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Lv 6
Tony fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 10 Jahren

The Soros Owned Obama Admin and UN Agenda 21?

For those of you who don't know what Agenda 21 is:

It calls for unification of the globe through socialism and social justice. AKA, a one world government. In this new government, private citizens would not be allowed to possess property, cars, and farms. Only the one world government could own such things because otherwise they could be vehicles for "unfair" treatment.

George H W Bush agreed to it in a UN conference in 1992. Clinton signed it via executive order in 1995, thus skipping Congress and any chance for debate, and essentially skipping the mainstream media who didn't report on it since they didn't have to. But then again they are all owned by George Soros, the guy who chartered Agenda 21, anyway. This UN agenda is now being implemented in significant parts all across our country. Most notable examples are California and Austin Texas.

We all know Obama is a pawn to Soros. Obama shovels him hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars every few days. He doesn't even try to hide it since the media doesn't report it. Soros has stated in his numerous books that he was behind the violent overthrow of many governments to create socialist states. Look at Ukraine.

Now look at UN Small Arms treaty that Hillary signed and is going to be voted on by the senate shortly. It's a very direct shot at our second amendment. These two combined UN policies are paving the way for the takeover. Without our second amendment right to bare arms, how can we combat threats both foreign and domestic? And with no resistance, Soros and his ilk can just walk right in and start their land grabs like they are ALREADY DOING IN AFRICA.

So is the Obama administration paving the way for the one world government takeover? Do you support this communist/globalist takeover of Agenda 21? If you don't do some research. It's all out in the open. Spread the word around.

4 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Yes, Obama is in this right up to his pointed little head. As are many, many other politicians... One day we will wake up and have no power at all.

  • tom
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    Did you know that it was also little pixies dressed up as muslims that carried out 9/11, and do you know who they did if for? The New York Tourist Board, yes, they killed thousands of people as a publicity stunt.

    Oh, do you also know that WW2 was not started by Hitler invading Poland, no, that is a conspiracy theory designed to take away from the fact that Andorra was behind world domination. They drugged Hitler and inserted a chip inside his brain and they controlled his actions. However the chip kind of did not work properly, you know, that sort of thing was not very advanced in those days.

    Oh, did you also know that the moon is made out of cheese, only it is cheaper to produce cheese from cows on earth, rather than shoot off into space to go and collect it?

    Supposedly "at risk" are:

    Private Property ownership

    Single-Family homes

    Private car ownership and individual travel choices

    Privately owned farms

    But yet, this was signed in 1992 and how much risk has there been of any of these happening in the US? Er, 0!!!

    Agenda 21 is a vague document that really does not seem to do very much other than provide those who are willing to listen to anything a chance at a conspiracy theory!!

    Why not try the conspiracy theory that the US is after all OPEC members. Kuwait was liberated in 1991. Venezuela had US help in a couo against Chavez in 2002, Iraq was invaded in 2003, Libya was bombed (mainly by right wing govts in France and the UK) in 2011. Iran was threatened and is constantly on the US's "radar", as they seem intent on intimidating Iran into doing what the US wants.

    WHo next? Most of the other OPEC members are "friendly" towards the US, once Gadaffi, Chavez and the present regime in Iran have gone, the US will own OPEC like its little *****. No more massive oil price rises just because OPEC can, the US will make sure of that.

    Look at Syria, they are killing civilians. Does the US care? Look at the Ivory Coast, they were killing civilians, did the US care? Look at Yemen, same thing, does the US care? No, but the right seem to care a lot about the "civilians"(read oil) in Libya.

  • corbo
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    sure despite the fact that if Soros did;t very own Petrobras. we would have good reason to loan money, like securing rights to the oil which i assume CHina is eying, yet there is alot of subjects in touch. Petrobras has dissimilar money and is controlled by the Brazilian government. edit. I do see concern although. Obama is primary to locate returned door ability to offer money to his buddies. Goldman Sachs is the main important donor to Obama, and my suspicion is that Obama bail out AIG obtainable over money to GOldman Sachs. His stimulus equipment additionally seems to partially provide money to GE. Ge gave him alot of unfastened television time to the Democrats and Obama by way of NBC-primary networks.

  • Gus
    Lv 6
    vor 10 Jahren

    It would be nice to have a patriot and American as our President..

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