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  • Has anyone made tea using an espresso machine?

    It seems to me as if it should be theoretically possible to make tea using pressurized steam, using crumbled up tea leaves tamped down, but how does it taste? Black or green? Can you drink it full strength or does it need to be watered down afterwards. Would it ruin the machine for making coffee again afterwards?

    1 AntwortNon-Alcoholic Drinksvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • In Major League baseball, whatever happened to the split-finger fastball?

    It seem like in times past this pitch (and its cousin, the forkball) was much more popular among pitchers. It was fun to watch too, with the sensational appearance of "rolling off the table" shortly before the plate. Now it seems like it is rare to find a pitcher who uses this as their bread and butter anymore. Is it because of the risk of wrecking your arm, or did batters figure out a way to handle it?

    5 AntwortenBaseballvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What's a more durable brand of ear buds?

    I have a huge collection of in-ear headphones, most of which have bad connections in the skinny wires connected to the plug. (The others have problems with the headband piece that goes around your head, mostly.) Is there a brand with a better quality of wire? Or is the only thing one can do to spring for a Bluetooth adapter?

    It seems like I can't really tell the difference in audio quality that much, but if I could get a set that lasts more than a couple months of daily use, that would be noticeable.

    2 AntwortenOther - Electronicsvor 1 Jahrzehnt