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So Tired
Anyone know any 'hardcore' mystery games?
I like mystery games, but I find a lot of them hold your hand and guide the player a little too much.
I know it's to help the player and to prevent them from getting lost or stuck.
But I'd like a hardcore mystery game that's so difficult, it leaves almost everything up to YOU.
I've been playing Murdered: Soul Suspect and it's pretty good so far but feels a bit too easy to me.
Anyone know any good stuff to suggest?
1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 5 JahrenWhat is a job portrayed as cool in the movies that actually IS as interesting as the movies say they are?
Yes there are many jobs and careers that the movies make more interesting than they really are e.g. archaeologist and Indiana Jones or undercover police are potrayed as action stars.
But what is a job that is cool and interesting in the movies that actually is in real life?
4 AntwortenMoviesvor 5 JahrenCan someone help give me feedback for my music? Rock/Pop?
Hey there. I'm a young musician just trying to make his way and still got a long way to go, but this is the newest track me and my mixer/masterer teammate are working on:
Positive or negative feedback welcome, so long as it's constructive!
1 AntwortRock and Popvor 5 JahrenWhat is the opposite of 'get off your high horse'?
What is a good phrase to encourage people to have some morals, sense, and decency instead of implying those that do have these things are elitist or arrogant?
I've heard the phrases 'Have some morals!', and 'Get your head out of the gutter' and 'have some standards', but they don't quite do it for me.
Is there anything better?
6 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 5 JahrenWouldn t prehistoric humans have been skinny? Why is there this belief they would have been large, strong, and fit?
Here is my argument:
Food was scarce in the prehistoric era and difficult to come by. Even if you were a part of a hunter-gatherer society, it is still likely it would have been hard to get food.
This is probably why many, many tribes were nomadic - you can t stay in any one place for too long due to its limited recourses.
This lack of access to food would mean pre-historic humans would not be getting the necessary nutrients required for muscular growth. To develop more muscles you have to be in a calorie surplus. The prehistoric humans probably were in calorie surpluses sometimes, but probably rarely. They probably would have only gotten just enough food to maintain muscle and minimum body fat, sometimes maybe even less.
Men and women who are fit today have access not only to specially designed gym/exercise equipment, but the right kinds of food they need to be strong.
Do you really think the average prehistoric adult human male would have been capable of consuming 3,000 calories across 6 meals EVERY. SINGLE. DAY?
I suspect prehistoric humans would have been thin but fit , not ripped like today s bodybuilders.
5 AntwortenHistoryvor 6 JahrenIs it too late for me to improve my health state?
I am 16 year old male.
As a kid I ate very unhealthy. I know most children do but for me it really was bad basically Mcdonalds and fast food EVERY. SINGLE. NIGHT.
And as a young teenager I still ate horribly and never exercised.
I was skinny-fat up until 14/15 where I decided I wanted a change.
So I slimmed up.
But only since the beginning of this year have I started truly eating healthy and exercising right.
The problem is diseases such as diabetes run in my family and I have heard you can already not only get diabetes young but also can already get heart diseases even if they don't run in your family.
I just feel like it's too late and in the next few years I probably might get it.
Will changing now be able to delay health issues and problems from happening?
Because thing is my whole life 15 years terrible, terrible diet too much sugar, fat etc. 3 cokes a day level sh*t....
Am I screwed?
3 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 6 JahrenWhat are leg exercises that ENCOURAGE leg muscle growth. I have no equipment whatsoever so it cannot be things like squats or etc.?
I need leg exercises that encourage leg muscle growth but need no equipment to do.
I already tried step-ups and calf raises but both barely felt like an exercise at all.
Maybe I just have poor form but the step ups did not really exercise my thighs at all and honestly just felt way too easy, even when I wore a heavy bag on my back just to make it harder.
I do a bit of parkour sometimes and when I go up stairs I normally run up them and double step so my leg muscles are kind of already use to 'step ups' already so I need something different.
The calf raises though they did exercise my calves so I'll continue doing them.
However I still need leg exercises, ones that will help your leg muscles grow, especially thigh muscles.
I already eat a healthy balanced diet and already do cardio exercises and also work on other areas of my body as well e.g biceps, triceps, back,, chest, abs, etc. so no need to tell me do start doing any of this.
Just need leg exercises that's all other than squats. Many leg exercises seem to require equipment which I have none of. All I have are the basics - chairs, bags for lifting or adding weights to pushups, a bench.
2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 6 JahrenAre musicians more likely to be better dancers?
Is a musician of relatively normal or slightly above average fitness level more likely to be able to be a good dancer?
Because of their trained ears and sense of rhythm you'd think they would be better able to move their bodies to the music and good timing.
What do you think?
1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 6 JahrenWhat genre would you consider my electronic song? I actually don't know...?
I'd like to know what it is so I can categorize it properly on websites like Soundcloud, etc. so that people can find my music easier.
When I made this song I didn't worry about genre at all and was inspired by many different styles of electronic.
Should I just say "Experimental" or "Cross-genre"?
2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 6 JahrenIf I am very tired but also very hungry, should I eat and stay up a little longer or just go to sleep and let myself starve?
Google has come up with nothing useful except that your diet can cause fatigue, but that's not my problem.
I just had a very poor sleep last night and only got about 3 or 4 hours sleep.
I was feeling sick today so ate a very light dinner but now I am hungry.
I want to catch up on sleep and have an early night but am also very hungry.
Should I eat something now to feel better and try to go to sleep a little later or go to sleep now hungry?
4 AntwortenOther - General Health Carevor 6 JahrenIs it alright to exercise 6 days a week, then take 2 days rest before another 6 day routine.?
My 'goal' is to maintain my current weight (as in not lose weight) and gain a bit of muscle.
I've been doing all the right workouts and eat healthy.
My question is just the time-frame.
Is it alright to have 6 days of exercise as a routine/at the same time every day, and then take 2 days break before beginning again.
Some have said 5 days a week is the way to go but I also heard you're supposed to get at least 30 minutes of exercise EVERY day...
1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 6 JahrenIf someone over 18 was raped by someone under 18, would the over 18 still be the one that gets into trouble?
I've heard that if you are over 18 and have sex with someone under 18, than it is considered statutory rape and the 18 year old will be punished.
But what if someone over 18 was actually raped by a minor under 18.
Let's say the 18 year old could provide evidence and if there were several witnesses.
Who would get into trouble?
7 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 6 JahrenAm I 'demi-sexual'. I am beginning to think I am. And please no useless comments saying 'demisexual' doesn't exist. I want actual help.?
I'm a 16 year old guy.
Well I was always obsessed with girls and last year pretty much every second girl I was attracted to.
If I had a crush on a girl I didnt think at all about having sex with her, I only wanted to date her and do romantic things with her like kiss and hug and touch.
Now I am the complete OPPOSITE.
I can not look at a random stranger and find them sexually attractive - I just can't anymore.
Sometimes I do, but this is only very rarely, and if I do end up masturbating to a random stranger, I regret it after and end up feeling nothing. Nothing at all. It feels like complete sh*t to be honest. No pleasure.
I have looked up Asexuality and Demi-sexuality and always wondered if I am.
There's actually this girl I have a crush on who I am friends with. I masturbate to her all the time and it is the best feeling in the world, I am physically attracted to her in almost every way.
But if it was a random person then no I don't feel any pleasure at all.
I look at random girls at school and feel nothing...ever. I see them as just people, really.
I can't even look at a girl and think "Oh she's pretty" or "She's beautiful". Everyone, male or female, just looks exactly the same to me.
It's only when I have a crush on a girl am I attracted to her and only her...
6 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 6 JahrenVomiting after exercise? How to recover? If you vomit an entire MEAL after exercising, what do you eat to recover?
I've tried searching it but all I could find was that it's best to eat a banana or wholegrain bread after vomiting.
This doesn't make-up for my entire lunch, now does it?
Also, because I pushed myself too far, what do I do to recover?
Do I just rest and relax and then continue my exercise routine tomorrow, or do I need a few days break?
So what do I do?
1 AntwortDiet & Fitnessvor 6 JahrenIs it normal to hate self-improvement? How do I overcome this?
I hate self-improvement, because it kills my self-esteem.
If I already have a good, healthy self-esteem, self-improvement only makes me find reasons why I need to be better...
And if I can't live up to my self-improvement goals I only end up feeling inadequate and have a low-self esteem, which is the exact opposite of what self-improvement is supposed to do.
How do I avoid feeling this whenever I try to make my life better?
2 AntwortenPsychologyvor 6 JahrenIs it healthy to handle rejection with narcissism? It's certainly better than whining and crying like a pathetic 'nice guy', isn't it?
I am not some pathetic and entitled 'nice guy' who believes he is entitled to love or sex from women and believes women do not love him because he is 'nice' and needs to be an 'a55hole'.
No, I believe if a woman rejects me, it's HER LOSS.
I have a lot to offer in a relationship, I have just as much a chance as anyone else at love. If a woman is foolish and blind enough to reject me in the first place, than I know a relationship with her would have NEVER worked.
I feel sorry for the poor 'nice guy's' who still pathetically go after a woman and begin to be an a55hole to get her affection.
You're wasting your time on a woman that was stupid enough to reject you in the first place, there is no reason why you should continue when you already know that you are above her/too good for her...
2 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 6 JahrenWhere is this belief that men were more 'masculine' in the past coming from?
It varies between culture and culture.
The Romans openly practiced homosexuality and idealized smaller, weaker more hairless men than one with a large and manly body.
300 years ago British men might have worse dresses and wigs and makeup while having tea parties together.
As recently as the '70s disco-loving men were effeminate and flamboyant, and don't even get me started on the '80s.
So, where is this belief held by Men's Rights Activists that men were 'more manly' in the past and that today's men are feminized weaklings?
Sure, there might not have been a Justin Bieber or One Direction types in say the 1960s, but to deny the fact that masculinity has always been subjective across culture is ridiculous...
12 AntwortenGender Studiesvor 6 JahrenAre age of consent laws a BROKEN system?
It depends on where you live, but really?
17 and 16 year old = Can have as much sex as they want.
The 17 year old turns 18 and the 16 year old turns 17 = BAD, BAD BAD! ILLEGAL, HORRIBLE, CREEP, PERVERTED, PEDOPHILE, USING HER, etc.
10 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 6 JahrenI listen to '80s music today's stuff sucks i am 14 help is this bad?
Am I a totally unique and amazing teen with wonderful taste in music superior to that of my peers who listen to garbage modern music like Justin Bieber or other pop garbage?
Am I a special little snowflake by thinking music only before 1985 was deep, meaninful amazing stuff?
Is this bad oh no is it bad I like these things or is it okay?
What do you think? Am I insecure with my own taste in things that I need ressaurance from strangers from the internet to help my self-esteem and make me feel good about myself and lie to myself that I listen to better music than everyone else to feel good about myself when I am actually miserable inside?
6 AntwortenRock and Popvor 6 JahrenWhy do Americans seem to dislike NATIONALISM. Were the founders of America PATRIOTS, or NATIONALISTS?
I don't know why the answer would be 'patriots'.
Patriotism is blind love and passion for your nation, dedication to your country.
Sure, the founders of America were patriots AFTER the United States declared its independence.
But, what were they BEFORE America's independence?
Considering America was a colony owned by Great Britain and still technically belonged to Britain, wouldn't this mean American's founders were NATIONALISTS/REVOLUTIONISTS?
Nationalist =
a person who advocates political independence for a country.
a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against enemies or detractors.
How can Americans love patriotism so much, but hate nationalism?
Their country was founded by nationalists who were against the British patriots/loyalists.
4 AntwortenPoliticsvor 6 Jahren