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Favorisierte Antworten2%
  • This guy had an ACCIDENT!!!!!!!!?

    I know this is kinda gross, but I'm really interested. Last Sunday my friends and I came back from church and we saw this old man fall of his bike hitting his face on the concrete. We rushed to help him back up, but his nose was bleeding so hard it made him dizzy. There was also some white stuff coming out of his nose that looked like pus, but I'm sure it wasn't. What could it have been? I wanna go to med school so that's why I'm interested in that kinda stuff.. ;) thx!

    1 AntwortFirst Aidvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • So this guy had an accident and there was something coming out of his nose!?

    I know this is kinda gross, but I'm really interested. Last Sunday my friends and I came back from church and we saw this old man fall of his bike hitting his face on the concrete. We rushed to help him back up, but his nose was bleeding so hard it made him dizzy. There was also some white stuff coming out of his nose that looked like pus, but I'm sure it wasn't. What could it have been? I wanna go to med school so that's why I'm interested in that kinda stuff.. ;) thx!

    1 AntwortInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Missing period, but not pregnant? Please help?

    My period has been due for almost a week now, my cycle's usually between 29 and 31 days. I'm 18 and NOT pregnant! (I know cuz I'm a virgin ;))

    November and December have been horribly busy for me and I was a real mess. I got to rest around Xmas, which was shortly after my last period, and my life has calmed down since then. I really don't know why I would be missing my period now. I feel kinda "periodish" (increased hunger and a little pain every now and then, sorry for my creative description), but it's just not coming.. What's wrong with me?

    6 AntwortenParentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Missing my period, but not pregnant?

    My period has been due for almost a week now, my cycle's usually between 29 and 31 days. I'm 18 and NOT pregnant! (I know cuz I'm a virgin ;))

    November and December have been horribly busy for me and I was a real mess. I got to rest around Xmas, which was shortly after my last period, and my life has calmed down since then. I really don't know why I would be missing my period now. I feel kinda "periodish" (increased hunger and a little pain every now and then, sorry for my creative description), but it's just not coming.. What's wrong with me?

    3 AntwortenAdolescentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Missing period, but not pregnant??? Has this ever happened to you.. Don't know what's wrong?

    My period has been due for almost a week now, my cycle's usually between 29 and 31 days. I'm 18 and NOT pregnant! (I know cuz I'm a virgin ;))

    November and December have been horribly busy for me and I was a real mess. I got to rest around Xmas, which was shortly after my last period, and my life has calmed down since then. I really don't know why I would be missing my period now. I feel kinda "periodish" (increased hunger and a little pain every now and then, sorry for my creative description), but it's just not coming.. What's wrong with me?

    4 AntwortenWomen's Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I do my hair on next week's ball???

    I honestly have no idea how to do my hair on a ball next Saturday. I have long brown hair, any ideas??

    2 AntwortenHairvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • driving age state laws?

    is there a website where i can find laws for all US states which tell at which age teens can drive there?

    3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • shall i do it??

    ok, this is very weird but anyways...

    I've been livin in Germany for a couple years now and I go to a German school. Students here have to pick out one topic they're gonna talk about for one lesson every year. This year in English we can choose between 9/11 or Native Americans.. I'm not sure whether to take 9/11 cuz I'm nor sure if it's the right thing for me to do, I'm very close to a victim and it still does hurt a lot thinkin about it but on the other hand I think it's better for me to do it than for any other person here cuz they wouldn't get what it was really like there by readin some old newspapers or stuff..

    do you think I should choose this topic or not??

    Plz no rude answers, it's really tough for me...

    11 AntwortenTriviavor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 9-11 for school??

    ok, this is very weird but anyways...

    I've been livin in Germany for a couple years now and I go to a German school. Students here have to pick out one topic they're gonna talk about for one lesson every year. This year in English we can choose between 9/11 or Native Americans.. I'm not sure whether to take 9/11 cuz I'm nor sure if it's the right thing for me to do, I'm very close to a victim and it still does hurt a lot thinkin about it but on the other hand I think it's better for me to do it than for any other person here cuz they wouldn't get what it was really like there by readin some old newspapers or stuff..

    do you think I should choose this topic or not??

    Plz no rude answers, it's really tough for me...

    3 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • breakdance music?

    know some good stuff??

    3 AntwortenRap and Hip-Hopvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • paraplegic ppl??

    ok, I havea very stupid question but I don't know to much about this but I'd like to cuz a friend's aunt got paraplegic after an accident and she keeps tellin me stuff about her and I don't dare tellin her I don't really understand so...

    what causes that, which body parts can't they move any more...?? just tell me what u know...thx and sry!!

    1 AntwortAlternative Medicinevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • military car sales in Germany??

    ok, here's my question, are german ppl allowed to buy cars from the military? a german friend of mine would love to have a mustang and he can't afford buying it in the states and bringin it to Germany...

    4 AntwortenBaden-Wuerttemburgvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • my dog ate raw pork?

    maybe one week ago, we gave her to my granny cuz we went on vacation and my dog stole that piece of meet from the table. I read somewhere that raw pork is deadly for dogs cuz there're many bacterias in it that can cause serious sicknesses. is that true, what shall I do, I'm so worried!!!

    8 AntwortenDogsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • NYC ppl??? (apartment question)?

    Ok, I've just looked up for apartments in manhattan and I found this website:

    anyways, when I click on the areas and search for apartments there is always talked about communities there and there are pics of the lobby, exercise room and so on. I've never lived in a city so I'm kinda confused. Are the apartments there like little hotels or what? what I'm thinking is that there's your apartment in a building and then there are several rooms for all ppl living there or what? Or am I just too stupid to find the right website?

    Plz tell me, I'm really confused.

    6 AntwortenNew York Cityvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • NYC ppl??? (apartment question)?

    Ok, I've just looked up for apartments in manhattan and I found this website:

    anyways, when I click on the areas and search for apartments there is always talked about communities there and there are pics of the lobby, exercise room and so on. I've never lived in a city so I'm kinda confused. Are the apartments there like little hotels or what? what I'm thinking is that there's your apartment in a building and then there are several rooms for all ppl living there or what? Or am I just too stupid to find the right website?

    Plz tell me, I'm really confused.

    5 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wild horses Natasha Bedingfield?

    does anybody have the song and can send it to me?



    5 AntwortenHorsesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Wild horses Natasha Bedingfield?

    does anybody have the song and can send it to me?



    6 AntwortenLyricsvor 1 Jahrzehnt