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I think i made an illegal right turn?

So i was driving in the city for the first time and it was absolute insanity. I can vaguely remember turning right when the sign said"no turn on red", but cant remember if the light was green or red. I looked on google maps i see a camera on the light but it wasnt facing the direction in which i took the turn, which i found odd. It was looking at the street i took the turn on. could i be ticketed for this? is it possible even if its looking on the street i took the turn on? i found it odd that it was looking down that street and not the main one. Im very nervous can someone help me out? i ended up making a three point turn on the street i took the right on because it was the wrong way anyway.

2 Antworten

  • vor 6 Jahren

    I doubt anyone caught you doing that. Even if they have cameras up, those are usually for catching people who go straight through a red light. Don't worry about it. Just remember to look for those signs before making a right turn on a red.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    cameras are automatic, so it was probably programmed for the red light runners, unless it was a no right turn on red area. its goow you went back to the intersection where you got the ticket took pictures. usually they will cancel tickets if you can prove that the sign wasnt visible (speed signs, no right turn signs, my dad got one cancelled b/c the handicap paint on the ground was covered by sand and the sign was missing and he took pictures and took it to court.) so take pictures go to the court, explain what happened, show the pictures, and it should be appealed. AND you should tell them that you lost valuable working time by their incompetent camera (i wouldnt say incompetent though) and ask if you can be compensated for your time in court. (they may give you a check for the amount of hours you spent there)

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