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Apfelbaum fragte in Social SciencePsychology · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

How to deal with over-confident people?

I have this co-worker of mine.... God, does she think SHE IS GREAT. Nobody can stand this woman, because she is so full of herself, but she does not seem to realise this. She thinks she is very popular.

Plenty of people have shown her in the past what they think of her by avoiding her. But the more she is "criticised", the more she pretends she is "on top of the world" - someone very special, intelligent and attractive. The more people take their distance, the more she tries to befriend them.... she is not afraid to invite herself to drinks or gatherings, even if she has NOT been invited....

On top of that she is super aggressive towards her female co-workers. She cannot stand anyone who could be more successful, intelligent or attractive. She needs to be the one who gets all the attention....

These people just suck. What do you do with them if you cannot avoid them? Honestly, seeing her ruins my day and I don't want this....

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    By you describing her she is very ego centric and arrogant. People like this are usually very narrow minded and do not take the time to acknowledge other people feelings. I know about the kind ofpeople you are talking about and they are very obnoxious and hard to deal with.

    I have noticed because I am not over confident at all, but when you put somebody in their place they will respect you. With over confident/cocky people this is a little harder to deal with because they always know they are in the right even when they know when they are wrong.

    To do this you must confront this person and tell her your problems with her. If she does not want to listen then you must treat her like nothing, because she thinks she is always ontop of people. I know that u quoted ' The more people take their distance, the more she tries to befriend them' but keep on doing this as she will get really annoyed, if other people do this she will know that this is coming from her. Show your indifference, act more demeaning than her, because this will be a challenge to this lady.


    Quelle(n): my experience
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If you cannot avoid her you must attack. Simple. And you must do it soon or else your going to blow up and then everyone will say you are the bad person blah blah.

    So, firstly wait until she approaches you for whatever reason.

    I assume she says how she is great in a self congratulatory way. "I am really pleased with the way I sorted that out I do not think anyone else could have handled it that way" etc. . your reply - "really I did not notice." Which will force her to explain in detail to get your approval. So she gets her ego hit. At which point you say "oh gosh, that must have been awful". (this is totally the wrong response and you must do it totally sincerely, which will cause her to falter. She will be trying to work out what you mean. She will look confused.) At which point you say - "well I hope it works out for the best" and walk away looking vacant. This will really throw completely her but as you have not been offensive or aggressive she will doubt herself. She will doubt she has reached you. So she will not want to repeat the experience. Always smile genuinely as you walk past and say hiya. This will again make her unable to work you out. She will avoid you but not through hatred but rather she will place you as someone depthless and avoid you. You can always giggle inwardly. Hope that helps.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Overly Confident People

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    usually with an over confident person, it takes allot to make them see what they are really like. If you stand up to her and not just ignore her she will soon tone done her act. if she is inviting herself to gatherings the best thing you can do is confront her about the issue and tell her that no one wants her here because they are sick of her having to be the center of attention. it may take some time but she will soon realize what she is doing. You should also try supporting her and being her friend when your telling her what she is doing, so that she doesnt feel as if absolutely everyone hates her.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Notice that some can stand her. Maybe most people can't. If you are interested in being popular, then you will feel jealous because she pretends to have what you want. Being more popular, more successful, more intelligent, or more attractive hasn't really made anyone happy yet. Not in a lasting way that means they can finally relax.

  • Well just think about how sad of a person she must be, no one likes her. If she doesn't realize how much people dislike her, she will when she's 80 and living alone. I always think about how unsatisfying their lives must be and even if it's horrible it makes me happier and able to put up with them.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    simple way to send her the message

    get your work mates to arrange a party for her & none of you turn up !

    she cant miss the message

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Find her a bf

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    some people find this very helpful:

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Tell her that she's cocky. "Are you always this cocky?" or "your very cocky aren't you". Works like a charm.

    Quelle(n): I used this one personally.
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