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Thirty something woman who loves sport, chocolate, the arts, fashion, good debate and her nieces kicking the crap out of her. . But hates hypocritical politicians, people who don't take responsibility for their actions, ignorance and people who can't laugh at themselves. If i'm asked a straight question here, i will always give a straight answer. Hee Hee! ..0.... ..0...0.... .0.....0... .0.....0.. plz put this ..0...0...on ur profile ...0..0... if u know someone ....00.... that died from cancer ..0....0.. .0......0.
Does anyone know where these boots are from?
Or anything similar!
3 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 8 JahrenProblems With Hotmail since Fri 15 Jan. .?
Is anyone else unable to log into their email accounts? I got an email about updating my Hotmail account and clicked on the link and didn't notice any difference. Few days later I could not log in- My account and password were both invalid. Despite numerous calls to Microsoft helplines turns out I am not alone! If anyone else is out there experiencing this- please respond!
1 AntwortMSNvor 8 JahrenTechnical Issues With Blackberry 9900?
I've upgraded to a BB9900- but it will not transfer all the data from my old 9780. I have been trying this for a whole day. Have been to my phone shop, called Blackberry technical assistance (who wanted to charge me for this!) and I'm going to return it tomorrow and stick with my old one. It will not transfer my What'sApp and my BBpin contacts and conversations. Everything else is fine.
Please help!!!! I am uploading and restoring from my Macbook and have had 2 Blackberries and not had this issue.
ANY assistance would be gratefully appreciated.
1 AntwortMobile Phones & Plansvor 8 JahrenHow do I get my ipod/tunes store to work together?
My iPod has suddenly 'forgot' my password and refuses to let me change it when I go to my iTunes and follow the procedure. What am I doing wrong? I'm getting very impatient! Any help much appreciated
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 JahrenLooking for a document regarding slavery?
It details specifically how to treat your black male slaves and female slaves in 19th century America. Its classic divide and conquer and was written by a slave owner. For the life of me I cannot remember his name- help!!
1 AntwortHistoryvor 9 JahrenHow do I delete my gmail account?
I've searched an answer on here but it really doesn't correlate to whats on my Gmail screen. I can't do with anymore of gmails never ending invasive advertising.
4 AntwortenGooglevor 9 JahrenLooking for the name of a plant?
I was told they are momfresias- I'm not sure on spelling- they're bushy with long green leaves and bright red little multiple flowers. Please help!
2 AntwortenGarden & Landscapevor 9 JahrenI'm Planning To Get a Mortgage (United Kingdom)?
What would I need to do to enhance my chances? I've been told to get a credit card to raise my credit rating. What would be an adequate deposit? (I know 100% mortgages are a rarity) Am I better saving with an ISA with my current bank or do I shop around? Any advice would be great, thanks :)
3 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 9 JahrenMSN Messenger Not Working Properly?
I use hotmail chat regularly and I haven't been able to log onto it for 3 days. Just says its 'loading'- can anyone help?? I've logged out and back in still no avail. :(
2 AntwortenMSNvor 9 JahrenHow Do I Do A Mailmerge?
Could someone tell me how to do the above in a simple, idiot-proof bullet point manner. It would be much appreciated!
1 AntwortSoftwarevor 9 JahrenMusic In Versace Perfume Ad?
Ad for Bright Crystal perfume - does anyone know the music used? Thanks
2 AntwortenOther - Musicvor 9 JahrenNeed To Find Out Owners of Property?
Is it possible to find out who owns a residential property and (hopefully) not having to pay for the privilege of finding out? There is an abandoned house near where I live and one a few doors from me that is in dreadful disrepair but rented out to asylum seekers etc. I'm very interested in both.
Any help will do, many thanks
10 AntwortenRenting & Real Estatevor 9 JahrenHelp Me Sell Some CD's & DVDs'!?
I happily use MusicMagpie to sell old DVD's and CD's but I have hundreds that are not in their hard plastic cases and MM will not accept these, even though they are in immaculate condition. Does anyone know of any similar sites/organisations I can sell them to?
4 AntwortenSoftwarevor 9 JahrenI need some information about Employment Law?
Is it legal to have someone work 7 days straight when the other 4 employees do not and threaten them with disciplinary action if they don't? Could someone clarify the legal working times etc? Thanks
5 AntwortenLaw & Legalvor 10 JahrenEye Surgery for Graves Disease?
May have to have some surgery on my upper lid (lowering). If anyone has had it done or know someone who has, I would be grateful for any opinions or facts about it as I'm getting an information brick wall everywhere I turn. Thanks
4 AntwortenOpticalvor 10 JahrenHyperthyroidism and Weight Gain. .?
I was diagnosed with an overactive thyroid and put on Carbimazole. My weight has steadily crept up to my pre-illness weight and I've been declared euthyroid. :-) My only problem now? Although I was unwell I was 11st and a size 12. I just want to get back to that healthily. I'm having problems giving up my vices smoking (which I keep being advised to do by my thyroid doctor) in particular.
Please help. I'm not comfortable at this weight at all.
2 AntwortenDiet & Fitnessvor 10 JahrenAm I Entitled To Tax Rebates?
I'm going through some old papers and come across some P60's. They all indicate an amount to be rebated but I have never claimed them. They're dated from 2001-2009. Can I still claim?
1 AntwortUnited Kingdomvor 10 JahrenWhat do you think of the British Governments Response to the situation in Libya?
I'd like to know other peoples opinion. .
9 AntwortenPoliticsvor 1 JahrzehntDeferring Ones Student Loan. .?
I have a student loan that I have deferred for over a decade. Is there a cut of point as to when the SLC either call it in and say I must pay it or wipe the debt and bugger my credit rating.
Any advice will be greatly received.
Any trolls will be reported.
3 AntwortenFinancial Aidvor 1 JahrzehntMy Blackberry 9780 isn't doing what I want!?
I can't dial directly from my kepyad- I have to press the green button and then dial a number (using keys) is this normal?
2 AntwortenMobile Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt