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How do you deal with a noisy neighbour?

Our neighbour is very noisy - she plays loud music with a pounding beat which can clearly be heard through the walls and over our TV. I could turn up my TV to cover it - but then our TV would be so loud it would annoy OUR neighbours.

We have previously asked her to turn it down - and she does, but why should I have to be an ogre and constantly knock on her door to ask her to be more considerate?

She has two young babies in there and God only knows what damage she is doing to their hearing.


It's terraced houses, she's the end terrace and I'm in the middle. She rents and I rent - both private but different landlords. I don't really want to involve the council as I know this can lead to greater animosity and she's just more likely to retaliate at a later stage.

If I retaliate by doing teh same there is a chnace that I could be prosecuted for noise nusance - isn't that always the way, the one who starts it gets away with it but the one who does it when they're at the end of their tether gets done for it.

Also- being in the middle, If I do do something my NICE neighbours will also suffer, which isn't really fair.

14 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It is obvious that your neighbor has no respect for other people due to the fact that she keeps blasting her music even though you have asked her to stop.

    Your best bet would be to file a noise ordinance against this inconsiderate woman.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Do not disturb your nice neighbours! Have you tried asking them for advice or support? as they too must know the noisy neighbour?.

    It sounds like your noisy neighbour has only in responded to specific requests from you. Therefore, you must advise her that the general level at which she plays her music is too loud and it is disturbing you. If appropriate, you could invite her into your house so she can hear how loud it is. Suggest that maybe she could move the stereo to the unattached side of the house and turn it down?

    Be firm that unless she reduces the noise level, you will be left with no choice but to take further action( although you would prefer to work it out amicably).

    If that does not work then a complaint to her Landlord would be the first step, preferably written, as she is probably violating the terms of her tenancy. If that's unsuccessful, then you would need to involve the council. They will serve a notice on her and if that does not work, they will install recording equipment in your house to monitor the noise levels. This all takes time and does cause animosity but, if the council are involved, it makes it harder for her to retaliate.

    This all happened to my next door neighbour, with the neighbours on the other side of him in our terrace. The noisy ones were renting from a relative who didn't care. The council were involved for ages to no avail. In the end he lost his temper, threatened them and they moved out the following week.

    Another close neighbour nipped a similar potential problem in the bud, first time. He threatening to kick in the door of his next door noisy neighbours. My street was quiet and although I don't promote what my former neighbours did but it seemed to have the desired effect.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    apartment, townhouse, or house?

    If you're renting and have a lease, then there should be something in there that talks about neighbor consideration and disruption. You could contact the landlord, or call the police to file a report (non-emergency number). If you filed a report, you at least would have evidence. If she refuses to stop being inconsiderate, start recording in a journal everything she does, the date & time so you can also have THAT as a reference. Extreme, yes, but in some cases, necessary. The fact that she has babies in there as well.......I hate to say it, but could actually be a case for CPS. You may not want to do that (even though it's anonymous), but I mean the well-being of the babies is also at stake.

    If you are in an apartment, reporting it to the leasing office will issue a warning to her. If she continuously does it, she can and most likely will get evicted.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    If you are living in an apartment complex you need to speak to the landlord or the manager of the building. YOu take your complaints to them in a professional manner. Tell the landlord that the tenants in ( whatever apartment #) are being very loud in the late hours of the evening or in the very early mornings. My brother is a manager of an apartment complex and will not tolerate any noses after 10 pm to be considerate to all the other tenats. If this rule is violated more than twice.. then he kicks them out. When the tenant first arrives, he has them agree to certain rules of the building community. If you get no results from your landlord or manger of the building.. then you can go to the police and file a complaint.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'd join her, sounds like she plays good music. :)

    My sister has a kid, they have subs in their car and they play really loud techno/trance music with her in the car, she's like 2 now and doesn't have any hearing problems, so I doubt that's an issue. (mind you they have the stereo up loud enough to shake soda that's in the car lol)

    But that's just me, if it bothers you then I think she should turn it down.

    Idk, just ask her to turn it down. Tell her it's annoying that you're always having to come over. Maybe buy her a pair of DJ Headphones (so she can still hear the bass without bothering you)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Try to arrange a way to talk to her where you can express that you do not like how loud she turns up her music.

    If that does not work, call the police and make a noise complaint. Better to stop the problem without resorting to retaliation

  • Andrew
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    tell them about. i have same thing with my neighbour . if it was not for my wife the nut jack next flat to me would have no front door on. i would just smash it in. and kick him down the stairs . but wife not let me. so i report him to council . so you should report it i think .

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Sounds like you're in an apartment. Just contact your apartment's office that she is being a consistent problem. You have a legal right to peaceably enjoy your home and if she is consistently interrupting that you do have a legal case against her.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If the neighbour doesn't have any consideration for her babies, then I would be straight on the phone to social services.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Listen, the next time she does it threaten her by saying you'll call the police next time. That should stop her! If not then if you've got the guts then REALLY call the police. They will probably sort it, but you could lose her friendship. If you're not friends, Y not?

    BTW I'm a noisy neighbor myself, i hate to admit! But through past years they havnt called the police on me!


    Wow, that was unexpected!

    Maybe just try the threatening part!


    Quelle(n): My Street
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