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Do I really have MRSA?
Ya i have and infection, ya it comes back periodically. I have never been given the antibiotic that goes in the nose so i cant be resistant to that. And can I become resistant to Neosporin?
I just learned that if u take antibiotics and it goes away it is not resistant MRSA. if it comes back it doesn't mean it was the same one. So many people were freaking me out.
1 Antwort
- vor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
You don't become resistant to the antibiotic the infecting bacteria is the organism that can become resistant. Just because you haven't been given the heavy hitting antibiotics doesn't determine if the infection is MRSA or not. You haven't told us if it has even been diagnosed as a staph infection or not. The infection could become resistant to neosporin or perhaps it is fungal and doesn't care about the ointment. Inappropriate use of this ointment has lead to resistant strains that is why it is a good idea to talk to your health professional for diagnosis and treatment.