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Iam from germany can anyone correct my short text?

Altough the two experiments “The Standford Prisoner´s Experiment” and “A Class Divided” were carried into execution in a different way, they still have similarities. One of the similarities was, that in both experiments a group must subordinated to the other group and to the laws, during the other group got some legitimate power.

In both experiments the voluntary participants began to bluster into their roles. After a few hours the group with the legitimate power began to use their force and to start doing to discriminate and to harass the subordinated group. After a short time the participants from the experiments forgot the reality and the experiment. All people started to bluster into their roles, so that one of the groups began to stop to act humanely, during the other group to break out completely in emotion.

Moreover, the subordinate group’s didn´t break off the test in any of the experiment because they can no longer to distinguish between reality and the experiment. Therefore, they begin to follow the rules from the commander of the experiment. At the end of the both experiments, the groups with the coercive power to regretted their brute actions.

2 Antworten

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Although the two experiments, “The Stanford Prisoner's Experiment” and “A Class Divided” were carried into execution in different ways, they still bear similarities. One of the similarities was that in both experiments, a group of test subjects would be held under the authority of another group of people, aware of the experiment. They were to, as per the experiment, abuse their power and authority as they "ruled" over the test subjects.

    In both experiments the voluntary participants began to engage in their roles. After some time, the group in charge began to use its force and in accordance with the experiment, harassed and mistreated the subjects. After a period of time, the participants from the experiments became unaware of the reality and the experiment. They genuinely believed their roles. and were put under physical and mental stress.

    Moreover, the subjects didn't use their ability to quit the test in any of the experiments because they no longer knew that they weren't at fault. Therefore, they began to follow the rules from the "commander" of the experiment. The "commanders" used their power mercilessly, and enjoyed treating their subordinates in this way. At the end of the both experiments, the groups with the power regretted their treatment of the subjects.

    I am familiar with these experiments, so I added some more detail...

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    Although the two experiments - “The Standford Prisoners Experiment” and “A Class Divided” - were carried into execution in different ways, they have similarities. One of the similarities was that in both experiments a group must subordinate to the other group and their laws, while the other group got some legitimate power.

    In both experiments the voluntary participants began to bluster into their roles. After a few hours the group with the legitimate power began to use their force and started to discriminate and harass the subordinated group. After a short time the participants from the experiments forgot the reality and the experiment. All people started to bluster into their roles, so that one of the groups began to stop to acting humanely, causing the other group to break down emotionally.

    Moreover, the subordinate group didn't break off the test because they could no longer distinguish between reality and the experiment. Therefore, they begin to follow the rules from the commander of the experiment. At the end of both experiments, the groups with the coercive power regretted their brute actions.

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