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Cannot connect to printer using Vista Home.?

I have several computers setup with Windows XP professional and Windows XP home using a wireless hub. All the computers can see the shared laser printer except for my HP Vista laptop. It can't see the printer or any other computers on the network. Anything I can try to get it recognized? I even tried accessing it directly using \\computername1 and it doesn't find it. It CAN access the internet, however, so I know it's connecting to the router.

Anything special that might be engaged or not engaged in Vista that could prevent it from seeing the other computers?


All computers (Vista included) have the same workgroup name (MSHOME).

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Hi you say you cant even see other computers. Im guessing then that you havent set the correct work group?? All the other computers will have a work group name click control panel then system on one of the XP PCs that will show you the workgroup. On the vista one then click start type in system in the search and click the "System" button or go on control pannel then system. Scroll down to Computer name, domain, workgroup settings and click change settings, make sure the workgroup name is the same as the XP ones.


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