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I breathed in a lot of bad chemicals?

I was at my friends house, and he was in the room painting with acrylic, or something. It wasn't spray paint, I told him to put it away because it smelled really bad, and we had no ventilation, but he refused to do so. I believe it was because he only got an hour of sleep the night before, and he wasn't thinking clearly. So I was sitting there playing video games, with that smell in the air. Because I was occupied with something I forgot about what he was doing, and we both had massive headaches after a few hours went by, and then his mom came in and told us to open some windows because she could smell it downstairs. I took some melatonin after. So, my question would be, what are the consequences of this happening? I think that stuff kills brain cells or something. So is that what happened to me? I did have a rather large headache. I worry about basically everything, so I couldn't even sleep last night because I was wondering if there were any side effects happening to me. Someone please help!

1 Antwort

  • vor 7 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    If your really worried just call poison control. Also read what the bottle recomends for correct usage and safe see if it says anything about dangerous and need to call for help.

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