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i like it when we don't agree!!!?
i was wondering if i am alone on this....
i really love having conversations about the taboo. i like conversing with people who have opinions that are different than my own, i have always found those conversations very mentally stimulating.
some times i will play devils advocate just for the hell of it... how do you feel about this subject.. do you like debate or do you prefer everyone to agree with you?
6 Antworten
- ?Lv 4vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
Yeah definately I agree, you seem to be one of the few people left in America who actually still have the brain to debate and think critically. The majority of American's thesedays prefer to stick to the topics on the news and do not dare to differ from what is seen as politically incorrect by some liberals. Of course I also enjoy the company of people with similar views but it is the very concept of a democracy to argue and debate with people with differing opinions. The current seems to think otherwise though which is why they are trying to prohibit free speech against their socialist policies and are looking to introduce the so called "fairness doctrine" which will essentially destroy free speech giving the governement the right to decide what can be said.
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
This is one thing on which you and I agree. I learned the term devil's advocate when someone pointed out that it is one of my traits. Let me know when you want to have an argument, debate or even a lively conversation-especially on anything taboo!
- Thought OfficerLv 6vor 1 Jahrzehnt
I like it when the person is good arguing, and they can argue without being condescending.
I don't like it when they just get upset and don't want to talk about it. I love playing Devil's Advocate, but I don't always tell people that so I might argue a really uhm...un-compassionate sounding side of an argument and people get really bothered all they can say is that I'm detached and heartless.
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
Depends. If its someone i hate i want them to agree with me. Or if its someone whos neutral or a friend its kinda fun disagreeing and driving them crazy.
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- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
The ultimate goal is to be right for me. I often start arguments over little things that then develop into bigger issues. It's fun ^_^