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  • Why isn't America proactive instead of reactive?

    Why does America continuously wait until something collapses before taking action.

    Where is the pro-activity?

    Proof of American reaction and inaction:

    1. The space race. Russia launches the first satellite. America rushes to catch up.

    2. Pearl Harbor. America knew the Japanese were going to do something. America sent their men on leave and massed all their ships in one place.

    3. Germany developed the first jet aircraft. America follows.

    4. Vietnam Tet offensive. America got wind of it and had a barbecue. It was a holiday.

    5. 9/11, An FBI agent in Florida reported about men taking flying lesson with no interest in landing. The Information went no where. It wasn't taken serious.

    6. Global Warming is the latest.

    For 35+ years we've known about an impending gas and oil shortage. What has America done about it? What did Bush Sr do? Reagan? Bush Jr? Anyone? At least Carter had solar panels on the White house. Reagan took them down. He didn't think we had an energy problem. It seems we did and still do.

    8 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • With all this money and time how come all we got were tax breaks and Drill, Baby, Drill?

    30+ years and several REPUBLICAN presidents ago we had an energy crisis. 30+ years and several REPUBLICAN presidents later we still do. But now we have 30+ years less oil.

    America has spent hundreds of billions of dollars yearly on our military. Yet the planes still use jet technology from the end of World War 2. The chinese developed solid fuel rockets over a thousand years ago. Liquid fueled during WW2 and gasoline way before that. Archimedes (287-212 BC) had steam. Substitute gas for water and you have the same thing. This year we have a TRILLION dollar military budget.

    How come we don't have more than "Drill, Baby, Drill", rehashed old technology. and tax breaks?

    3 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What did the Republicans do for the last 8 YEARS?

    Please leave Obama out. He's been in office 6 months.

    Since Republicans keep saying Democrats are responsible for the current economy and the bank failures than what EXACTLY did Republicans do for 8 years?

    Democrats had a slim majority for the last 2 years of the Bush presidency and did not have enough votes to over ride a veto.

    The United States was not attacked 7 years prior to 9/11 either.

    Shoe bomber Richard Reid was stopped by the passengers.

    Don't forget the Anthrax scares.

    Abortions are still legal and the "Morning after pill" is available.

    "No child left behind" had no funding"

    There was no discernible foreign policy and global warming was ignored.

    Please take into account the beef recalls, Salmonella tainted peanuts,

    poison pet food, Vioxx, Iraq and an FDA with a political agenda.

    Since the Democrats are responsible for the current state of affairs than what did the Republicans do? It's a valid question.

    11 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Let's hear something positive about black folks or name some.?

    Okay Barack Obama is running for President.

    That doesn't seem to sit well with folks. Judging from some of the posts I suspect this has more to do with his color than qualifications or Rev Wright.

    So besides rap artists, singers etc share something positive about African Americans. Or name some positive African American figures. Skip Oprah everyone knows her.

    10 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • In a case of God with the 10 Commandments at his feet vs a Christian with a Bible Who do you think will win?

    Bear in mind the 10 commandments were set in stone and do not reference the Bible and God knows how Humans try to worm out of everything and justify anything including capital punishment, homophobia, racism etc so he's obviouly not falling for any loopholes. Hence the stone laws. He even sent Jesus to explain it. We all know how that turned out.

    Now should the Christian be wearing their summer underwear?

    6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can unemployment be 4.5% it doesn't add up. We have a monthly net loss?

    If new unemployment claims are more than 150,000 a week and only about 120,000 new jobs are created a month how can unemployment be 4.5%. That's 600,000 jobs lost a month and only 150,000 created monthly. 4.5% doesn't add up.

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does Chavez hate the United States that much that he will allow a Muslim invasion into Venezuela?

    I understand Venezuela will allow Visa waived flights from Iran to Venezuela and vice versa next month. Does Chavez not see a potential threat of being overrun by radical Muslims which of course will be the ones Iran will send to fan out to neighboring Latin American countries. Also bear in mind $250,000 and a promise of starting a business will get you into the United States from Venezuela into Miami. You know $250K isn't hard for an oil rich country to donate to a "GOOD" cause. Just a thought

    14 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Leave out religion please!! Why are movies, video games and music incorrectly blamed for violence in society?

    Look at history mankind has brutalized, tortured, enslaved and killed one another for centuries without rap music, video games, movies and electronics.. American slaveowners, Vikings, Barbarians, Romans, Huns, Alexander the Great etc did not have playstations, Xboxes or Grand Theft Auto nor 50 Cent. Last month a teenager was stoned and stomped to death in Iraq. Don't tell me her killers were hyped on 'Rainbow 6"

    10 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How many of your friends with gun carry permits have actually fired at an equally armed opponent and lived?

    Everyone thinks having a gun is an equalizer against someone like Idiot Cho. How many of your friends with a gun carry permit actually engaged someone equally armed outside of military and police service and lived? True numbers only please!!!

    11 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • In light of Virginia Tech, How do guns protect anyone?

    I hate guns however the U..S. constitution says we have the right to bear arrms. Seems to me that idiot Cho bore them well and Virginia cheerfully helped him with that right. What's the problem?

    16 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 1 Jahrzehnt