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  • Iam from germany and my english is not good. Can anybody correct my short text!!!?

    Which disadvantages of small experiments did you observe in executing your own experiment?

    In the executing of our experiment which we called “The drunken driver” there were small problems for example, the test subject’s didn´t want to respond our enquiries. Since it were for many test subjects to unpleasant that they didn´t intervene therefore they were not willing to answer our questions. In addition, the test subjects tried to bluff it out by trying to justify their intervention or there non intervention. A male test person said after the execute experiment for example, that he has not intervened because our alcohol bottle could be filled by us with water. We also did not have the enough equipment (for example more than one camera, a microphone and so on) to record all reactions of the test subjects with the camera. Many of our observation were lost because we could not film their reactions from different perspectives at the same time.

    1 AntwortWords & Wordplayvor 7 Jahren
  • Iam from germany and I need your help, can anybody help me??

    Can anybody correct my short english text, because Iam from germany and my english is not good!!!

    Altough the two experiments “The Standford Prisoner´s Experiment” and “A Class Divided” were carried into execution in a different way, they still have similarities. One of the similarities was, that in both experiments a group must subordinated to the other group and to the laws, during the other group got some legitimate power.

    In both experiments the voluntary participants began to bluster into their roles. After a few hours the group with the legitimate power began to use their force and to start doing to discriminate and to harass the subordinated group. After a short time the participants from the experiments forgot the reality and the experiment. All people started to bluster into their roles, so that one of the groups began to stop to act humanely, during the other group to break out completely in emotion.

    Moreover, the subordinate group’s didn´t break off the test in any of the experiment because they can no longer to distinguish between reality and the experiment. Therefore, they begin to follow the rules from the commander of the experiment. At the end of the both experiments, the groups with the coercive power to regretted their brute actions.

    2 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 7 Jahren
  • Iam from germany can anyone correct my short text?

    Altough the two experiments “The Standford Prisoner´s Experiment” and “A Class Divided” were carried into execution in a different way, they still have similarities. One of the similarities was, that in both experiments a group must subordinated to the other group and to the laws, during the other group got some legitimate power.

    In both experiments the voluntary participants began to bluster into their roles. After a few hours the group with the legitimate power began to use their force and to start doing to discriminate and to harass the subordinated group. After a short time the participants from the experiments forgot the reality and the experiment. All people started to bluster into their roles, so that one of the groups began to stop to act humanely, during the other group to break out completely in emotion.

    Moreover, the subordinate group’s didn´t break off the test in any of the experiment because they can no longer to distinguish between reality and the experiment. Therefore, they begin to follow the rules from the commander of the experiment. At the end of the both experiments, the groups with the coercive power to regretted their brute actions.

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 7 Jahren
  • Iam from germany and I need your help?

    can anybody correct my text. thank you :)


    First we walked the line from Altona to Wartenau across St. Pauli, Rödingsmarkt, Rathaus and Mönckebergstraße. We concentrated on pedestrian, buses, cars and bicycle driver because we saw them on the most pictures we took. Especially in Altona there were a lot of cyclists. We chose Altona as our investigation area. Therefor we went again to Altona, where we chose fife different points (S-Bahn Altona, Schell-Pressen-Straße, the beginning and the end of the Große Rainstraße) and took ten minutes long pictures with an interval of 15 seconds. But we also took pictures, without a time limit, which were interesting for us. After this process we choose the most relevant pictures for our topic.

    4 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • Iam from germany and I need your help?

    can anybody correct my text. thank you :)


    Our topic was the road users especially cyclists and there part in the whole traffic. We took this topic, because during we walked the line, we saw everywhere cyclists. Cyclist with different stories. We were looking for the special characteristic of cyclists in different spaces and wanted to know how the traffic does works with bicycle riders. This was our question.

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • Iam from germany and I need your help?

    Can anybody correkt my english text. Thank you :)


    Our topic was the road users especially cyclists and there part in the whole traffic. We took this topic, because during we walked the line, we saw everywhere cyclists. Cyclist with different stories. We were looking for the special characteristic of cyclists in different spaces and wanted to know how the traffic does works with bicycle riders. This was our question.


    First we walked the line from Altona to Wartenau across St. Pauli, Rödingsmarkt, Rathaus and Mönckebergstraße. We concentrated on pedestrian, buses, cars and bicycle driver because we saw them on the most pictures we took. Especially in Altona there were a lot of cyclists. We chose Altona as our investigation area. Therefor we went again to Altona, where we chose fife different points (S-Bahn Altona, Schell-Pressen-Straße, the beginning and the end of the Große Rainstraße) and took ten minutes long pictures with an interval of 15 seconds. But we also took pictures, without a time limit, which were interesting for us. After this process we choose the most relevant pictures for our topic.


    The life on the streets is like a film. Everywhere u can see an act which describes a situation. The picture down for example describes an act. The woman would like to go to the other side of the street. Therefor she has to go across the bus lane. She communicates with the bus driver. According to that the bus driver or the woman stops. One of them can across the street. Sure we have traffic rules and everybody have to follow them. But in some situations, where the traffic have priority, the traffic considerate to the pedestrian and cyclist. Referring to the cyclist: Everywhere you can see bicycle lane. But in some areas you don’t. Therefore cyclist use the same street as the traffic. We noticed that the bicycle usage is actually higher in densely populated urban districts. In districts where the leisure facilities, shopping facilities and more are subordinate. The most probable reason is still, that some roads in Altona are quite narrow. Altona is a crowd district. There is not enough parking and that’s why people prefer using bicycles.


    After the Workshop in Istanbul, it was a different experience to see how different but also identical two cities can be. On the one hand is Istanbul a big metropolis with a lot of people and an enormous traffic and less green places. On the other hand Hamburg, also a metropolis, where the focus is on green places and the local public transport. In general is the commuting in the space of Hamburg a lot easier as it is in Istanbul. And the most important reason for that are the traffic rules which really works.

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • Iam from germany and I need your help?

    My english is not good can anybody correct my english text. Thank you :)


    Our topic was the road users especially cyclists and there part in the whole traffic. We took this topic, because during we walked the line, we saw everywhere cyclists. Cyclist with different stories. We were looking for the special characteristic of cyclists in different spaces and wanted to know how the traffic does works with bicycle riders. This was our question.


    First we walked the line from Altona to Wartenau across St. Pauli, Rödingsmarkt, Rathaus and Mönckebergstraße. We concentrated on pedestrian, buses, cars and bicycle driver because we saw them on the most pictures we took. Especially in Altona there were a lot of cyclists. We chose Altona as our investigation area. Therefor we went again to Altona, where we chose fife different points (S-Bahn Altona, Schell-Pressen-Straße, the beginning and the end of the Große Rainstraße) and took ten minutes long pictures with an interval of 15 seconds. But we also took pictures, without a time limit, which were interesting for us. After this process we choose the most relevant pictures for our topic.


    The life on the streets is like a film. Everywhere u can see an act which describes a situation. The picture down for example describes an act. The woman would like to go to the other side of the street. Therefor she has to go across the bus lane. She communicates with the bus driver. According to that the bus driver or the woman stops. One of them can across the street. Sure we have traffic rules and everybody have to follow them. But in some situations, where the traffic have priority, the traffic considerate to the pedestrian and cyclist. Referring to the cyclist: Everywhere you can see bicycle lane. But in some areas you don’t. Therefore cyclist use the same street as the traffic. We noticed that the bicycle usage is actually higher in densely populated urban districts. In districts where the leisure facilities, shopping facilities and more are subordinate. The most probable reason is still, that some roads in Altona are quite narrow. Altona is a crowd district. There is not enough parking and that’s why people prefer using bicycles.


    After the Workshop in Istanbul, it was a different experience to see how different but also identical two cities can be. On the one hand is Istanbul a big metropolis with a lot of people and an enormous traffic and less green places. On the other hand Hamburg, also a metropolis, where the focus is on green places and the local public transport. In general is the commuting in the space of Hamburg a lot easier as it is in Istanbul. And the most important reason for that are the traffic rules which really works.

    1 AntwortHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • Iam from germany and I need your help!!!?

    Hello guys, Iam from Germany and I have a english homework. But my english is not good, it would be nice, if anyone can correct my text. Thank you :D


    The topic of our investigation were the bicycle paths in Hamburg. We wanted to look to the bicyle use at the Hamburger district named „Altona“. We had the presumption that bicyle usage is higher in densley populated urban districs as for example in „Mundsburg“. We also wanted to look how bicyclists, car driver and pedestrian use the roads without disturbing each other in the trafic.


    Firstly we had observed in which points in „Altona“ most bicyclists are travelling, so we can confirm or refute our hypothesis. Then we took in this points ten minutes long every 15 seconds a photo, to look how the trafic works.


    We noticed that the bicyle usage is actually higher in densely populated urban districs, as in districs where the leisure facillities, shopping facillities and so on are subordinate. Probably the reason for that is, that the roads in „Altona“ are quite narrow. And there is not enough parking for cars, so many people prefer to make use bicyles.

    3 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 8 Jahren
  • Can anyone correct my little text my english iam from germany?

    On the second day of the Workshop we had developed different scenarios of how our hotel might look architecturally. Each of us has developed many different scenarios that we have in common and then thrashed divided into categories (extension, satellite, parasit etc.)One of the scenarios was “Extension” that can also be seen in the following sketch.

    In any case the Udn stills exist as a Building. And we could connect the Hotel with the “Universität der Nachbarschaft”. This would mean that these two different buildings are connected to each other. Nevertheless there could be two separate buildings, which are different from the architecture of each other completely.

    Also we could build for example a new hotel that is similar to the construction from the Udn, that can also be seen in the second sketch.

    In the middle of the picture you can see the Udn. On the right and left side you can see the hotel Wilhelmsburg which has in the centre clearances. These small areas could be used for example by the hotel visitors as diverse as the community area or it could be use as a private area.

    Each of us has developed many different scenarios that we have in common and then thrashed divided into categories (extension, satellite, parasit etc.).

    Retrospectively, we come to the conclusion that we had the opportunity to experience a great time where we could developed our creativity. For some group members the workshop was a special experience because they don´t have participated in any workshop. And consequently they didn´t have collected any experience of this kind.

    2 AntwortenWords & Wordplayvor 8 Jahren
  • Iam from Germany can some correct my englisch text?

    Hi Iam from Germany and my englisch is very bad. Can someone correct my Text???

    On the second day of the Workshop we had developed different scenarios of how our hotel might look architecturally. One of the scenarios was “Extension” that can also be seen in the following sketch.

    In any case the Udn remains exist as a Building. But we could connect the new Hotel with the “Universität der Nachbarschaft”. This would mean that these two different buildings are connected to each other. Nevertheless there could be two separate buildings, which are different from the architecture of each other completely.

    4 AntwortenOther - Germanyvor 8 Jahren
  • Was bedeutet Handlungsbedingungen??? Ich kann mir darunter nichts vorstellen.?

    Kann mir Jemand die Bedeutung von "Handlungsbedingungen" erklären??? Was genau kann ich mir darunter vorstellen?

    5 AntwortenSonstiges - Schule & Bildungvor 9 Jahren
  • Can someone correct my english homework my english is bad because Iam from germany!!!?

    I must write in past tence

    It was a stormy day when Jayson´s family bought the vacant, cozy little house in the small town that they were moving into. They had heard it was so omnious and eerie. Jayson didn´t want to move into the new house but his parents told him that the creepy stories about the house were all lies, so he didn´t need to worry. The first night he slept in the new house , he went to the bathroom upstairs, when he washed his hands he saw blood flowing out of the faucet. Jayson was shocked and a cold shiver ran down from his back, so he screamedand ran to his parent´s bedroom, but his parents were not there. Suddenly he heard whining and hissing noises, which left his heart beat faster and his blood pressure increase immeasurably. Jayson was worried sick, so he ran to the living-room and saw that his parents were hung by their necks and dangling from the ceiling.Besides his self with anguish he ran to his little brother´s bedroom and when he turned the switch on Jayson saw that his little brother´s bed was full of blood, too. Jayson lifted his blanket and saw that only his head was in the bed. Fearing he decided to jump out the window because the room looks out to the river and more probably than not he would survive the downfall.

    Suddenly a scary voice called again and again his name and said: Jayson go away from the window boy, you want to kill you? Wake up you are sleepwalking, everything is all right.

    3 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Iam from germany and I need help, can anybody correct my short story my english is not good!!!?

    ....Jayson didn´t want to move into the new house but his Parents told him that the creepy stories about their new house were all lies, so that he didn´t need to be wory. At their first night Jayson woke up and went to the toilet on the upper floor. When he washed his hands he saw that blood flowed from the tap....

    I must write in past tence !!!!

    3 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Iam from germany and I need help. Can anybody correct mysentence from my story my english is not good?

    It is a rainy and stormy day and Jayson��s family have bought a small, cozy, uninhabited house in a little town, which they´re moving into today. before they bought the house, they heard that nobody wanted to buy the house because the house was very creepy and awesome.

    7 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • iam from germany and need help. Can anybody correct my first sentence from my story my english is not good?

    Jayson´s family has bought a small, cozy, uninhabited house in a little town, by moving today at a rainy stormy day.

    4 AntwortenHomework Helpvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wie werden die Sitzverhältnisse in der Bürgerschaft ermittelt?

    unnötige Kommentare bitte sparen!!!

    1 AntwortHausaufgabenhilfevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Welche Möglichkeiten der Stimmenabgabe gibt es?

    unnötige Kommentare bitte sparen!!!

    3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can anybody help me iam from germany and my english is not good?

    i must summeraze in my own words what popcorn philosophy means. Can anybody summeraze this little paragraph for me i don´t understand it. " Staring straight up with the sweat trickling down my face and the mosquitoes hovering in a little formation, and i would think about how space goes on forever, and how little i mean, and how little my problems matter. Real popcorn philosophy".

    1 AntwortLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Can anybody correct mistakes from english text iam from germany and my english is not good?

    The story " Popcorn philosophy" by Daniyal Mueenuddin is about a conversation between a boy and a woman. Murad the protagonist tells her about their first meeting up in the mountains.

    Firstly he tells her that his mother died and his father had taken to his bed. So he decides to go to his father´s farm because all people in his environment work in good jobs like in banks or do something in textiles. That is the reason why he feels bad. Because of this he wants to keep his distance. He visits his father´s farm and swears to himself to stay there for three months. During his stay he runs along the canal every day and he barks like mad, so the villagers think he´s going to be crazy. In the course of time he realizes that his problems, which are previously big problems for him aren´t big, if you staring to the stars and to the mosquitoes which are hovering in a little formation. Everything expanding unlimited and so everyone and every problems are inconsequential and that is the meaning of the popcorn philosophy.

    3 AntwortenOther - Educationvor 1 Jahrzehnt