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How can I get my own work area at home?

I am 17, and my father had build a small barn that i use all the time. But i have so little space, the barn leaks, everything gets rusted, and i have no idea what to do. The tractor, wood spliter and all other stuff in there, and it such a hassle to move everything all the time. There is a couple of options, but i dont know how they will work...all i can think of is right next to my house, is this old abandoned, but locked house, and is pretty large. its about the size of a large barn. But like i said its licked and i don't know what to do with that. But its an idea. Another is to get cinder blocks, and make my own little area in the woods, but that would take a lot of work, and i dont think it will work because, well, im doing it lol. Anyone that has anything to say to help em would be great. Thanks

2 Antworten

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    vor 7 Jahren

    You could be proactive and build your own shed. You will learn much by doing so. It is not impossible. You may have to get a permit, but if you don't pour a foundation you can claim it is a temporary structure. I built a gazebo. I got cement patio blocks and laid them down then put 4" x 4" x 8' treated timbers on that. Then I screwed in a deck to the timbers and put in uprights and a roof. You would need walls. You need to research it all out. I did it by myself, it is doable and again, learning to do this stuff will be great for later on.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    you could partially block the stuff but still be able to have access easily or build a partition with access to the other stuff

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