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Malik fragte in Society & CultureLanguages · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

German translation... informal?

Hey I need a little help translating something into German. Anyone help? I would also like this in informal. It's for my girlfriend... And no google translator. I can do that my self and it doesn't translate properly.

Shot for the moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. You can do great things.

This is my attempt I'm learning German but I'm not sure if its right. Any help would be awesome.

Schieß den Mond, auch wenn du ihn nicht treffen wirst, du wirst viele sterne finden. Die shöne Dinge machen Vönnen.


2 Antworten

  • Kridon
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Strebe nach dem Mond, selbst wenn du ihn verfehlst, wirst du immernoch bei den Sternen landen. Du kannst große Dinge vollbringen.

    ("Strebe nach" does not actually mean "shoot for", but "Schiesse auf den Mond", the literal translation, sounds quite stupid in german. "strebe nach" means "strive for")

    One thing you might consider, is the following: In English the word stars has a dual meaning, 1) the celestial bodies and 2) famous persons. This does not work in German. "Sterne" only refers to these celestial bodies, if you want to talk about famous persons you use "stars" in German as well.

    So the message you actually want to get across with the first sentence (at least what i presume) will not be that understandable in German.

    Quelle(n): native German speaker
  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Schwueler bester Freund.

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