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shall i do it??

ok, this is very weird but anyways...

I've been livin in Germany for a couple years now and I go to a German school. Students here have to pick out one topic they're gonna talk about for one lesson every year. This year in English we can choose between 9/11 or Native Americans.. I'm not sure whether to take 9/11 cuz I'm nor sure if it's the right thing for me to do, I'm very close to a victim and it still does hurt a lot thinkin about it but on the other hand I think it's better for me to do it than for any other person here cuz they wouldn't get what it was really like there by readin some old newspapers or stuff..

do you think I should choose this topic or not??

Plz no rude answers, it's really tough for me...

11 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort


    I would with 9/11. Here is why. some many people have not put closure on that treffiing day. I was a victum my self you can email or im me for more deatials. I was in the same position as you are in and it was hard for me to go and stand up in from of the class to the the prestitaion, but i was brave and found courage in my heart to share what i had to say and what me and my classmates 15-18 in ages at the time. We around and did a doation collection and and 3 of use who had our liscence drove up there from Miami Fla to New York to personal deliver the dontations that we collected and the time that we got there we more so we chiped in a mailed it up there,. I know it will be tought but that is life and it aint always easy. good luck,

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Write about 9/11. It sounds like you have a passion for it, and everyone knows if you have a passion about something, you will do a far better job. Sorry to hear that you were so close to a victim. There were many. I am sure what ever you write will be great... and it will be good therapy for you.

    Lots of Luck. :^))

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Choose 911 -

    Giving yourself a chance to talk about it and give your view, might help you heal.

    Also can be a tribute to the friend you lost.

    Research all the FACTS too - there are some really amazing theories out there - some backed up with real fact, some backed up with sensationalism - a really hot topic for sure.

    Hope you feel better :)

  • Edith
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think that you should choose the topic of 9/11 only if you feel comfortable sharing your story.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Do it on the Indian, they haven't had any coverage in a while. Look up the movement that Marlon Brando was apart of, he was the first star to make a political statement at the Oscars, he even got shot trying to bring awareness to the American Indian plight.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's your education write about what you feel yoiu can do the best at writing. If you feel you would do a better job about writing about 911 then do it and vice versa if you feel would do better writing about native americans.

    Bottom line don't mess with your education it is a school project and you have to do well on it.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are so many different types of Native American Indians to choose from. You could choose to do your paper on just one tribe, or many tribes. There are indians that are still alive today such as Cherokee, Choctaw, Sack-and-Fox, Black Foot, etc. Then there are Native American tribes that no longer exist such as Mohicans.

    Here is link of Native American Tribe names. Languages. Etc


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Generally, if you feel more towards 9/11, i would say do it. It would probably give you motivation. But if you get really sad doing it don't, it will affect your marks as well as your disposition

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes. The only way others will know and respect how we feel as red-blooded Americans

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i think that 9/11 would be a good choice as you would be able to give a new prospective and talk wilh knowledge and passion.

    you would probably hold peoples attention as it is something that is closer to your heart

    good luck !

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