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how do i locate my vacuum modulator on my chevy 305 engine?

vacuum diaphragm check and gage indicator.. i got soft upshifts and slippage, i adjusted mt t,v, wire

3 Antworten

  • vor 9 Jahren
    Beste Antwort

    Unlike the other posters who are wrong, the modulator does not prevent shifting AT ALL.

    The modulator (hence MODULATE people) changes the line pressure inside the trans to increase or decrease shift firmness based on engine vacuum (load). Low vacuum=high load=harder shifts. Not a difficult concept.

    The governor is what controls the timing of shifts.

    There IS NO MODULATOR on GM 4 speed automatic made since 1982, so if you've got one of those, you are chasing your tail. A 700R4 and 2004R have TV cables, and if that is adjusted wrong, kiss your trans goodbye.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    On the transmission. Follow the tube from the intake manifold down behind the engine to the modulator on the transmission. The modulator will cause it to not upshift, not to slip.

  • roger
    Lv 7
    vor 9 Jahren

    its in the transmission and the fact that your tranny is slipping tell s me your vacuum modulator is fine it has nothing to do with slipping tranny and soft shifts your tranny is a typical gm pile of crap and needs to be rebuilt how many miles does it have on it? over a hundred thousand plus? rebuild the tranny.

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