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Lex fragte in Beauty & StyleSkin & BodyTattoos · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

tattoo in Houston Texas?

i wonder if anyone can suggest a tattoo shop in houston texas.

i am looking o get a sleeve of wildlife

if you know of a place to go or to avoid help me out

thanks include any photos if you have'em

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Any place on westheimer is amazing. i like bombshell and 713 the best, but scorpion and shaw is awesome too. avoid dagos and the cheap 10 dollar/ 20 dollar and free tattoos. my two favorite tattoos are from there, its just they would never do quailty sleeve work. they specialize in smaller "cutesy tattoos". The place i go to now is called ink creations on the southwest side. they are good, sleeve work black and white starts at 200...but its high quality work. enjoy your tattoo.

    oh and i heard electric chair on richmond does good work. :)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The person above me had some great recommendations. I've been to Houston a few times for body mods.

    Dago's is a NO-NO! Avoid that place at all costs.

    The Electric Chair is where I've gone to get my art work/piercings done. Here's a link to their website:

    Steven K. is a fantastic artist, and a goofy dude. He's very fun to talk to. But choose whose art work you like best, and good luck.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Any where but D.a.g.o.'s. I have no respect for anyone who tattoos his own children. Postal P's suggestion for Shaw's is okay, they've been around for a long time.

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