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Everyday's the same again...

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I'm 33, I have 2 little girls.

  • How do I tackle this behaviour from an 8/9 year old girl?

    My daughter is nearly 9 years old, her dad and I split up 4 years ago following his affair - he is still with the woman. Initially we shard contact as they only lived a few minutes away and we literally split the week in half and had every other weekend with her.

    Not long after we split I met a new partner and eventually he moved in. My daughter was ok throughout all of this and behaved normally with normal levels of "attitude".

    Three months ago my second daughter was born, and - at roughly the same time - my first daughter's dad moved to Wales with his girlfriend leaving my daughter with me most of the time (he sees her every other weekend). At first she was brilliant, we developed a good routine of walking home from school, doing homework, cooking tea - life was idyllic. Then, after the first fortnight she had her first weekend visit with her dad - since then she has turned into the devil child. She purposely ignores what i say to her or ask her, she refuses to do as she's told, she has major strops about five times a day about things which are quite silly - for example I asked her to repeat herself twice because I am slightly deaf in one ear and couldn't hear her so she launched her lunchbox across the room, shouted forget it" and stormed off!!!! Her strops usually end with her tearing up the stairs as loudly as possible and then sobbing and shouting for ten minutes before coming back and saying the obligatory (but not meant) "sorry"

    What on earth do I do?????? I have tried the naughty step, taking things away, grounding her, stopping her from attending parties/swimming lessons etc - she genuinely doesn't care.

    8 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why do people post pictures on here asking if they're beautiful when they blatantly know they are?

    Why don't they leave the internet alone for us people that know we are ugly and fat???????????????????

    8 AntwortenLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgendervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what would jeggings look like on a size 12?

    I'm a size 12, i don't like skinny jeans as i find them uncomfortable but I've bought some over-the-knee boots and I'd love some "jeans" to go underneath. As an alternative I was thinking about jeggings - but being a size UK 12 i don't know if i'd look like thunder-thighs?

    10 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do I stop my cat from peeing on everything?

    We had our cat from eight weeks old and she took to the litter tray no problem. She is now one and a half and we have a new baby (10 weeks old). We haven't changed anything with her - she hasn't been allowed in the bedrooms or anything anyway so that wasn't something we needed to stop, but she has started weeing on everything - the first time was on the baby changing mat, the second time was on her own bed and we've just noticed that she peed on my partner's backpack for work. Apart from the added hassle of trying to clean it up all the time I am just not happy with her behaviour and unless i can get her to stop I'm going to have to seriously think about whether or not I can keep her.

    PLEASE help, how can i stop her doing this?

    3 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 2 yr old cat - bald patches, poss as result of play fighting?

    I have a 4 yr old male and a 2yr old female. The male goes out, the female doesn't. The male is neutered, the female isn't.

    This morning when I got up she had a bald patch about the circumference of an old 50p piece on the back of her neck/back. It wasn't there last night. She has been scratching it and it is pinky red now, it looks damp - but it's not seeping or bleeding. I suspect that it is the result of them play fighting, which they regularly do - the fight only ending when he gets annoyed and has a go back she then slinks off.

    My question is really, what should I do? just leave it to heal naturally, or bathe the area? Should I take her to the vets, or see how she goes over the next couple of days?


    8 AntwortenCatsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do you deal with a noisy neighbour?

    Our neighbour is very noisy - she plays loud music with a pounding beat which can clearly be heard through the walls and over our TV. I could turn up my TV to cover it - but then our TV would be so loud it would annoy OUR neighbours.

    We have previously asked her to turn it down - and she does, but why should I have to be an ogre and constantly knock on her door to ask her to be more considerate?

    She has two young babies in there and God only knows what damage she is doing to their hearing.

    14 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do i treat a cold when i'm pregnant?

    I'm 7 weeks pregnant (nearly 8) and I have a horrid cold. Sore throat, runny nose etc. The problem is that when I get a cold and leave it without any medication I end up with runny eyes too - not only is this very unsightly, but it's a pain in the @ss as it means I can't drive or anything as i can't see.

    All the medication over the counter seems to contain paracetamol (which I'm led to believe you can't take whilst pregnant) so what are my options?


    12 AntwortenOther - Health & Beautyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I get focused on completing my assignment?

    It's due in tomorrow, it's a topic I really enjoy and I know I could do well - but how do I get down to it? I've already drafted my answer on paper, and I have half of the actual essay typed - but I just can't get 'round to finishing it...

    1 AntwortOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's the weather in early October - Majorca - like?

    We're going on holiday to Majorca (I think it's South east coast) in the first/second week of October - will i be able to sunbathe and what sorts of clothes should we take? Also - is it cold or warm at night?


    4 AntwortenIslas Balearesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Graduation outfit? - I'm only watching, I'm not the one graduating lol!?

    My boyf is graduating on Tuesday - so I don't have long to sort it out. i checked the weather and it's going to be raining and windy (super!). We will have to park a fair distance away so I want something that cn deal with water and be comfy.

    I'm a size 12, hourglass - pear shaped but I have LARGE calves.

    I was thinking of wide leg trousers, heels and either a frilly blouse or a plain one with a waistcoat. OR a pencil skirt with thick black tights, heels and a frilly blouse.

    I'm 28 - so I can't pull off the funky student look any more (lol) but i don't want to look like a granny either. It needs to be cheap but not look it, and I need to be able to buy it tomorrow!

    Any ideas??? THANKS!

    5 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Will Mikey get an apology off Princess and Superchef now they've passed the task?

    ...being as they were insinuating that they'd fail because of Mikey being blind?

    22 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What should I eat for a snack?

    I'm feeling peckish - but I don't know what I want, I don't do fish etc, so what would you suggest as a NICE evening snack/treat?

    22 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Sensible answers only please; alcoholism - what stage is he at, and how long do I have left with him?

    My mom and I have thought my dad was an alcoholic for some time. They split up 18 months ago when she finlly left him. I don't blame her, I probably wouldn't have lasted the 30 years she did.

    I recently went on holiday to a caravan with him and my daughter. Whilst we were there I noticed how he's getting worse.

    His eyes are yellow, his skin is jaundiced, his urine smells very strong (I went to the loo after him) he doesn't have solid bowel movements any more (I heard whilst i was in the next room). He doesn't eat, on more than one occassion he only had two piecs of toast all day.On the occassion that he did try to eat a meal he was immediately sick (I mean immediately).

    He drinks about 12 cans of weak lager a day, but won't drink strong lager or spirits as he says he's not an alcoholic.

    What I'd like to know is what stage is he in, and how long do I have left with him? I have given up nagging him, as it's a fruitless exercise whilst he's still in denial. Plese don't reply with a message that slags him off, he's my dad - and if you do I'll report you for not answering the question.

    many thanks to those of you who do answer properly.

    7 AntwortenOther - Diseasesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • BB9 - what's a wooden brick?

    any bex fans - can you explain what a wooden brick is please?

    9 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why are teenage girls obsessed with putting their pics up on the internet for all and sundry to look at?

    I know that most of us on here will be ok - but are we all??? Do any of us really know what/who lies behind the avatar?

    3 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why has Rex suddenly turned into a naughty boy??

    He was so dedicated to his work and his girlfriend, and now he is all over Sara like a rash. I would be so pissed off if I was his girlf, after being, initially, so proud! And what's with showing off his bacofoil shoes, just 'cos he's a chef!! LOL

    8 AntwortenReality Televisionvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Pregnancy following missed miscarriage...?

    I'm 4 days past my due date for my period; I have tested +ive with a digital and 2 normal pregnancy tests; but I am soo scared that I'll have a missed miscarriage again. I almost wish that the last one was a normal miscarriage so that I might know what signs to look out for, but last time I "carried" for five weeks after the miscarriage until the scan picked up that the baby had stopped growing.

    What can I do to stop worrying? What are the chances of it happening again? When will I be able to enjoy my pregnancy?

    8 AntwortenTrying to Conceivevor 1 Jahrzehnt