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my RV's solar panels suck?
Why such a thin gauge wire. I' 3 marine.batteries in paralell and 35watts of solar panel week it.doesn't only maintain my.battery I'm losing 1/2 a.volt to right
1 AntwortOther - Cars & Transportationvor 7 JahrenDo Doctors read A.A.?
The big book says "who is an addict" quite well. I have not lost my job, girlfriend, home, whatever. But in this pain I have. I asked forTramodol instead of Vicodin. (Do drug addicts ask for Tramodol? More like Oxycodone.) Vicodin makes me talk too much so I quit. No withdrawal. no street purchases. Ive had this new problem (swollen boys)for a year but when I say pain, they dont say where, they say no painkiller. They think they are passionate giving me 150mg Tramodol. Not even half the recommended max dose of 400mg. And it doesn't work. I've been taking them and others for years and I know my tolerance. She said I'm addicted but doesn't ween me off. Not necessary though. I had no problem quitting, JUST PAIN. Lost my job and the next one and next one. No doctors excuse for pelvic arthritis and epidiyitis and cysts. They let me suffer. And so what If I take a Vicodin when I cannot stand it anymore. Stop treating like a drug addict. They're not supposed to hurt she said. .She saw how swollen they are for a year. refused by the "down there doctors" HELP
p.s. Read A.A. who is san addict and lets get on the same page
1 AntwortPain & Pain Managementvor 8 Jahrenwhat do you think about a Mobil Beauty Salon?
I bought a motorhome and turned it into a salon. I heard some people wwouldn'twant to get into a motorhome to get their hair done but what does the place have to do with it in the end result. Tell me what you think. either that or Im offering to make mobil businesses for people.
1 AntwortHairvor 8 JahrenMy Chevy 700 R 4 transmission needs the T.V. (throttle Valve) adjusted inside the oil pan.?
I need to barter. Im probably the best hairdresser you will ever meet so I hope you got a wife and kids. Im in Spring Valley, San Diego and i've been misdiagnosed by doctors. I had knee surgery and out of work. working from home. and now i need gall stones removed. then the tranny . could someone please help me. living with parent at 49 sucks
1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahrenwhat is the active ingredient in automomatic transmission stop slip?
i got this used Chevy van a month ago and the tranny didnt slip. Now the tranny is more than a quart low and i refilled it and it slips just as bad as it did when the fluid was low. I also broke the TV cable nylon clasp and jury rigged it so it works well but transmission slips bad. \Im on a low budget. im not throwing away a quart of Dexeron to fill it fith a quart of stop slip.. isnt the ingredient just oil?
2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 8 Jahrenwhere is the vacuum modulator on a chevy 305?
too many vacuum lines and i cant find thegage indicator for checking the modulator
2 AntwortenMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 Jahrenhow do i locate my vacuum modulator on my chevy 305 engine?
vacuum diaphragm check and gage indicator.. i got soft upshifts and slippage, i adjusted mt t,v, wire
3 AntwortenChevroletvor 9 Jahreni want to trade my 2001 Toyota Camry v6 for a turtletop van or class B or C RV?
i would like to get a dodge van with a high top or Turtletop COMPARABPE IN PRICE for my VERY CLEAN 01 CAMRY
1 AntwortBuying & Sellingvor 9 Jahreni had knee surgery monday. im still in great pain. like the time the dentist sewed a nerve.?
the stitches in my knee must take longer than 5 days to dissolve. i will tough it out unliss there could be nerve damag. i had knee surgery monday. im still in great pain. like the time the dentist sewed a nerve. so.. i lasted 5 dayswhen the dentist sewed a nerve. but these are biodegradable stitches in my knee. how long until they dissolve? possible nerve damage ?
2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 9 JahrenToyota Camry cruise control intermittent fail. ?
I have been going crazy searching for vacuume leaks. What else could intermittent cruise control be. When it fails it blinks
1 AntwortMaintenance & Repairsvor 9 JahrenP300 and P 1780. engine Misfire and Park Neutral Position Unit?
My 01 Camry V6 1MZ-FE
P300 (engine Misfire ) the engine misfire is not Plugs They look Great and 6 mo. old) or EGR=,New.(and P 1780. Park Neutral Position Switch. I familiraizing myself with the circuit. PNP sensor. It works fine and wires look good.???
Vacuum leaks. The PCV doesnt sit right, no cruise control (intermittent) .... HELP! and ABS i can't afford all that. dont wanna sell it. I think a class @ college to use their ABS tool
Toyotavor 9 JahrenHow do I make sure my OBD II scan tool will comply with SAE J 1978?
My 01 Camry underhood sticker says OBD2 Certified. other scan tools work on my car but no my ELM327 interface.USB. Which nof the 4 electrical interface do I have for 1MZ-FE ... There is a wire connected to #2. (One of the 4 positions that complies) Check the DLC3. (i don't understand this)
The vehicle’s ECM uses ISO 9141–2 for communication.
The terminal arrangement of DLC3 complies with SAE
J1962 and matches the ISO 9141–2 format. How do I change it to one of the 4 my tool works with.
Other diagnostic equip said:
P300 and P 1780. engine Misfire and Park Neutral Position Switch. I familiraizing myself with the circuit. PNP sensor but the engine misfire is not Plugs or EGR, theyre clean. Vacuum leaks no cruise control and ABS i can't afford all that. dont wanna sell it
Maintenance & Repairsvor 9 JahrenDo I really have MRSA?
Ya i have and infection, ya it comes back periodically. I have never been given the antibiotic that goes in the nose so i cant be resistant to that. And can I become resistant to Neosporin?
1 AntwortInfectious Diseasesvor 9 JahrenMy Toshiba laptop speakers are too quiet?
how can i turn up the volume or get an app with amplifier. The speakers are wayyyyy to quiet.
1 AntwortLaptops & Notebooksvor 9 JahrenLG Optimus V, got no internet, Got a replacement phone, still no internet?
I did everything they recommended, redid the MSID. Now they say i need a different phone. I get internet through my wi-fi but not on it's own.
3 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 10 JahrenHow do u make playlists on LG Optimus. I used my PC to upload a bunch of music?
i cant categorize my music
2 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 JahrzehntHow can my nephew break into the Jingles business for radio and T.V.?
He is extremely talented, I'm not just saying that cuz he's family. He Rocks.
1 AntwortRadiovor 1 JahrzehntWho Buys Jingles? My nephew can write songs.?
My nephew rocks. He can write songs for anyone, anything and any style. Where can he get customers? How does he get a job writing Jingles?
1 AntwortRock and Popvor 1 Jahrzehnt