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How can I start out Rapping?

Im 16 years old. I write down a whole bunch of freestyles/songs, and in love with the genre. Thats all I listen to. But, I have one issue. I dont know ANYONE, that listens to the music I listen too. People in my school want to "rap", meaning they only do it for the money, fame, and all they will talk about is cars, "hoes", and drugs. Im not about that. I listen to AOTP, Celph Titled, Demonios Sekt, Wu Tang, Psycho Realm, and many other underground artists. If I walked up to someone in my school and asked them if they knew who KRS One is, they would have no idea. I dont know what to do in this situation. I have no equipment, and like darker beats, and others like trap. Does anyone have any ideas?

1 Antwort

  • Anonym
    vor 7 Jahren

    So im actually forming a team and I have a few people in already. We're trying to do stuff like what youre talking about. Its all gonna be online through email and such. Send me an email at:

    if you are interested.

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