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Lv 6
Tony fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 10 Jahren

Why partake in a pointless "argument"?

And yes I do mean "argument" in quotations. Our credit rating is downgraded. Most of us know why exactly. Because we spent too much. Not because of the tea party. Not because we didn't raise taxes to 150%. Not because S and P made a rounding error. Not because it doesn't matter. It was down graded because our government spent itself into oblivion and then refused to make the cuts that THEY gave them to make in order to secure the AAA+ rating. Anyone who says otherwise is either delusional, lying, or doesn't understand any real life basic concepts.

Anyway, all we see anywhere now is "THE TEA PARTY IS TO BLAME!" "NO THE DEMOCRATS ARE TO BLAME!" "NO THE TEA PARTY!" "NO THE DEMOCRATS!". What good is assigning blame going to do now? We need to get to work and focus on FIXING our situation now before it's too late. We're on a car racing down the freeway towards a broken bridge right and running out of exits right? Instead of fighting over who drove us here, let's instead work towards getting off at the next exit. We are running out of exits guys. Instead of putting energy into attacking people, let's put that energy into saving our country.


Krista do you know the difference between revenue and tax increases? Revenue is the amount money coming in. Taxes are the amount of money taken from people. The two are not synonymous. Look up the laffer curve. It shows that as taxes decrease, total revenue INCREASES. If you want revenue to increase, you lower taxes. The lesser the tax rates are, the less people try invest elsewhere where taxes are lower.

That and if you wanted to raise taxes to 100% across all income levels, we would STILL BE IN DEBT. Spending right now outpaces tax revenue by about 100,000%. So you really think that we can raise taxes by 100,000% to compensate and that will fix it? No. Instead we need to reduce spending by 4 trillion THIS YEAR like S and P originally said we needed to do to keep the AAA+ rating.

That aside, stop spewing talking points people. That's the exact thing we need to STOP.

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Look at the educational background of all our politicians. All you see is law and politics. Where are our engineers, scientist, doctors, etc. The people who actually represent America. The problems is that its no longer about who's right in Washington. Its about who is the best arguer. No one refers to the Scientist, Doctors, Engineerss, economist and experts in their field because its not about finding the correct solution to solve the problem. Its about winning the argument. America's gotten so good at politics, that we've forgoten how to govern.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    How can we get off at the next exit, as you propose, if the far right refuses to compromise on lowering the debt? We have cut spending. We can cut more spending, but the only way to reach the amount S&P requires is by increasing revenue. If we don't increase revenue, there is no 'argument'....there's just a car racing down the freeway with only one party willing to actually negotiate how to push the brakes and turn the wheel.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    "Compared with previous projections, our revised base case scenario now assumes that the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, due to expire by the end of 2012, remain in place. We have changed our assumption on this because the majority of Republicans in Congress continue to resist any measure that would raise

    revenues, a position we believe Congress reinforced by passing the act."

    Exact quote from their report on downgrading.

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