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Lv 6
Tony fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 10 Jahren

Do you agree with UN Agenda 21?

For those of you who don't know what Agenda 21 is:

It calls for unification of the globe through socialism and social justice. AKA, a one world government. In this new government, private citizens would not be allowed to possess property, cars, and farms. Only the one world government could own such things because otherwise they could be vehicles for "unfair" treatment.

George H W Bush agreed to it in a UN conference in 1992. Clinton signed it via executive order in 1995, thus skipping Congress and any chance for debate, and essentially skipping the mainstream media who didn't report on it since they didn't have to. But then again they are all owned by George Soros, the guy who chartered Agenda 21, anyway. This UN agenda is now being implemented in significant parts all across our country. Most notable examples are California and Austin Texas.

So do you support this communist/globalist takeover of Agenda 21? If you don't do some research. It's all out in the open. Spread the word around.

9 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Agenda 21 is the fall of the USA by the projected year of 2050, according to the United Nations, as with no borders we will be called the North American Federation. I am an Exploratory Candidate for the US Senate, Fl., 2012 and part of my platform is to expose and bring down this scourge on our great country we call America! No I do not agree and have declared a revolt to such a movement. Though Bush agreed to the proclamation and Clinton signed an order which recognized Agenda 21, that only let the camel's nose into the tent. President Obama, Ratified the LOST Convention of the UN in January of 2011, without the Senate's OK! Under an executive order, Obama put Agenda 21 into full play and to this we pay to play. At the tune of 5 Billion dollars a year to the UN to belong to this treaty called LOST. Agenda 21 is but one entity in the downfall of our country. At over 420 pages of new rules to which we must play under names like Green Print, Sustainability, Smart Growth, The 2050 Plan and IC LEI.

    Help me, help you fight this cancer to our society!

    Can you Spell Communitarian? Agenda 21!

    If one could go back to the '60's and the word “Commune” came up, one would think of a society of free spirits, love and maybe drugs, coupled with loud music of The Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Canned Heat and the song played on but today, the word is Communitarian and it is all but of any free spirits, to love; just a society of Agenda 21, a drug-like induction of euphoria in a community of “Sustainable Development.” Agenda 21 is not something people, with tin foiled hats, talk about but a real phenomenon in the loss of your inalienable rights and God all but disappearing, from the background. All of this brought about by one voice, in persuading others to a religion of on world of environmental communitarian society, where all is equal and all have equal rights; a Marxist Therm, Communism.

    Agenda 21 too, first was to start its growth patterns in the sixties, Norway, under the then Dr. Gro Harlem Brundtland, a Pro-Choice advocate in a country where a team of doctors determined if a woman could have an abortion or not. She became the first woman in politics in Norway, ever bring about her reform to abortion and setting the rules of play towards new environmental protocol. By the seventies, she was protesting the drilling for oil in the North Sea and by 1983, the United Nations Secretary General asked her if she would chair the World Commission on Environment and Development, sprouting the seeds of strategies for sustainable development; Agenda 21!

    Sustainable Development; Agenda 21, began as most good to do things, as a way in helping out. Its start was in third world nations, in learning how to make life better. The ole vantage of show a man how to fish and he may learn how to feed himself but teach a man to fish and the world grows with him but as in many a good deed, greed crept in. A way to controlling the outcome of a state. While we in the USA were enjoying our freedoms and the envy to the world, the United Nations was eyeballing us as a way to increase their “Sustainability.” By the 90's, the environmentalists were all but screaming climate change to a reduction of carbon footprints and greenhouse gases. The social-engineering bureaucrats of the United Nations, in anticipation of population growth throughout the world and America, came up with an even better strategy in selling away the American Dream; controlling land use and promoting a managed global society through ICLEI or later, Sustainable Growth, Sustainable Living and the 2050 Plan, as that is the projected year that America will no longer be called America or the United States of America but the North American Federation. No borders, as Mexico and Canada are all but one country, to include us in the middle; this is where NAFTA originated, remember that one?

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    Agenda 21 is just a global plan expanded from local plans; where government officials think they are perfect and can plan how you should be and, then, make so many laws and found so man bureaucracies to regulate and support their idea. This condition already exists, where bureaucrats now make laws, or regulations, and seize the power to enforce them; all at the cost of the taxpayer. in other words, this is but an expanded global proportions plan that puts forth yet another material resolution to the problems we already face. This same ide was formerly known as Communism. Remember where the workers wee shown in the fields, all happy and filled with joy, and yet what became of them. Plans such as this always places in the hands of the few leaders the wealth and power of the resources; in other words, they are the ones who profit until the People arise and revolt which is sure to happen. All people are individual, their capabilities, each and every one, are unique to themselves, their likes and dislikes and spiritual preferences are the same, different in every respect. What this plan proposes is to make everyone essentially the same. Considering that, it the becomes the object of spiritual corruption, It is a plan, if it evolves into law, that is unmanageable. We witness such pans everywhere, and they all are failures; but some men think that they can and will overcome nature and God. This plan will not happen, for the individuals who propose this, their groups and associations, their beliefs in its bounties, cannot by its centralization achieve its realization, just as we have demonstrated large Central Governments and Central Banking is a failure. Besides, this type of hope requires much more than what a paged document can offer; likewise the time of the proposed realization is beyond several lifetimes and filled with extensive negotiations. Those who propose it and those who follow will make their own changes, and the people will soon arise in objection. As well, this plan must be supported by the people; and, frankly, we are getting vey tired of supporting government's failures while officials seem to have the idea that they can keep piling up the debt on our backs. To the most degree, "let nature take its course" is the best plan as long as governments protect and secure the Natural human Rights of individuals in the process. To those who support this idea I would say, "This is not your world, this is not your people, you are not our Feudal Lords".. All you need do is look at the past and you can see those former Lords and Monarchies. Where are they now?

  • vor 7 Jahren

    That's because we keep allowing big corporations to have rights which takes away rights from us peons!

    In fact I predict most people will at first agree to Agenda 21's long list of plans for social justice without even know it and thinking they are agreeing to something else that sounds warm and fuzzy because of greedy corporations influencing world power for a one world DRM system.

    At this stage YOU won't own squat! The computer you own won't have a hard drive at all and everything is on the cloud that can be remotely accessed easily.

    Soon the computer will be in you're mind injected which is where the experts want to go and I can guarantee big corporations will try to force it to be law of the land you have to have a computer injected chip to be a citizen which will be fancy for slave worker.

    Sounds like the Mark of the Beast which the USA is the Mystery Babylon.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    Of course I DON"T AGREE with UN Agenda 21. Americans and the world, you better wake up yourself and your fellow citizens and friends. If you, you are allowing your individual rights eroding day by day. Unless you want world government controlling the USA, you BETTER Oppose All forms of "sustainability" forms

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  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    most people are unaware of it as far as ive seen .. ask the Australians who now cant farm on something like 1/2 of their land ... and Bill Clinton brought that home for us and its set to be implemented in the US by some time in 2012 if im not mistaken .. it contains in it a very broad spectrum of things from land usage to vitamin availability to the types of foods available and treatments to them .. everyone should be aware of this nightmare 'beyond 1984' legislation ...

  • korff
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    did you comprehend that it replaced into additionally little pixies dressed up as muslims that completed 9/11, and do you comprehend who they did if for? the long island vacationer Board, definite, they killed 1000's of persons as a exposure stunt. Oh, do you in addition to might comprehend that WW2 replaced into no longer began by ability of Hitler invading Poland, no, it quite is a conspiracy concept designed to eliminate from the reality that Andorra replaced into at the back of international domination. They drugged Hitler and inserted a chip interior his strategies and that they controlled his movements. in spite of the shown fact that the chip form of did no longer artwork precise, you comprehend, that form of subject replaced into no longer very superior in those days. Oh, did you in addition to might comprehend that the moon is produced from cheese, only it is greater much affordable to produce cheese from cows on earth, somewhat than shoot off into area to bypass and assemble it? Supposedly "in risk" are: inner maximum belongings possession single-relatives residences inner maximum vehicle possession and guy or woman commute options Privately owned farms yet yet, this replaced into signed in 1992 and how a lot danger has there been of any of those occurring interior the U. S.? Er, 0!!! time table 21 is a imprecise record that truly does no longer look to do very a lot different than grant people who're keen to take heed to something of challenge at a conspiracy concept!! Why no longer try the conspiracy concept that the U. S. is inspite of each and every thing OPEC individuals. Kuwait replaced into liberated in 1991. Venezuela had US help in a couo against Chavez in 2002, Iraq replaced into invaded in 2003, Libya replaced into bombed (specifically by ability of suited wing govts in France and the united kingdom) in 2011. Iran replaced into threatened and is continually on the U. S.'s "radar", as they seem reason on intimidating Iran into doing what the U. S. needs. WHo next? many of the different OPEC individuals are "friendly" in the direction of the U. S., as quickly as Gadaffi, Chavez and the present regime in Iran have long previous, the U. S. will very own OPEC like its little *****. not greater vast oil value rises only because of the fact OPEC can, the U. S. will confirm of that. seem at Syria, they're killing civilians. Does the U. S. care? seem on the Ivory Coast, they have been killing civilians, did the U. S. care? seem at Yemen, comparable subject, does the U. S. care? No, however the perfect look to care a lot relating to the "civilians"(examine oil) in Libya.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Of course.

  • Sugar
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    No, Not entirely.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    Not at all!

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