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Is there a way to cut down on a cat shedding?
6 AntwortenCatsvor 5 JahrenHow to keep cats off kitchen counters?
7 AntwortenCatsvor 5 JahrenHow to cut down on cat shedding?
11 AntwortenCatsvor 5 JahrenWill Hillary Clinton be indicted?
19 AntwortenPoliticsvor 5 Jahrenwhat are the most important issues for you in the 2016 Presidential election?
10 AntwortenElectionsvor 6 Jahrenwhat's a good printer for an HP Cloud computer?
1 AntwortPrintersvor 6 JahrenWhat do you think of the Republican sweep?
5 AntwortenElectionsvor 7 JahrenHow to get rid of facial bumps acquired after using honey masks?
I used a honey mask on my face every day for about a month. It smoothed my skin but left small bumps on my cheeks and forehead. I am a senior citizen and have never had serious acne and never had a breakout on my cheeks before.
I would appreciate your response.
3 AntwortenSkin Conditionsvor 7 Jahrenhow to clean a sliding glass door with sticky pool cleaner which seem like white glue?
I tried to power wash the stucco on my back porch with pool chlorine in a power sprayer and not knowing any better I sprayed the sliding doors.
It left something like a sticky white paste. I tried clean it with steam and it helped a lot but just isn't doing the job.
Please don't laugh at me. I am a 75 y.o. widow and attempting to do things I've never attempted before.
Thank you for any advice because I've worked on this for hours and I'm now taking a Saturday afternoon nap.
2 AntwortenCleaning & Laundryvor 7 JahrenWhy should I feel safe giving Obamacare navigators my address and who all lives in my household?
To my this is totally irrational and careless.
2 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 JahrenHas anyone really figured out what Obamacare covers, etc?
Are all services granted by ALL plans? i.e. Would someone on the Bronze plan be able to get heart surgery the same as someone on the Platinum Plan?
What does it mean 60% for services under the Bronze Plan and 20% under the Platinum plan?
What if someone has no income?
I listened to the Health Care Exchange Enrollment hearings and the more I listen the more confused I get.
Does one have to trust a 'navigator' with their S.S. # and all their personal information to get any answers?
Etc., etc.,
6 AntwortenOther - Politics & Governmentvor 8 JahrenWhy would anyone be willing to accept Obamacare?
If Congress and their staffs demanded they not be included in Obamacare?
If the Unions demanded they be excluded from Obamacare?
If the big corporations demanded they be excluded from Obamacare?
and all their demands have been met leaving the poor and working poor to pick up the slack. The average citizen is under the heavy hand of the government and like every other program we know the rates will go up every year. The care will not be equal due to the many different plans ranging from bronze to platinum. Contrary to what Obama said, the promise that 'if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor' has proven to be untrue.
Why are Americans so satisfied to accept laws that so many are exempt from?
I thought we were all equal under the law.
The Statue of Liberty must have lost the binders over her eyes.
Obamacare is far from equal and people are just rolling over and accepting whatever Obama, Pelosi, etc. have pushed on us without ever reading what is in it.
11 AntwortenGovernmentvor 8 JahrenWhy do Democrats encourage poverty and immoralitry?
Living cradle to grave on welfare and food stamps; depending on public education where the teachers are unqualified whose loyalty is simply with their unions, aiding and abetting young girls and women to have children as a result of a brief affair or one night stand, men who use these women and girls as sexual objects and disappear, encouraging and congratulating sex for sex sake, pornography in all the media, gay, straight, multiple partner sex. The liberals have encouraged all these things that will always end up with low self esteem, heartache, murder, suicide and prison.
Sometimes people are so blind they just cannot see. It's very sad when politicians care so little about their constituents just so they can secure votes.
7 AntwortenElectionsvor 8 JahrenWhere can I my junk folder on gmail?
There is no place on my gmail site where I can retrieve mail that automatically to junk and something important was sent to me with a note it may automatically go into junk. When I tried to retrieve it there was nothing to indicate where to get into this folder.
3 AntwortenGooglevor 8 JahrenHow many innocent blacks will now be killed?
Stop and Frisk was conducted primarily in black neighborhood. Now no matter how suspicion their actions they cannot be stopped & frisked by the police. This leaves the law abiding blacks living in those neighborhoods totally vulnerable. These innocents are the ones who are going to arm themselves and the citizens of N.Y. must have the laws to ensure they can use self-defense against those putting them in a dangerous position.
Should people sit back and allow thugs to knock them around, steal money or valuable from their homes, rape them or their children simply because the liberals think thugs are being picked on because of the 'color of their skin'. One's skin color does not make one look suspicious, it's one's actions and canvassing neighborhoods where they do not belong.
Stand You Ground laws are the only real protection law-abiding citizens and the liberals are putting those they are pretending to help are greater risk.
N.Y. will soon be another Chicago but we will not hear about these senseless crimes from the liberal press.
7 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 JahrenDo you think Y.A. should add a category on Obamacare?
I am sure people have a multitude of questions about this that are just not being clarified by the general media from either the right or left.
Y.A. serves the average people that don't really keep up with the in and outs of these issues. (that is unfortunate but true). Too many seem to think they are getting some great benefit without knowing what it going to cost them, why the elites are exempted, etc.
3 AntwortenCivic Participationvor 8 JahrenHow much personal information are you will to give the IRS & it's 'navigators'?
Has anyone actually downloaded one of the applications that take over an hour to fill out and discovered how very much information you are revealing about yourself.
The Democrats answer to this is "if you don't want a subsidy don't fill it out and go out and buy your own insurance'.
I'm watching this on Cspan 3 right now and this is the Democrats answer.
How naïve is one to be to believe the government which never gives anyone a break on their tax returns?
2 AntwortenPoliticsvor 8 Jahren