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Missing my period, but not pregnant?

My period has been due for almost a week now, my cycle's usually between 29 and 31 days. I'm 18 and NOT pregnant! (I know cuz I'm a virgin ;))

November and December have been horribly busy for me and I was a real mess. I got to rest around Xmas, which was shortly after my last period, and my life has calmed down since then. I really don't know why I would be missing my period now. I feel kinda "periodish" (increased hunger and a little pain every now and then, sorry for my creative description), but it's just not coming.. What's wrong with me?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Stress can also delay your period

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are a couple of things that can delay your period including stress or cycle changes i guess because that happens to me a couple of times. I usually get my period on the 18 but one month it didnt came and it started coming on the 14th. Weird huh?

    If you're really worried talk to your doctor.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Errr speaking from experiance it's ok to skip once in a while, it's a phase some girls bodies seem to go through and sometimes all it is doing it re-audjusting your cycle. Hope that helped.

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