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Lv 6
Tony fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 10 Jahren

How long until the other agencies cut our credit rating?

As per Reuters: (

"Credit rating agency Egan-Jones has cut the United States' top credit ranking, citing concerns over the country's high debt load and the difficulty the government faces in significantly reducing spending."

Go to the link to read more. So now that our AAA rating has officially been cut by one source how long until Moodys, S and P, and all the others follow suit?

7 Antworten

  • rusty
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Guessing it won't be long this plan does not follow the guide lines on spending that they needed to !

  • vor 10 Jahren

    The major ones won't do it anytime soon. They will work on getting the new Consumer Protection Agency that has the power to hold them liable for negligence in their ratings defunded or destroyed as part of the cuts to be determined later. They'll say they are going to wait and see and start making noise again when the time comes to determine the as of yet undetermined cuts. In the mean time, the Chamber of Commerce and other business lobbies will be working with them, since they have far more direct influence and experienced lobbyists on the hill, but their interests are essentially the same here, since the negligent ratings from the credit rating agencies allowed investment bankers to fraudulently package subprime mortgages as though they were solid investments, feeding into both the housing crash and letting that take down the financial markets, but letting the surviving investment banks make ludicrous sums of money.

    Quelle(n): Educated guess. There are other, less nefarious, plausible explanations for the actions of the credit rating agencies in this story, but I fear that my guess is their primary motivation at the moment.
  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    The only three agencies that matter are:


    --Standard & Poors

    --Morning Star

    (Normally, Morning Star will only rate mutual funds, but almost all funds hold US Treasuries.)

    There are dozens of smaller firms that try to project themselves as legitimate opinions on debt ratings, but no one really pays attention to them. Their ratings systems likely serve their own internal financial strategies, and it's not likely that any journalist with a creative writing degree would know the difference.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Within 48 hours.

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  • seguin
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    as quickly as you touch a collection business enterprise the date is annotated and that they supply you a "smart volume of time" - as you agreed - to pay the debt. as quickly as that drop-ineffective date comes the debt is declared to the credit bureaus. stay to tell the story splendid of those debts such as you have been doing -

  • vor 10 Jahren

    You need to buy an egg timer to watch it.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Can't be soon enough.

    I wish like Hell Bush had lost our rating like they were threatening to when he crashed the dollar by HALF with his tax cuts.

    Quelle(n): We wouldn't have ended up with our current debt, which was 5 trillion when he started. (Yes I can remember that far back, even if you can't).
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