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Why does my leg start shaking when I have my foot on the clutch?
I had my first driving lessons today, in the city! =/
I was driving a stick shift VW eos convertible, and it was my first time ever. I was surprised that my instructor would let me drive a 32k Volkswagen..
So my question is why did my leg start shaking when I had my foot on the clutch? It made me stall twice when I was in first gear trying to release my foot from the clutch, and my leg was shaking and I panicked
What can I do? Is this normal, do I get used to it? Haha I should of asked for automatic
10 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 1 JahrzehntTaking clothes off while sleeping?
Today I woke up shirtless. How the hell did I take off my shirt while sleeping?? It was like 65 degrees in my room, so I was not warm..
3 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 1 JahrzehntTerminal 3 to Terminal 5 at Heathrow?
My BA flight 699 from VIE to LHR has been canceled due to the proposed cabin crew strike.
I had my flight changed to 697 arriving at 1:15PM, 4 hours later.
My connecting flight 297 to Chicago ORD departs at 3:25 PM and I would have had a 6 hour layover. Now I only have 2 hours to get from Terminal 3 to Terminal 5. Is that enough or am I going to miss my flight?
2 AntwortenAir Travelvor 1 JahrzehntChecking into the Allerton in Chicago?
I booked a room on and I read their policy and the terms, and it didn't say anything about having to be 21 to check in. (it said adults 18+)
On the Allerton website it says that you have to be 21 to check in..
I'm 18 and have my own credit card. The room is non-refundable so there's pretty much nothing I can do. Are they going to let me check in if I have my own credit card?
What do I do now? I'm traveling alone..
Thank you for your help
2 AntwortenChicagovor 1 JahrzehntMy ping is way too high, what can I do?
My ping ranges from 100-180 and videos on hulu and youtube are stuttering. It worked fine up until yesterday I didn't do anything and no settings or any hardware has changed.
Please help me I have no idea how to fix this =[ (Can't switch ISP btw)
1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do I always have an orange shade around my mouth?
It looks weird, do you think it's the carotene from the mangoes and carrots I eat?
1 AntwortOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 JahrzehntWhy do I feel the need to hurt myself?
I feel the need to hurt myself every night. I want the pain to go away. I want a normal family life, miss my relatives, and there's no love in my life =[
I like being alive, but am just not happy with how things turned out..
I would never cut myself, so I don't know how else I could relieve the inner pain.
5 AntwortenPsychologyvor 1 JahrzehntI talk to my self all the time..?
Why do I always talk to myself? I'm not really having conversations but I think out loud all the time. If I don't think aloud then I can't memorize what I just said or dunno what I was gonna do later on.
Is this normal? I have like real difficulties concentrating and focusing on something I don't like to do or have to do. I like cleaning, and cooking and making videos, stuff that's easy to focus on.
What's wrong with me? I don't have a big family and live with my mom and I'm always alone, and when I was little nobody would listen to me..
12 AntwortenMental Healthvor 1 JahrzehntWhat to wear to work on Halloween?
I have to work on Saturday so I'd like to dress up. I work as a cashier and have to wear my green uniform shirt.
Any ideas? Shouldn't get me fired though xD
4 AntwortenHalloweenvor 1 JahrzehntMy dad and I had the same dream. What does it mean?
I fell asleep in my chair yesterday and woke up lying in my bed I couldn't remember falling asleep and my dad called and asked me if I sent him an invitation to a party.
I said no but I had a dream about a party in an old black house it was a Halloween party and I was late cuz my train was delayed. Someone was carrying boxes I didn't recognize who that guy was. My father said he had the same dream, he was at a party in an old black house and he was carrying boxes. The house number was 1000 something.
So today my dad got an email about a party at 1006 **** in Iowa. It was missent to him. Anyway I looked it up on google maps and it looked like that house and there was a train station nearby.
This is not the first time this is happening..
3 AntwortenDream Interpretationvor 1 JahrzehntWhy is the sky always gray or bright white where I live?
It's so depressing =[
2 AntwortenWeathervor 1 JahrzehntLip ring piercing, yes or no?
I'm 17, I'd have to take it out before work and when my mom gets home xD
If I take it out is there gonna be like a huge hole or just a tiny one? She wouldn't find out if it was just a small hole..
5 AntwortenOther - Skin & Bodyvor 1 JahrzehntSudden dizziness, increased heart rate and blurred vision, causes? 17yo?
I had chest pain in my lower left chest yesterday and today, while I was working, (I was ringing someone up) I suddenly felt reeeally dizzy and my heart rate increased and had blurred vision and couldn't say anything I had to bend forward and hold on to something so I didn't drop the ground and I can remember someone asking me if I was ok but I couldn't say anything for like 2 minutes that's when it stopped and my eyes started watering, all I said was "whoa".
That never happened to me before! I lead a healthy lifestyle and I'm only 17 years old, 5'10 and 125lbs..
Thank you for any answer!
1 AntwortOther - Diseasesvor 1 JahrzehntWas Chuck Lorre really born in a women's prison in Mississippi?
1 AntwortCelebritiesvor 1 JahrzehntI got caught downloading tv shows, help?
I got an email from my provider they told me Comedy Central caught me downloading South Park S13E06 and South Park S13E03.
But I downloaded a total of 8 south park episodes that day.
What can I do? What's gonna happen??
3 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 JahrzehntWhat's the name of that 90's show?
It was about preteens and their life there was that family of a young boy and an older one and a dad with brown hair, the mother had blond hair I guess. And there was this girl that the main character had a crush on. His friends are 2 geeks one with glasses and one with black curly hair.
I really can't remember anything else I was too young.. Please I just wanna see the intro again it'd bring back some memories! The song was slow and something like "What would you if I said..."
3 AntwortenDramavor 1 JahrzehntFilm college in Southern California, help please?
Now that I graduated from High School I'd like to study film, video editing, broadcasting etc. I'd like to get at least a bachelor's degree.
If you have experience or know a good film-making college that is affordable (16k/year max.) please let me know.
Preferably in the Orange County area. I'd like to attend OCC but I don't know if their film/video program is worth the money..
Thank you!
2 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 JahrzehntWho was that kid on KIIS like 2 weeks ago?
He said Usher called him and invited him to Atlanta..
1 AntwortRadiovor 1 JahrzehntBest 2 seats on Airbus A330-300?
I'm flying back with Finnair from Finland to JFK tomorrow.
This time I'd like to have a seat with more legroom in the economy class.
here's the seating chart:
Please help me =]
1 AntwortAir Travelvor 1 JahrzehntEver had a root canal? How long did it take?
I just had my 4th or 5th root canal done and it took me only half an hour just like it did last time and it once again didn't hurt at all. I suffered 3 days of excruciating, throbbing pain and now it's finally gone =]
I once had a root canal at another dentist and it took 1 and a half hours and it hurt during and after the root canal. Why?
Haha I just love my dentist. She does a great job working on my mouth, it never hurts, and you can always chat with her.
2 AntwortenDentalvor 1 Jahrzehnt