is with school and work.

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Do things really happen "for a reason"?

    I've been thinking a lot over the past month about the phrase "Everything happens for a reason". Personally, I don't think that it is a true statement at all.

    I'm a roman catholic, along with the rest of my family. They often tell me when something goes wrong "don't worry, everything happens for a reason", or "god has a plan" etc. But according to our religion, God gave us free will to make our own choices and live our own lives. That's why evil people exist. So if God gave us free will, doesn't that mean that everything doesn't happen for a reason and rather we make our own choices and everything happens based on that. As far as his master plan goes, does that really apply to our personal lives? I guess I feel like he does have a grand scheme for the world and everything about it on the macro level, but he lets us control our own lives and make our own choices.

    So what does everyone else think? Am I correct in my reasoning or completely wrong. I would really love to hear some input!

    10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How long do I wait until I contact her?

    Long story short, my girlfriend broke up with me a month ago maybe a little more. She told me she didn't feel the same anymore and just wanted to be friends. Obviously that isn't good enough for me since I still love her. Two weeks ago I decided to essentially just vanish. By vanishing I was hoping that she would eventually start to miss me and try to contact me or want me back or something. I decided to start by doing two weeks and seeing if I could go longer. The first week went by easily, but this past week has been hell. I've been fighting the temptation to try and contact her. I haven't broken yet but it's been incredibly taxing on me.

    So since it's been two weeks I need to make my choice now. Do I try and go another two weeks? That would be like early November. Do I do two weeks more after that>? That would actually be just after my birthday and she would contact me by then right? Or do I go even longer and try to go well into December?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why is love so illogical?

    Love is supposed to make you feel as happy as can be. So why do so many people just end up in heartbreak. Why can you pour so much of your heart and soul into your relationship only for your partner to all of a sudden reject you out of the blue for no reason. Is love really worth it? Yeah it was amazing while it lasted, but now I'm left wallowing in pain, sadness, and emptiness. I would rather have never loved at all than have loved and lost at this point. So what's the point of love? Why is it so illogical? Is it really worth it?

    5 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you go after an ex when you don't know what happened?

    Long story short, she broke up with me about a month ago. We were together for 1.5 years. She surprised me one night saying she no longer felt the same and that we should break up. I spent the next 5 days trying save our relationship but it honestly felt like she made up her mind long before she told me.

    Anyway, she never really gave me a real reason as to what happened. All she would keep saying is "I just don't feel the same thngs just changed" which honestly I think is complete bullshit. Love doesn't just change for no reason. She one time cited 'well we would keep having little fights over the past few weeks and just idk", but we didn't Neither one of us could remember even one disagreement we had over the weeks before she wanted to end things.

    So I guess I have two real questions. What happened to make her just change like that? Like I said, she claims there were some little fights but she couldn't even recall one and I think if a disagreement caused you to stop loving someone than you would atleast remember something about it. Do you think she just never loved me to begin with? Maybe she started to be attracted to another guy? Did she just get bored because we became too comfertable in our relationship/

    And two, how do you go after your ex when you don't know what really caused the breakup. It's been a month, and I still love her and want her the same as I did before any of this happened. She's the world to me. I don't want to just get over her because she is the one I want to spend my life with. Her or nothing basically. Maybe I'm being stubborn and delusional but I would honestly never love again than be in love with someone else. I haven't talked to her in almost two weeks now. Should I keep up the silence?

    3 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How long does it take for an ex to come knocking?

    My ex decided she just didn't feel the same about me anymore about a month ago. This hurt me badly. I really didn't see it coming at all. We went out for over 1.5 years. The breakup itself was slightly drawn out. I told her how much I loved her and basically everything I could for about a week until she made it official. After that I went one week without talking to her, hoping she'd change her mind. Didn't work. She messaged me after the week and we actually ended up fighting about the breakup. Obviously not a great move on my part, but I really wasn't thinking straight at all.

    After that I tried my best to not talk to her. She would message me every few days. The chats were pretty much her saying something like 'I like this TV show' and I would reply 'That's good'. They always ended about 2 minutes after they began. Another week or two went by when we actually talked about the breakup. I forget how exactly it started, but the major quotes were her saying "I just want to be friends right now, nothing more". I then replied "I can't ever be just a friend to you. I can try and be a friend now, but I will always want something more". She follows up with "Well you better not act on it then".

    I think I talked to her one more time since that talk. I kept it light hearted and avoided talking about how horrible I feel or how much I want her back. It was only a brief chat anyway. Since then I took the advice of my friends and family who said that I need to vanish. I need to make it so she will never see me, online or in person. Like I dropped off the face of the earth. Today is day 8 since I implemented this. I haven't slipped up yet, but oh my god it's so tempting just to try and message her or call her.

    So my real question is, how long is it going to take for her to come calling. I figure even if I don't appear online or in person anywhere she still has my number. She can call me if she wanted to. I know that I'm supposed to be no contact with her to try and move on, but it's been a month and I still can't. I love her with all my heart and I really believe she is the one for me. I told her I would always love her forever and I mean to keep that promise. So how long should I expect to wait until she tries to contact me. And even if she does, do I have a realistic shot of her wanting to get back together sometime in the near future? Not immediately, but like within a I'd say two or three months.

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How long does it take for an ex to come knocking?

    My ex decided she just didn't feel the same about me anymore about a month ago. This hurt me badly. I really didn't see it coming at all. We went out for about 1.5 months. The breakup itself was slightly drawn out. I told her how much I loved her and basically everything I could for about a week until she made it official. After that I went one week without talking to her, hoping she'd change her mind. Didn't work. She messaged me after the week and we actually ended up fighting about the breakup. Obviously not a great move on my part, but I really wasn't thinking straight at all.

    After that I tried my best to not talk to her. She would message me every few days. The chats were pretty much her saying something like 'I like this TV show' and I would reply 'That's good'. They always ended about 2 minutes after they began. Another week or two went by when we actually talked about the breakup. I forget how exactly it started, but the major quotes were her saying "I just want to be friends right now, nothing more". I then replied "I can't ever be just a friend to you. I can try and be a friend now, but I will always want something more". She follows up with "Well you better not act on it then".

    I think I talked to her one more time since that talk. I kept it light hearted and avoided talking about how horrible I feel or how much I want her back. It was only a brief chat anyway. Since then I took the advice of my friends and family who said that I need to vanish. I need to make it so she will never see me, online or in person. Like I dropped off the face of the earth. Today is day 8 since I implemented this. I haven't slipped up yet, but oh my god it's so tempting just to try and message her or call her.

    So my real question is, how long is it going to take for her to come calling. I figure even if I don't appear online or in person anywhere she still has my number. She can call me if she wanted to. I know that I'm supposed to be no contact with her to try and move on, but it's been a month and I still can't. I love her with all my heart and I really believe she is the one for me. I told her I would always love her forever and I mean to keep that promise. So how long should I expect to wait until she tries to contact me. And even if she does, do I have a realistic shot of her wanting to get back together sometime in the near future? Not immediately, but like within a I'd say two or three months.

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt