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Anyone have issues with the Fender Passport PD-250?

I've had some re-occuring issues that actually made me turn off my Fender Passport PD-250 at the ren faire this past weekend.

From time to time the sound seems to go out on either the music or mic. This past weekend, the music cut off (well, it actually the volume went REALLY REALLY low) and then jumped back to normal.

The the mic did the same thing.

It's pretty hard to screw up the passport... it's pretty simplistic, so just wondering if anyone else has had an issue with Fenders.

As an FYI, I was using a laptop plugged into the system for sound and a SHURE wireless mic as the mic.

Anyone experience this or have any similiar problems or ideas?

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    the only thing i can think is the wireless system is not picking up the mic

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