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Dog having breathing issues attacks?
I have a 2.5 year old chiwawa dachshund mix *****. (lol, apparently I can't use the "b" word to describe my female dog!) Every now and then she has these little breathing issue attacks, they generally only last about 5-10 minutes, and then she's fine. But during them, she's miserable. What she does while it's happening is inhale deeply in little bursts through her nose. It almost seems like she's got mucus clogging up her air passage, and is trying to clear it. She doesn't move around much when it's happening, and wants to hide under the coffee table when it happens.
Last night she woke me up with one of her attacks, it seemed to last longer than usual, and seemed more intense than usual.
I thought it might be asthma, but everything I read says dogs with asthma will cough, not inhale.
Anyone have an idea what might be wrong? Should I be concerned?
1 AntwortDogsvor 1 JahrzehntHow long would a rope be if...?
How long would a 1 inch thick nylon rope have to be, if placed in a straight line on a smooth marble floor, before an average man could move the rope by pulling on one end? And which would be more at fault for his inability to move the rope, the weight of the rope, or the friction against the smooth marble floor?
3 AntwortenPhysicsvor 1 JahrzehntWhy did "God" make me?
Assuming the Christian god is real, why did he make me? If he is all knowing, he would have known that I would turn out to be an atheist. If he is all knowing, he would know even before making me that I would reject the idea of god, and end up in hell when I die.
To me it seems that this god is creating people with the only purpose being to populate hell.
If I knew ahead of time that my creation would be a failure, why would I bother to create it in the first place. I'd just make sure to create ones that I knew wouldn't fail.
You can say god gives us free will. But if I have free will, then god is not all knowing. If he's not all knowing, he's not a god.
7 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntHow much will I be taxed on...?
I have a desk job where I make around 31,000 a year. On the side I make a small sum here and there as a juggler doing shows with my juggling troupe. Usually it's small enough that it's not worth worrying about taxes. However, we got a bigger job, and they wanted a tax ID number for our troup. Since we don't have one, my only choice was to use my SS#. So I sent them a W9 with my info on it, and they're cutting a check for $1500. $330 of that has to be used for general liability insurance, and the rest is to be split between the three of us who are performing.
I was wondering if someone could help me calculate how much I'll get taxed, so I know how much money to pay my two juggling partners.
2 AntwortenUnited Statesvor 1 JahrzehntWhy haven't you read the bible?
An 11 year old girl can blaze through 500 plus pages of Harry Potter in 3 days, yet people will go to their graves claiming to be Christians, claiming their god wrote a book, yet they've never even bothered to read it.
21 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntI haven't been here in a while...?
Is there still babby on the menu??
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntMy question: Is God a monster?
I am an atheist. Assuming I am wrong and God exists, consider this: God is all knowing. In other words, even before I was born (before he created me,) God knew I would become an atheist. Now assuming I never convert to Christianity, I will go to hell when I die. God, being all knowing, would know before he even created me that I would go to hell.
So basically God is creating humans with the purpose of burning in hell.
Seems a loving God wouldn't bother creating me if he knew before he created me that I'd end up in a pit of fire.
Comments please.
19 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIs there hope for my external Hard Drive?
I have a Seagate Freeagent Desktop 500 gig. Out of the blue, it seems to have stopped working. It's spinning, and the computer recognizes that a USB device is being plugged in, or unplugged, but nothing shows up on My Computer screen.
Any suggestions?
4 AntwortenOther - Hardwarevor 1 Jahrzehntsimple geometry question...?
I have a triangle. The left side and the bottom form a 90 degree angle, the third line and the bottom form a 45 degree angle. I know the length of the third line. How do I find the length of the other two lines? It's been too long since I took a geometry class... can't remember. Please help! :) Thanks!
4 AntwortenMathematicsvor 1 JahrzehntWill God change again?
Often when you point out the atrocities of the Old Testament, apologists will insist that we shouldn't focus on those things, because Jesus came along and changed it all, made it better, nicer, friendlier.
So God had one set of rules and procedures and then decided to change. How do we know he's not going to change his policies again?
If he does, what do you think the new God will be like? Will he go back to being a jerk and killing innocents? Promoting slavery? Or will he go in a completely different random direction?
18 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntMom, how will you be happy in heaven?
Me: Mom, do you believe in heaven and hell.
Mom: Yes.
Me: Do you believe heaven is a place of eternal happiness and hell is a place of eternal suffering?
Mom: Yes
Me: Do you believe that since you're a Christian you'll go to heaven and that if I don't become a Christian I'll go to hell?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Do you love me mom?
Mom: Yes.
Me: Good. I love you too mom. But explain this to me. How will you be happy in heaven KNOWING your son, who you love, is suffering for eternity, and the god you worship in heaven will never let my suffering stop?
Mom: (no reply)
12 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntThe Mystery of the Chunks of Jesus....?
I remember seeing in a preview for that snuff film, oh, what was it called??.... Oh, right.. Passion of the Christ. Anyway I remember in this one shot, a roman soldier whips Jesus in the back with some barbed wire whip like thing. The bits of metal dig into his back and as the soldier pulls back on the whip to retract it, large Chunks of Jesus' back go flying.
So that got me wondering... What exactly happened to those Chunks of Jesus? (please note that out of respect for Him, that is Jesus, I am capitalizing "Chunks," since after all they are His Chunks.)
When Jesus came back to life three days later, were the Chunks of Jesus that lay in the dust alive again as well?
It's a mystery of science and religion, I tell you!
How long would they live for?
I wonder if they pulsed in the dust.
If Jesus were like a starfish he could have grown multiple copies of himself!
4 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIf you are a Christian I'd like to know if you think Jesse Helms is now in hell or not?
Don't bother replying "That is God's decision not mine." Speculate. What do you think God's decision will be.
2 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIf you could stop a man from raping a child, would you?
Of course you would! If you knew someone who had the power to guarantee that children were never again raped, and they did not use that power, what would you think of that person?
10 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntIf you can't see it it's not real...?
All too often the argument against evolution that I hear is that there was no-one around to witness it happen, so how could it happen.
They of course ignore the fossil evidence.
But at the same time, don't they realize they're shooting themselves in the foot? After all, no-one saw "God" create the world in 6 days.
(this question got reported and deleted apparently for not being an actual question. I thought it was... but anyhow... here is my actual question.)
How can creationists have this double standard?
8 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntThe world will not end in 2012, but 2099.?
If you're running windows, double click on the clock in the bottom right hand corner... then advance the years on the calendar. Does it go past 2099? No! What does that tell you??
6 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhy have so few Christians read the Bible?
If I believed that after I died I could potentially spend eternity burning in a pit of fire, I would have memorized the whole book as quickly as I could.
If I believed there was a god, I'd look around the world and see the thousands of variations of religion, and I'd want to make sure, 100 percent sure, that I had picked the right one. I'd probably read all the religious texts and get as much information as I could.
So again, why do so few Christians actually read the Bible?
22 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntWhat if your sandwich came to life and ate you. Is that evolution?
What brilliant comedy that question was. I still have the whole question from that guy in my buffer. Shame it was erased.
19 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntOn asking forgiveness.?
So I got into heated debate with a Christian from this website. It quickly spiraled down into insults and attacks on both ends. When she started using vulgar words and insulting me, I questioned her Christianity. I mentioned "turning the other cheek," "loving thy neighbor," and "judging not." I told her that if hell did exists, we'd be hanging out there together because she wasn't being a good Christian.
Her response made me wonder something. She told me she'd be going to heaven because she asks forgiveness to God after she curses.
What it made me wonder is this. Shouldn't Christians ask forgiveness of the people they attack, as well as their god? If you attack someone verbally, but never appologise, even if you've asked forgiveness from your god, the deed hasn't been undone until you ask forgiveness of the victim, right?
11 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 Jahrzehnt