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I am 23, i am Spanish. my favorite color is green i live in Houston, Texas. but I am from Chicago, Illinois. love a good debate.. especially if its about taboo or politically incorrect subjects.. sometimes i just play devils advocate as a lark. i like to treat a good debate like a toy.. wind it up and watch it go..

  • 20 hour flight with a 15 month old.. any advice?

    this coming December i am going to be flying with me son who will be about 15 months. we are flying from TX to Amsterdam (with a 3 hour lay over) to Nigeria.

    this will be the first time we have all flown with him.

    i am kinda freaked out, very nervous... i hate flying with people who just let their kids scream and run wild...

    p.s. i am flying with my hubby and brother in-law and a 16 year old relative

    7 AntwortenToddler & Preschoolervor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • face book flirting = bad boyfriend?

    ok, i went to log onto face book when i noticed my bf was still logged in. so my curiosity peaked i looked in his messages.. and what i found makes me want to punch him in the face as he sleeeps on the couch just 10 feet away!!!

    there is this girl amaka well in the message he is telling her how sexy her hips are and how he thinks she looks so great and how he wishes he would have met her first... this is the short version... this ***** was eating it up she lives like an hour away maybe and she knows about me and our son...

    i just want to freak out and slap him with a golf club and find her and tap her in the face with my foot

    i am so sick of him flirting with these other women i am always finding new girls in his phone and now he deletes alot of his texts (SKETCH) and is quick to shut of his aim thingy when i walk by i am really sketched out.

    i mean if he wasn't being naughty then he wouldn't be secretive, right?

    in the past i have tried telling him it makes me uncomfortable and i would like it if he would tone it down and not flirt... he just acts dumb like he isn't doing anything wrong and i am some nut job.

    what should i do?

    6 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • parrot breeder pet shop Houston Texas or bird fair?

    hey i am looking for a parrot a smaller to medium sized bird, such as a lilac crowned amazon.

    something friendly social and OK for a family.... and not super loud

    any suggestions

    where is a good breeder or pet shop?

    when is the next bird show/fair?

    good pet parrot?

    2 AntwortenBirdsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i dont feel like sex since the baby, why?

    i had a baby 4 months ago and ever since i have a severely diminished appetite for sex.

    i still think my man is attractive... its just im not interested in sex.

    is something wrong with me?

    (my son was born via c-section.)

    6 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my ex got fat and is dating an ugly chick and it makes me happy?

    so my ex and i broke up on bad terms he was a cheating lying super shallow jerk face... to sum him up in a few words.

    he once forcibly dragged me to the bathroom and weighed me. he said that 130 lbs was fat for some one that's 5 foot 6 inches and i had to loose 15 lbs... bastard.

    i recently saw him

    he get super fat beer gut and a fat face kinda deal. and his girl is ugly and fat too!!

    for some reason this makes me laugh.. cause he was always talking about how i was gonna get fat some day because i have a lax work out routine, and how gaining weight= ugly.

    its just funny to me, is that wrong?

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is it rude to start speaking another language in mixed company?

    ok i wonder if anyone else thinks this is a bit rude.

    i have in laws are from another country a mostly English speaking country that also has it own language.

    some times everyone will be having a group discussion in English and then out of no where the mother in-law will start speaking in another language and then the rest of their side of the family join in, and its me and my brother in laws wife that have no idea what they are talking about. its seems like unless they are saying something rude about the non- other language-rs there is no reason to switch languages in mid conversation...

    what do you think

    my family is from Spain and we are all bi-lingual i was always taught that its very rude to do thing like that......... so am i sensitive? or is that rude?

    8 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • diaper rash cream every diaper change?

    are you supposed to use diaper rash cream every time you change the diaper?

    even if there is no rash?

    8 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • tattoo in Houston Texas?

    i wonder if anyone can suggest a tattoo shop in houston texas.

    i am looking o get a sleeve of wildlife

    if you know of a place to go or to avoid help me out

    thanks include any photos if you have'em

    3 AntwortenTattoosvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what age did your baby start eating baby food?

    my son is 3 months old about 15lbs. when ever i eat he seems very interested and his this look on his face like hey why aren't you giving me any? if i put it close to him he opens his mouth and moves his head forward... he seems like he wants to start solids but the internet says to wait another month..

    i wonder when did you start giving your little one baby food?

    8 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what type of shoe/heel wood look good with this dress?

    hey i was wondering if i could get some opinions.

    i have this dress

    i want to know what type of shoe would look best with it? i like the more vintage round toe shoe vs the pointed toe

    what color should i go with?

    5 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • flesh toned high heels.. attractive?

    i was thinking of getting a pair of flesh tones ivory/creamy color. (i am really pale)

    heels i was wondering if you think they are attractive.?

    4 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to learn American sign language?

    i want to learn sign language.. i am not in school and don't know any deaf/ hearing impaired people..

    i am always just so curious about it when i see people signing. i have also witnessed many situations where knowing sign language would be helpful.

    Any suggestions

    5 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • clear bra straps trashy ?

    i have have a few off the shoulder shirts and dresses.. i wear a d cup so strapless bras always seem slip a bit and just not be as supportive as i like.. i was thinking about getting a few of the clear bra straps to wear for these out fits... my question is

    1) are they trashy looking

    2) do they stretch out?

    8 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my husbands ex wife is stalking him!!!?

    so my husband was married, to this woman... she is constantly tying to call him email him go on face book and my space under different names trying to be his friend, to see what he is doing?

    she has even befriended a few of my friends on my space and face book. she sends him desperate texts, about how she wants him back and how she will change and how she will leave who she is with to be with him... she is nuts.

    She even contacts his family to try to get his address and info about him.

    what do you think have you ever had any experiences like this?

    6 AntwortenMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • is marriage a joke these days?

    i have noticed that people just don't seem to take marriage seriously anymore.. i wonder do they just go in with the idea.. well i can always just get a divorce..

    or get married almost as a lark..

    do modern day couples just lack the devotion to make it work?

    11 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • strapless bra that holds up a d cup?

    am looking for a strapless bra that can hold some weight... that isn't ugly im not sure why but it seems when you wear a d size or larder the pretty bras aren't really made for you...

    any suggestions?

    please include brand names.

    5 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • the great ketchup mustard debate?

    i hate ketchup... i never use it i like mustard on french fries and in-place of anywhere ketchup goes.

    are there any other mustard fans out there? i use chili sauce sometimes

    17 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i like it when we don't agree!!!?

    i was wondering if i am alone on this....

    i really love having conversations about the taboo. i like conversing with people who have opinions that are different than my own, i have always found those conversations very mentally stimulating.

    some times i will play devils advocate just for the hell of it... how do you feel about this subject.. do you like debate or do you prefer everyone to agree with you?

    6 AntwortenOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i like non dairy creamer the powder the spoonfull..alone?

    you know how when you were a kid you might have eaten something odd like cat food or dog food or glue... well i really loved to steal my moms regular powder non dairy creamer and eat it by the spoon full... she never caught on but always would ask what the hell happened i just bought this 2 days ago..

    anyone else have any similar stories

    3 AntwortenOther - Food & Drinkvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • can i ask about slavery?

    i know that when people talk about slavery the focus seem to be on white Americans whos ancestors may have owned slaves..

    how come no one remembers

    Slavery existed for centuries before the first slaves came to America. Old Egyptian, Greeks, and Romans owned the slaves. In Africa there were many kingdoms and slavery was legal. When Europeans came to Africa, slavery there already existed.

    The first European slave traders were from Portugal. The little country of Portugal built the first European fort in Africa in 1481.Spain was one of the biggest slave trading nations. They needed African slaves to work on their plantations in South America and Caribbean. This is where most of the slaves were taken during the first few centuries of the Atlantic slave trade.

    England was one of the latest countries to start slave trade. Soon England became on of the biggest slave trading nations. They began to bring slaves to the Caribbean. They formed the Royal African Company in 1672. This allowed English colonies in America to easily buy slaves from English traders. At the beginning only a few slaves came to English colonies. But when the big tobacco and rice plantations grew in the colonies in the south the slave trade increased.

    Although many people think that most slaves were stolen or caught by slave traders, this is not the truth. Most slaves were bought by Europeans from other African people. Often, rival tribes sold into slavery members of other tribes they captured during wars. Most of the slaves came from the West Africa and spoke many different languages.

    my question the black people in America are you resentful of the Africans that helped put your ancestors into slave traders hands?

    3 AntwortenOther - Society & Culturevor 1 Jahrzehnt