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Laptop to TV HDMI Problem?

I have connected my Laptop to my TV using a HDMI lead. Iv'e set it so what I see on my TV is a duplicate of my laptops screen. It all works fine, sound and picture come up on the TV. But, when I load COD4 the TV goes black and I can only see and hear the game on my laptop screen.... Can anyone tell me why? I've tired to find a setting somewhere or something but found nothing.

Oh and can anyone tell my why when not playing COD and the tv laptop connection is fine, that what I see on the TV doesn't quite fit... It seems it's a little too big for the TV, kinda falls off the edges.


1 Antwort

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    1) COD4 is probably writing to the graphics card, not to "graphic output", so the HDMI connection isn't included.

    2) That's between the computer and the TV. Read the TV manual to see if it has any kind of overscan correction in HDMI input. If not you'll have to change resolution or live with it.

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