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Favorisierte Antworten10%
  • Why does artificial light make composite fillings on teeth visible?

    I had a bad gum infection during my pregnancy and as a result my gums receeded and left me with a few quite unsightly holes in between the front teeth. My dentist advised me to get them filled up with composite fillings, which I did. They look fine in very natural to darker day light, but as soon as you enter a space with some neon light, like a supermarket or an elevator or even a public toilett, you can clearly see the patches on the teeth. That makes me feel very uncomfortable, because now I don't know when people can see the patches, and when they cannot. Sometimes I think I should have better stayed with the gaps as I find it almost worse to show off patched teeth when you smile.... is there any solution to this? I doubt it there is a way back now to get the caps off again... and veneers are most likely too expensive.... ;(....

    1 AntwortDentalvor 7 Jahren
  • Do flight companies need to alert customers about wrong d.o.b. when online checkin?

    We had a problem with one of the major flight companies. We booked an infant ticket for our son for September, then rebooked it for December but overlooking that at the new date he was 3 weeks over the infant limit. Although most of the airlines now prompt you online that there is a mismatch between the ticket and the d.o.b. - this particular company, although they prompt you when booking directly, did not prompt us for the re-booking. We overlooked the fact and in the end they didn't let us board, we lost the tickets and they didn't want to recompensate us neither. Not even a gesture of good will, saying it was all our fault (which is actually disgusting).

    I wonder if there is a ground for suing them. Does anyone have experience with this?

    3 AntwortenAir Travelvor 7 Jahren
  • What makes Latin American voices so special?

    Do you also think that Latin American (more than Spanish) people often have very beautiful voices with a very particular timbre - even if they are not particularly good looking or they already have a certain age? Or is this my own particular projections...

    1 AntwortOther - Cultures & Groupsvor 8 Jahren
  • Can a voice sound nicer on a mobile?

    Is it possible that a voice can sound very different on a mobile phone to the point that it sounds a lot nicer, vibrant or charming than in real life? Sometimes I am puzzled about some people that I can hardly recognise when I hear them on the mobile, people who have quite normal or even unpleasant voices in real life - but the mobile makes them sound really nice or special? Can that be or is this my imagination?....

    1 AntwortMobile Phones & Plansvor 8 Jahren
  • Cheap conference venues in Liverpool?

    Can anyone here recommend a cheap conference venue/room in Liverpool? Low cost or for free, as we are a charity, space for about 60 people? Many thanks.

    4 AntwortenLiverpoolvor 10 Jahren
  • Was macht ihr mit Neidern?

    Das hat sicher jeder schon mal erlebt, dass es da einen Menschen in seinem Umkreis gibt, der total neidisch auf einen ist und sich freuen würde, wenn es einem schlecht geht.

    Wie geht ihr mit solchen Leuten um, vor allem wenn ihr ihnen nicht total aus dem Weg gehen könnt (die Arbeitskollegin, die Schwiegermutter, die Ex eures Partners, etc.)

    15 AntwortenFreundevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • International trade number for UK businesses?

    I just opened my own Ltd, company a few weeks ago and my main client is in Spain. I have my UTR, however, my client is now saying that this is not enough for them to invoice me. They need an international trade or VAT number.

    I asked the guys from the HRM & C helplines, but they were not very helpful. Turnover wise, I do not need to register for VAT in the UK, and if I register voluntarily, I understood that I will need to pay the VAT nevertheless.

    Does anyone have experience with this? I feel really uncomfortable losing 20% of my income because of an European client needing a VAT number that is not required here in the UK.

    1 AntwortSmall Businessvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Health care as a self-employed?

    Can anyone tell me how it works here in the UK with health care cover when you have your own Ltd. ?

    I've just started my own business and need dental insurance.

    Can this be deducted from the tax? How much of the fees can be deducted?


    3 AntwortenInsurancevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to sort out the clean break order as a petitioner?

    My partner and his ex have the decree nisi. As he was the petitioner, the decree absolute should follow shortly.

    However, he found out recently that it is advised to sign a clean break order. They have agreed on not wanting any money/possessions from each other. However, the paper work for the clean break order seems complicated.

    Can anyone who went through this tell us what exactly to do... or where to get more information about it? Cheers

    1 AntwortMarriage & Divorcevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Welche Farben passen zu der Farbe "Lachs"?

    Kann mir hier jemand einen Tipp geben wie ich "lachs" mit anderen Farben kombinieren kann.... ich habe einfach keine Phantasie...


    9 AntwortenMode & Accessoiresvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Welche Farben passen zu der Farbe "Lachs"?

    Kann mir hier jemand einen Tipp geben wie ich "lachs" mit anderen Farben kombinieren kann.... ich habe einfach keine Phantasie...


    2 AntwortenMode & Accessoiresvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How to deal with over-confident people?

    I have this co-worker of mine.... God, does she think SHE IS GREAT. Nobody can stand this woman, because she is so full of herself, but she does not seem to realise this. She thinks she is very popular.

    Plenty of people have shown her in the past what they think of her by avoiding her. But the more she is "criticised", the more she pretends she is "on top of the world" - someone very special, intelligent and attractive. The more people take their distance, the more she tries to befriend them.... she is not afraid to invite herself to drinks or gatherings, even if she has NOT been invited....

    On top of that she is super aggressive towards her female co-workers. She cannot stand anyone who could be more successful, intelligent or attractive. She needs to be the one who gets all the attention....

    These people just suck. What do you do with them if you cannot avoid them? Honestly, seeing her ruins my day and I don't want this....

    10 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Has anyone been to Jordan?

    ... and can give me some good tips - how to organise the trip, how much money it will cost, what to do?


    3 AntwortenOther - Africa & Middle Eastvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Was bedeutet eine "schwarze Schlange" as Symbol?

    Ich habe gelesen, dass in Lateinamerika manche Leute auf Photos eine "schwarze Schlange" aus dem "Dritten Auge" auf der Stirn kommen sehen.

    Was kann das bedeuten?

    2 AntwortenMythologie & Folklorevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Warum faszinieren uns Stimmen?

    Ich habe da mal eine Frage.

    Es gibt da jemanden, den ich nicht ausstehen kann. Finde die Frau furchtbar, aber bin von ihrer Stimme fasziniert.

    Wie kommt das?

    Kann es sein, dass es - da sie eine Rivalin ist - eine Projektion von mir ist? Oder kann es sein, dass sie mich an jemand an meiner Kindheit erinnert?

    Das nervt mich total - ich will mit dieser Frau nix zu tun haben, aber jedesmal wenn ich ihre Stimme hoere, geht sie mir unter die Haut.... was kann man da tun?

    4 AntwortenPsychologievor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Stimmen und Telefonsexarbeiter?

    Wie kommt es, dass viele Telefonsexarbeiter zwar eine super tolle erotische Stimme haben, aber wenn man ein Foto von ihnen sieht, die meisten oft ganz anders als erotisch aussehen?

    Kann man seine Stimme in dieser Hinsicht trainieren?

    Woher kommt es, dass uns manche Stimmen faszinieren, wenn wir die Person aber dann reell sehen, wir alles andere als fasziniert sind?


    5 AntwortenSonstiges - Sozialwissenschaftvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Heißt es jetzt "Albtraum" oder "Alptraum"?

    Bis zur Rechtschreibreform vor ein paar Jahren habe ich 20 Jahre lang mit der Illusion gelebt, dass man "Alptraum" mit P schreiben würde.

    Plötzlich hieß es dann, man schreibt es mit einem B.... was mich total gestört hat.

    In letzter Zeit sehe ich aber wieder - sogar im Spiegel Online - das Al P traum geschrieben wird?

    Also wie jetzt... ;)

    10 AntwortenRedewendungen & Wortspielevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Kann mir jemand sagen, was der folgende englische Ausdruck bedeutet?

    " He can neither make you nor break you".

    Bedeutet das soviel wie -"er hat absolut keine Kontrolle oder Gewalt ueber Dich"?.... thanks! ;)

    9 AntwortenSprachenvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wie bekommt man eine "dicke Haut"?

    Ich bin ein Sensibelchen und man sagt mir immer, ich soll eine "dickere Haut" entwickeln.... aber wie mache ich das???...........................

    6 AntwortenPsychologievor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Welche Sonnenbrille passt zu mir?

    Ich finde es einfach total frustrierend, die richtige Sonnenbrille für mich zu finden.

    Die meisten Sonnenbrillen sehen einfach Sch*** aus an mir.

    Ich habe eine Ovale Gesichtsform - welche Sonnenbrillenform würdet ihr mir empfehlen?....

    4 AntwortenMode & Accessoiresvor 1 Jahrzehnt