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Lv 6
Tony fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 10 Jahren

Why do the people who hate capitalism say so from the protection of capitalism?

For all the people who go on to say the lies like "CAPITALISTS HATE THE WORKERS AND THE FAT CATS HOARD ALL THE MONEY AND EVIL CORPORATIONS ARE OUT THERE MURDERING EVERYONE FOR PROFIT". How come ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of you say so from the protection and shelter of a capitalistic and free nation. Never from their communistic paradises, like Cuba North Korea Venezuela etc. If you guys really hate capitalism and it's so evil like you say, why do you continue to live in a capitalistic society? Why don't you go rush to enjoy the wonders of Marxism that you seem to lift on high?


Metfan..... You cite China as your example of capitalism? They are a communist nation....

Sure they may ACT like they are a capitalist nation but they are far far far far FAR from one. They artificially manipulate their markets and currency and the government still tells you to do what ever they want or they kill you. Not a good example mon frer.

13 Antworten

  • vor 10 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    You children. Just because someone doesn't want 100% corporate government doesn't mean anyone hates capitalism. You speak like a child. I suppose your next trick is to say, "If people like trees so much why don't they marry them?" When your mommy teaches you sportsmanship, come on back and let's talk.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    What you say is also true of the European socialists:

    Every single Nanny State has at its core a capitalist component,

    from which the socialist parasites feed.

    Socialists, left to their own devices, implode like the USSR,

    or live on tree bark like the North koreans.

    You won't find a single sniveling American socialist leave this rich capitalist country:

    Unless it's some one like the cop killer Joanne Chesimard who is hiding in Cuba.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Then why don't Republicans move to Somalia? They have lots of guns, virtually no government, no taxes and certainly no regulations of any type. Be your own warlord in 5 easy steps. Aren't there mob guys in U.S. jails for the same business? Where's your outrage?

    Another b.s republican talking point. No one hates capitalism. People dislike poison drugs such as Vioxx, poison pet food, toxic drywall, lead tainted toys, salmonella tainted peanuts and pistachios and bad mortgages KNOWINGLY sold as "Grade A" investments.

    When you go grocery shopping wouldn't you want to buy food that's safe to eat? Or do want to pay top dollar for something sure to kill you and your family? That's what you're defending. Bad food, bad drugs and junk investments knowingly sold as good. That really sounds like a top notch retirement plan. Does peddling poison sound like a good business model to you? China executed a pharmaceutical executive for knowingly peddling bad drugs. While you want them to get a free ride calling it "deregulation"

    Last year all the tax cuts costs $1.9 trillion and all America got was 10% unemployment. No jobs but high unemployment. Business keeps bullsh!tting about "uncertainty" for reasons not to hire. But they sure seem certain the multimillion dollar checks to overpaid executives will clear. Any fool can fire a bunch of people but it takes a good executive to deal with uncertainty.

    Anyone disagreeing is suddenly branded "Anti-business and anti-capitalism".

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Liberals basically just want the profits deep in their pockets - period.

    Earning a Profit for a liberal is out of the question.

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  • Daniel
    Lv 7
    vor 10 Jahren

    Capitalism is an economic philosophy not a political philosophy and has noting to do with freedom. So you are comparing apples to oranges.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Even Obama their beloved messiah of the Marxist party is a capitalist, why didn't he donate his money made from his fiction books to his loving worshiping flock of fools

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Quit whining. Not everyone worships Mammon.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    The economic system of capitalism, wihch I support for the most part, does not give you free speech. See China.

  • vor 10 Jahren

    Oh so speaking out about corporate greed makes you a commie? You're an idiot.

  • Anonym
    vor 10 Jahren

    Hypocritical ignorance.

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