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i had knee surgery monday. im still in great pain. like the time the dentist sewed a nerve.?
the stitches in my knee must take longer than 5 days to dissolve. i will tough it out unliss there could be nerve damag. i had knee surgery monday. im still in great pain. like the time the dentist sewed a nerve. so.. i lasted 5 dayswhen the dentist sewed a nerve. but these are biodegradable stitches in my knee. how long until they dissolve? possible nerve damage ?
i found out there are no nerves in the knee and the dr shoulda told me GREAT PAIN - LONG TIME
2 Antworten
- vor 9 JahrenBeste Antwort
A nerve could have been damaged during surgery that is common.
Aboiut nerves in the knee. Nerves are present that aloow the sensory orientation in the joints. These nerves help in coordinating movemvements. These nerves are very delicate and can be injured which may lead to severe knee pain.
I'm not sure how you can feel pain if there isn't any nerves there.
- vor 7 Jahren
ya they said there were no nerves there. knee surgery plain ol hurts. some say worse than child birth.