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  • I think i made an illegal right turn?

    So i was driving in the city for the first time and it was absolute insanity. I can vaguely remember turning right when the sign said"no turn on red", but cant remember if the light was green or red. I looked on google maps i see a camera on the light but it wasnt facing the direction in which i took the turn, which i found odd. It was looking at the street i took the turn on. could i be ticketed for this? is it possible even if its looking on the street i took the turn on? i found it odd that it was looking down that street and not the main one. Im very nervous can someone help me out? i ended up making a three point turn on the street i took the right on because it was the wrong way anyway.

    2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 6 Jahren
  • Air intake question on 02 Monte Carlo?

    So i replaced the air intake on my car and i really like the power increase and sound, but i am confused about the rpm. I can rev the engine to 2000 rpms but i cant really much power. Maybe im just not used to it? or the engine isn't used to it? i drove it for about 15 minutes and just installed it. Over all i am pleased i just don't know whats up with that. I really feel the increae in power at 3-4 thousand rpms but anything lower seems kinda weak. is it because the air is sucking into the engine quicker and just reving it over and when i hit the gas i dont feel anything? It a Spectre filter, 6" tall and 10.125" wide. Its relatively large for the car but i dont think thats the issue. Maybe im wrong i dunno. Could there be an air leak?

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • How to replace muffler on 2002 Monte Carlo?

    i want my mufflers replaced but when i looked at them they are welded both sides into the pipe. How would i be able to replace them if the whole exhaust is welded? Cut it and weld a new muffler in place? that seems like a lot of work for just a muffler replacement.

    6 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • Breathed in petroleum gas?

    The gas tank to the house outside is leaking, and i could smell it from my room on occasion. I didn't know what it was until yesterday and it has been going on for a couple of weeks now. Im upstairs in my room almost 24/7, and i could smell a bad odor sometimes, but never knew what it was. The tank is right below my room. Especially when the wind blew at night its obvious its there. I cant really tell if i smell it now, and when i think i do it might be because i am thinking about it too much. These types of things bother me. My head would throb sometimes, and i don't know if its just from the over thinking or the actual gas in the air. It is getting fixed Monday and i don't know if i should worry or not. I shut my window thats above the tank, i dont know if that will help. If i can get anyones opinion and what the side effects are that would be great. Im pretty worried

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • Do I have Carbon Monoxide poisoning?

    I was working outside with a log splitter. And i could smell the exhaust for most of the time while i was there. I have no idea how i could have even avoided it. I felt myself getting a headache but maybe because it was because i was worrying about it too much. It was a small briggs and straton, 6hp, but i dont know if that has anything to do with it. I was working for about 10 hours with the engine running. I took a couple advil after to make the headache go away. I worked five hours one day, and 5 a couple days after. I know that carbon monoxide can kill brain cells and such and im just worried if i should worry about i or not. Its not bothering me now, a day afterthis happened. Should i worry about this?

    1 AntwortPsychologyvor 6 Jahren
  • Should I use a mask when using a cut off wheel?

    So i was working on my bike, its a 1979 Suzuki, and when i cutting the frame i could smell some odor coming off of it. Was it lead paint burning off the frame? I hope that it isnt going to harm me in any way. I worked for about an hour outside and i walked away for a second when the smell was bad. What was i breathing?

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • Is it safe to burn paper in a woodstove that has ink?

    So i burned a lot of paper in my woodstove, and I opened it up to throw more of it in, and a huge puff of smoke came out of it and now the house smells like it. Is this smoke more dangerous? is it toxic at all? I figured it would be because it had pictures from the printer. can anyone help please?

    2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 6 Jahren
  • What should I do with my motorcycle?

    I bought it for 200 dollars, and thought it would be a nice thing to fix up. Then i realized i had no idea what i was doing. I have no money to spend on it because i dont have a job. Now its just sitting there. I have no idea what to do with it. It has no title. its a 1979 suzuki gs550 L. the engine turns over, but it has no exhaust and it needs a bit of work, overall its a nice looking bike though. Do i just give it away? I was thinking of selling it for parts but I dont think that will work. Any one have advice?

    10 AntwortenMotorcyclesvor 7 Jahren
  • Why does Steam need my billing address?

    So I bought one of those Steam cards for 20 bucks at target and was wondering why they need my address and such. Are they gunna send me something in the mail? They said something about sales tax. I purchased a game online and im not sure what they do,

    2 AntwortenOther - Business & Financevor 7 Jahren
  • Suzuki gs550, no spark?

    There is no spark from what i can see. I put fuel DIRECTLY into the gas line, and nothing. It just turns over and turns over. I dont know what to do.

    1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 7 Jahren
  • 1979 Suzuki turns but doesnt start?

    its a 1979 gs550 and when ever i press the ignition its just turns over. I THINK it might be because i only cleaned the two outside spark plugs and not the two on the inside. Could that be it? Because nothing is firing inside obviously. At first I though it was the petcock because the switch is broken on it, but then i learned there needed to be suction for the gas to get to the carbs, so i dont think its that anymore. Anyone have any ideas as to why?

    2 AntwortenSuzukivor 7 Jahren
  • 1979 Suzuki GS550 wont start?

    The bike turns over and turns over but wont start. i cleaned the spark plugs and everything to really get it going, but one issue i see is the petcock. it looks like the switch was snapped off. i dont think any fuel is getting to the carbs. i have no idea how i could fix this so anything you guys say would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AntwortSuzukivor 7 Jahren
  • How can I get my own work area at home?

    I am 17, and my father had build a small barn that i use all the time. But i have so little space, the barn leaks, everything gets rusted, and i have no idea what to do. The tractor, wood spliter and all other stuff in there, and it such a hassle to move everything all the time. There is a couple of options, but i dont know how they will work...all i can think of is right next to my house, is this old abandoned, but locked house, and is pretty large. its about the size of a large barn. But like i said its licked and i don't know what to do with that. But its an idea. Another is to get cinder blocks, and make my own little area in the woods, but that would take a lot of work, and i dont think it will work because, well, im doing it lol. Anyone that has anything to say to help em would be great. Thanks

    2 AntwortenOther - Home & Gardenvor 7 Jahren
  • How to be nice to my family?

    So, im 16, and have had a regular childhood, and everything was fine, until i went to high school, and my whole life went down the toilet. My mood towards people, changed drastically. I just realized i basically hated everyone. But what im really concerned about is my family. Over the past 4 years, they have been extremely worried about me. I don't acknowledge them in anyway except one word answers. My social skills are so bad toward many people because all i really do is sit here. I dont want to do that, but i have no friends, and the two i usually hang out with are most likely gone. I had a conversation with my parents today and they said that for one final chance of me changing, that they would send me to some sort of juvenile detention to straighten me out,or at least something like that. I dont even think thats legal and if anyone has anything to say about that it would be great because i am nervous about it. I make it seem i am superior to others, but im the weak one. But back to my family, I have not spoken to my father in about 2 months. He doesnt think i care about him, or my mother. When they were talk ing to me today, my mother stated that my father had fallen off of a ladder, and i just shrugged it off. I make my mother cry all the time, and i dont know what to do. I dont want to be like this, but never knew how to change. Everytime i say i will change, it goes for a day or two, but after that i just go back into my room and never come out. someone plz help me out

    2 AntwortenFamilyvor 7 Jahren
  • Beginner in Magic The Gathering?

    So i wanna get into the game. I play yu gi oh, but this game seems far more superior as to what i am used to. I have no idea what the hell im doing. So i wanna buy some cards. I have about 70 to spend. I want to get a deck builder kit, the one that has 285 cards per box, and a fat pack box. I dont know if thats the way to go or what. the 285 cards per box one seems to be a better deal to me. Can any of you guys give me some advice on what to do? Do I get intro packs? booster? i have no idea. Thanks everyone

    3 AntwortenCard Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • Looked at a welding light?

    So in my school shop class, we have a a small area where we work, and there are welders going off all over the place, and there isnt really anywhere you can look without staring at one. I woke up today and my left eye hurt when i moved it, and it feels, just weird. the right is fine. i was checking the wire speed on the welder, also, and the light went off for some reason, and i dont know if tht did it, or what did. all i know is tht im nervous tht my eyes are all messed up now. anyone know about this? we use gas welders, i dont know if tht has anything to do with it. I have never had this issue before.

    8 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 7 Jahren
  • How can I start out Rapping?

    Im 16 years old. I write down a whole bunch of freestyles/songs, and in love with the genre. Thats all I listen to. But, I have one issue. I dont know ANYONE, that listens to the music I listen too. People in my school want to "rap", meaning they only do it for the money, fame, and all they will talk about is cars, "hoes", and drugs. Im not about that. I listen to AOTP, Celph Titled, Demonios Sekt, Wu Tang, Psycho Realm, and many other underground artists. If I walked up to someone in my school and asked them if they knew who KRS One is, they would have no idea. I dont know what to do in this situation. I have no equipment, and like darker beats, and others like trap. Does anyone have any ideas?

    1 AntwortRap and Hip-Hopvor 7 Jahren
  • Is my Pokemon team decent?

    This is my team in x/y-







    Any suggestions to make it better? I want a dark/normal kind of team. Im thinking of switching out Greninja for Absol. What do you think of that idea?

    1 AntwortVideo & Online Gamesvor 7 Jahren
  • Is my Pokemon team decent?

    This is my team in x/y-







    Any suggestions to make it better? I want a dark/normal kind of team. Im thinking of switching out Greninja for Absol. What do you think of that idea?

    1 AntwortComics & Animationvor 7 Jahren
  • I breathed in a lot of bad chemicals?

    I was at my friends house, and he was in the room painting with acrylic, or something. It wasn't spray paint, I told him to put it away because it smelled really bad, and we had no ventilation, but he refused to do so. I believe it was because he only got an hour of sleep the night before, and he wasn't thinking clearly. So I was sitting there playing video games, with that smell in the air. Because I was occupied with something I forgot about what he was doing, and we both had massive headaches after a few hours went by, and then his mom came in and told us to open some windows because she could smell it downstairs. I took some melatonin after. So, my question would be, what are the consequences of this happening? I think that stuff kills brain cells or something. So is that what happened to me? I did have a rather large headache. I worry about basically everything, so I couldn't even sleep last night because I was wondering if there were any side effects happening to me. Someone please help!

    1 AntwortOther - General Health Carevor 7 Jahren