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Is it safe to burn paper in a woodstove that has ink?

So i burned a lot of paper in my woodstove, and I opened it up to throw more of it in, and a huge puff of smoke came out of it and now the house smells like it. Is this smoke more dangerous? is it toxic at all? I figured it would be because it had pictures from the printer. can anyone help please?

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 6 Jahren

    You are NOT going to die. Next time, open the damper and the air intake all the way before adding to the fire. Also, stop burning stuff like that. IT's OK to use old paper for fire starter, but once lit, toss only wood in there.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Pretty much all smoke is toxic in high doses, ink or no ink.

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