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Lv 31.578 points


Favorisierte Antworten14%
  • Where can I get a list student activities directors for colleges in PA, NJ, DE, NY and MD?

    I want to get a list of student activities directors and their emails for all colleges and universities in PA, NJ, NY, DE, & MD. Is there a source for this information?

    3 AntwortenHigher Education (University +)vor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I get a background check done on someone?

    Where can I get a background check done on someone to find out if they are married or were married and divorced now?

    There are too many scam sites and sites that give you hardy anything once you pay.

    8 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Anyone have issues with the Fender Passport PD-250?

    I've had some re-occuring issues that actually made me turn off my Fender Passport PD-250 at the ren faire this past weekend.

    From time to time the sound seems to go out on either the music or mic. This past weekend, the music cut off (well, it actually the volume went REALLY REALLY low) and then jumped back to normal.

    The the mic did the same thing.

    It's pretty hard to screw up the passport... it's pretty simplistic, so just wondering if anyone else has had an issue with Fenders.

    As an FYI, I was using a laptop plugged into the system for sound and a SHURE wireless mic as the mic.

    Anyone experience this or have any similiar problems or ideas?

    1 AntwortOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where to find a booking agent?

    I'm a comedy stage hypnotist who has been promoting himself. I'm looking for recommendations on good booking agents - especially those who deal with cruiselines.

    Can you make a recommendation of a good one?

    1 AntwortPerforming Artsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Comedy Clubs Around Wilmington, NC?

    I am looking for Comedy Clubs or other Venues around Wilmington, NC who can host a comedy hypnosis show around June 23-28, as I will be in that area.

    Any recommendations on places to contact?

    2 AntwortenComedyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Where can I get a cheap virtual assistant?

    I've done some preliminary searching and they seem awfully overpriced. Anyone know where I can find an affordable virtual assistant to help me with my business?

    4 AntwortenAdministrative and Office Supportvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What book should I have my girlfriend read to help her speak my love language?

    I'm a big believer in Gary Chapman's "The Five Love Languages". It's helped me in my life in dealing with many people. My love language is words of affirmation and my girlfriend is terrible at it. She's offered to read a book on it but I'm not sure which book would be best.

    Any ideas on which would help her learn how to speak words of affirmation?

    10 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • The time is wrong on my emails sent by php sendmail script?

    I am sending emails using the php sendmail script. The problem is, the server is on a different timezone than I am and the emails appear to have been send 5 hours before. Is there a way to change the time sent on email in php? I am using php on a Windows platform - v5.0

    5 AntwortenProgramming & Designvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I correct an Error when trying to run Windows Update on Vista?

    When I try to update Windows Vista on my HP Notebook, I get the following error -

    Windows could not search for new updates

    Errors Found:

    Code 80070005, Windows encountered an unknown error

    Anyone know how to correct this?

    2 AntwortenSoftwarevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can I find a list of all the volunteer fire companies in my state?

    I'm a new stage hypnotist looking to help out fire companies by doing fundraisers for them. I'm trying to find a list of volunteer fire companies in my state. Is there some place that maintains a list that include mailing address? Preferably in electronic format.

    1 AntwortCommunity Servicevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is $1000 a month too much to spend on a girlfriend?

    I've been with my girlfriend for a little over 6 months have spent about $6,000 or so going out with her. Take into Christmas and Valentine's Days fall into that 6 month period.

    Some people I work with seem to find that amount absurd.

    13 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • iPhone theme for Verizon XV6800?

    Looking for an iPhone theme and iPhone like utilities for my Verizon HTC XV6800. I saw someone had done it on YouTube, but there were no details.

    5 AntwortenCell Phones & Plansvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Cannot connect to printer using Vista Home.?

    I have several computers setup with Windows XP professional and Windows XP home using a wireless hub. All the computers can see the shared laser printer except for my HP Vista laptop. It can't see the printer or any other computers on the network. Anything I can try to get it recognized? I even tried accessing it directly using \\computername1 and it doesn't find it. It CAN access the internet, however, so I know it's connecting to the router.

    Anything special that might be engaged or not engaged in Vista that could prevent it from seeing the other computers?

    1 AntwortComputer Networkingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How often should you shower when you're seeing someone?

    I shower every morning after I workout, and when I'm done working, I head over to my girlfriend's place. I don't have a particularly strong body odor and no one has ever complained but one of my co-workers says it's "weird" that I don't shower before seeing her. Is this "weird"? Should I ask her to shower when I get to her house? Is one shower a day after working out acceptable?

    11 AntwortenEtiquettevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Does anyone know what type of sweater Magneto is wearing?

    In the original X-Men, in the scenes where Magneto is with the senator in his "lair", Magneto is wearing a black padded-looking sweater. Does anyone know what that's called or where they may be sold? I see a similiar style "sweater" used by military characters in other movies - for instance, Riley in Buffy wore one.

    1 AntwortFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is this too much for Valentine's Day?

    I've been seeing a woman for over 3 months now. We spend at least two evenings together every weekend and sometimes the days too - depending on our schedules. I enjoy her company and the feeling seems to be mutual.

    Valentine's Day is coming and I wanted to do something special - I'm taking her to a restraunt we both loved, I ordered her special purple roses (it's her favorite color), she LOVES fish and I happened upon a fish necklace (gold with little sapphires and a diamond eye) - it was on clearance, so I got a great deal.... and I'm picking up a box of special dark chocolate candies from this great local confectionary.

    Am I doing too much?

    18 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My computer's monitor is flickering on and off...?

    I have a Westinghouse 32" TV/Monitor... it works fine with TV - no problems at all. Most of the time, it works with the computer. But when I try to play a game (EQ2) in window mode, it seems to sometimes flicker... almost as if the video card is no longer displaying to it. It only seems to happen with the one game.

    Any ideas? Could it be the motherboard?

    5 AntwortenDesktopsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Is there a utility that will record whatever I am playing on my computer, as I am playing it?

    Other than running a wire from the input out to the input in on my computer and recording what I'm playing... is there a utility that will record what I am playing?

    3 AntwortenOther - Computersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why can't I remember faces/names?

    I am dyslexic, so names are not easily remembered, but I also have a hard time remembering faces unless they look exactly like the did before. Same with directions... if things are different (ie. dark, different season, etc.) then I seem to have a hard time remembering. Anyone know if there is a disorder that would account for this and if it is treatable?

    1 AntwortMental Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Why do I get feedback when I run my laptop sound out to my amp?

    I'm a DJ and recently got a laptop to play music with instead of totting around my old desktop. But, I notice I get some sort of feedback from the laptop when I run the sound into my amp but I can't figure out why.

    Anyone else have this problem or a solution?

    2 AntwortenMusic & Music Playersvor 1 Jahrzehnt