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I am a Independent contractor ,musician ,cook that love the ocean,people and would like to help everyone I can..............
I have a son incarcerated for the last two years?
My question is ,....I have been sending him at least $50. or more weekly and if I can put a claim on that on my taxes this year when I file .
2 AntwortenLaw & Ethicsvor 1 Jahrzehnthelp with my project financially.
any body here want to finance me in my project? It is the pendant that I was showing before that they keep deleting.... ,THE GIFT it is a sure thing,.. Need to buy a whole lot to sell,have the prototype on display in a Jewelry store but need the product to
sell,e-mail if interested.........will be very rewarding in return.HELP
1 AntwortOther - Business & Financevor 1 Jahrzehnthow do you attach a picture to your question ?
I have a pendant that I would like to show every one for their opinion ......................thank you
2 AntwortenAttachments and Photosvor 1 Jahrzehntwhere do I go to introduced my new kind of entertainment which i am hoping would be the answer to KARAOKE ?
This is the kind of entertainment where you can sing and use other kinds of instrument and interact with each other.
1 AntwortOther - Entertainmentvor 1 Jahrzehntdo you have instruction on how to connect TV to PC ?
1 AntwortTiVO & DVRsvor 1 Jahrzehnt