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Australia Working Holiday Visa Medical?
I know you have to under go a Medical Exam. I'm British so I know I'm in a low risk country for TB so no Xrays needed. I am going to go to medical exam but I thought I'd ask here first.
I have a slight Heart Murmur. Mitral valve prolapse. I have had tests and have been advised this wont bother me ever and I don;t need to change my life in anyway. Apparently these are very common and most people have them and never know. I was only by chance mine was picked up.
will this stop me getting a Visa and inevitably moving permanently
1 AntwortImmigrationvor 6 JahrenAustralia Working Visa?
I'm British and hold a British Passport. I'm looking to go to Australia on a two year working holiday Visa. And ultimately live there. My parents live in NZ and have done for sometime, they will be granted citizenship in the next 24 months.
My question for you, is can I enter OZ on a working Holiday Visa and then whilst in OZ. Apply for a 5 year New Zealand Citizen Family Relationship Visa?
1 AntwortImmigrationvor 6 JahrenGetting around Amalfi?
I am just wondering if anyone knew the best way to get around the Amalfi. I don't drive or ride a motorbike. I'm looking to start my holiday in Amalfi then work my way around to Positano and Sorrento, maybe a few nights on Capri then back up too Naples. Is there a good bus / train service I can use? Also do you think this would be the best way to go around?
Any help would be appreciated.
3 AntwortenOther - Europevor 8 JahrenWhat is a marketing job?
I'm really interested in the idea of a marketing job, but I'm not exactly sure what it entails. I'm a keen graphic designer and qualified a few years ago. I've worked free lance on and off since then but nothing full time. (Not the greatest paying job) but I have always been interesting in marketing. I love the idea of being the front of a company. I'm not sure if this is exactly marketing or branding or something else all together.
I want to be they guy designing the adverts, creating the flyers and posters promoting the company. Updating the social networking sites.
Can anyone give me any advise on what job title that actually or if even such a job exists?
4 AntwortenMarketing & Salesvor 8 JahrenWhere in Rome can I swim?
I'm going to Rome, Italy next week and I'm looking for a pool or water park in the city. Does anyone have any information on where I could go swimming? Also if you have any indication on how much something like this would cost.
Kind Reagrds
1 AntwortRomevor 8 JahrenWhich Digital Camera?
I'm stuck between the Nikon D3100 - Digital camera - SLR or the Olympus E-PL1 - Digital camera - mirrorless system. This will be my first "big" camera buy and I'm not sure which one is better. They both seem pretty good. But the Nikon is £100 more... Is it worth the extra money?
6 AntwortenCamerasvor 9 JahrenPay & Employment Law?
I am currently working for a company in London. I have been working for them for over 8 weeks now. I was informed and signed a contact at the start of employment stating I would be paid every two weeks. But I would would the first 4 weeks in hand, then being paid 2 weeks after that. I have been paid once. (And that was late) I now due my pay again. It's one week late already and I have now been informed they are not going to pay us for another two weeks. I just want to know where I stand legally with this, if at all? And what procedure I can follow to secure my owed monies?
Grumpy Employee
5 AntwortenLaw & Legalvor 9 JahrenGraphic Design Help on Typface?
I was wondering if anyone knew how to smooth off a typeface? I have a font I'm using "Bradley Hand ITC" I have typed the title I want and rasterized the layer. But the chosen font has jaggedy edges. Does anyone know how to smooth this off? It's the actual font the jagged not pixelation or anything. Any Help would be appreciated.
1 AntwortDrawing & Illustrationvor 9 JahrenMusic from TV program / advert?
I know this is a long shot, but I was wondering if anyone could help me finding the name of a piece of music used in Don't tell the bride, Season 5 Episode 11 (Anna and Sian). It starts 47:50 into episode. It's currently on iPlayer if anyone is willing to go to that length for me :) I'm almost certain it's used on an advert too. But just can't remember what. If anyone can help even a little it would be amazing!
1 AntwortComedyvor 10 JahrenHelp tabbing out a song?
I was wondering if anyone knew any good sites or forums where people can help you tab out music? There is a song I would very much like to play but there isn't any tabs or sheet music for the song I want. I'm looking for guitar tabs for Alexisonfire - Wayfarer Youth. But if someone could direct me to a request site that would be awesome. Cheers
1 AntwortOther - Musicvor 1 JahrzehntLaptop to TV HDMI Problem?
I have connected my Laptop to my TV using a HDMI lead. Iv'e set it so what I see on my TV is a duplicate of my laptops screen. It all works fine, sound and picture come up on the TV. But, when I load COD4 the TV goes black and I can only see and hear the game on my laptop screen.... Can anyone tell me why? I've tired to find a setting somewhere or something but found nothing.
Oh and can anyone tell my why when not playing COD and the tv laptop connection is fine, that what I see on the TV doesn't quite fit... It seems it's a little too big for the TV, kinda falls off the edges.
1 AntwortOther - Computersvor 1 JahrzehntLaptop to TV HDMI Problem?
I have connected my Laptop to my TV using a HDMI lead. Iv'e set it so what I see on my TV is a duplicate of my laptops screen. It all works fine, sound and picture come up on the TV. But, when I load COD4 the TV goes black and I can only see and hear the game on my laptop screen.... Can anyone tell me why? I've tired to find a setting somewhere or something but found nothing.
Oh and can anyone tell my why when not playing COD and the tv laptop connection is fine, that what I see on the TV doesn't quite fit... It seems it's a little too big for the TV, kinda falls off the edges.
2 AntwortenHome Theatervor 1 JahrzehntExternal Hard Driver for PC and Mac?
I have a PC, my friend has a MAC. We both have WD (Western Digital) External HDD's. Connection is USB 2.0. Mine is 1TB and my friends is 1.5TB. Today we wanted to swap some files. So we swapped HDD's. My HDD came up on his MAC and he could take the files he wanted, but he couldn't add any. On his MAC my HDD was showing READ ONLY. So I plugged it back into mine and checked the settings, all boxes where check for read and write etc etc. Tired it again same thing.
So I said I'll just put your HDD on my PC, I plugged it in. It made the sound when you connect via USB. *ding ding* But then nothing. Nothing shows up in My Computer, but I have an icon in my system tray to safely remove the device. So I can't even see it on my laptop :S
1 AntwortAdd-onsvor 1 JahrzehntMy Windows7 Aero has gone?
I installed Windows7 around 3 weeks ago now and I have been so impressed with it... Anything was better than Vista. I loved the Aero colours and glass effects. But today I noticed it's gone! I have solid colours. I've gone back into the personalization but its doesn't change... I've had it for 3 weeks so it's not like my laptop can't run it... Whats going on?
3 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntHow do I copy Dvd's to my Hard Drive?
I'm moving to Germany and I don't want to take all my dvd's. So I got myself a 1TB Hdd. I was wondering what software I need to copy the dvds to my HDD? And is this illegal? As I own all the dvd's im copying, Just easier to transport :)
14 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehntnur mal eine schnelle frage yu einer wohnung?
sind 315 euro (warm) im monat zu viel fuer eine 2 raum wohnung?
6 AntwortenSonstiges - Haus & Gartenvor 1 JahrzehntJobsuche fuer Auslaender in Magdeburg?
ich und mein ziehen bald zusammen nach deutschland, nach magdeburg. er lernt schon seit einiger zeit deutsch aberes reicht natuerlich noch lange nicht, um problemlos kommunizieren zu koennen.
er ist englaender und somit verstehen die meisen deutschen ihn sowieso. meine frage ist nun, wie schwer es sein wird in deutschland einen job zu finden, wenn man nicht wirklich deutsch spricht. er hat grafic disign in england studiert und mit diplom abgeschossen... ich dachte dass dieser beruf vielleicht sowieso etwas internationaler ist. habt ihr vielleicht gute tips fuer mich, an wen ich mich am besten wenden sollte bzw. wie wir die sache anpacken sollten?
4 AntwortenSonstiges - Beruf & Karrierevor 1 JahrzehntGraphics: Desktop performance for Windows Areo... What does it mean?
Graphics : Desktop performance for Windows Areo... What does it mean? And is there a way to make it better? My windows performance shows its the lowest with all the others at 5.5+ this one is down at 3.1... Oh it's my laptop, Windows 7 Home, 2Ghz Centrino, 4GB RAM, GeForce 9300m 265MB
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 1 JahrzehntGerman translation... informal?
Hey I need a little help translating something into German. Anyone help? I would also like this in informal. It's for my girlfriend... And no google translator. I can do that my self and it doesn't translate properly.
Shot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. You can do great things.
This is my attempt I'm learning German but I'm not sure if its right. Any help would be awesome.
Schieß den Mond, auch wenn du ihn nicht treffen wirst, du wirst viele sterne finden. Die shöne Dinge machen Vönnen.
2 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 JahrzehntGerman translation...?
Hey I need a little help translating something into German. Anyone help?
Shot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. You can (or will) do great things.
This is my attempt I'm learning German but I'm not sure if its right. Any help would be awesome.
Schieß den Mond, auch wenn du ihn nicht treffen wirst, du wirst viele sterne finden. Die shöne Dinge machen Vönnen.
4 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 Jahrzehnt