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Wasn't Beijing Olympics 2008 opening ceremony spectacular?
9 Antworten
- flyingrabbitLv 4vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
the most beautiful opening ceremony in history!
the fire at the very beginning, fireworks at the whole city, the earth ball and people surrounded it upside down, wonderful lighting from beginning to the end, wonderful flame!
and of course, their rich culture made it even more beautiful!
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
It was fantastic. The best ever. It's funny that Tessa Jowell thinks that the one in the UK is going to be just as good... we'll see.
- vor 1 Jahrzehnt
It was okay if you like that sort of thing, but not to my taste. It gave off a whiff of "we're so great, look at how awesome we are" maybe. Not to say that this kind of spectacle hasn't been done in previous Olympics.
The parade of nations was good to see, though.
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