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I am a ordinary chinese citizen,I am not a CPC or Kuomintang member and i am not interesting in polity. I am not a racist. I don't have any bias against any races&people&nations or religions.I don't give a damn how you hate&criticize the CPC or whatever.But i must have to strike back when anyone tries to insult& abuse&denigrate chinese people or make-up fake news & rumors which hadn't existed in China like CCP had invaded Tibet and killed Tibetan.thank you. ------------------------------------ China has indisputable sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and Diaoyu island. ------------------------------------ I would like help anyone looking for help in China section and i will do my best to help out.
why doesn't Nissan put a steel bumper on my car?
I am chinese and I brought a Nissan Sylphy sedan a month ago, today the dealer told me it doesn't have a rear bumper instead of a foam ,it makes me really angry .i checked it out on internet and found this used Japnese Nissan Sylphy doesn't have one too. is it safe?i don't get my @ss fu*ked when i am driving.
So my question is why doesn't Nissan put a steel bumper on my car? Is there a steel bumper on every Sylphy sedan in The US?Please tell me,this is important to me,thank you.
1 AntwortNissanvor 8 Jahrenwhy doesn't Nissan put a steel bumper on my car?
I am chinese and I brought a Nissan Sylphy sedan a month ago, today the dealer told me it doesn't have a rear bumper instead of a foam ,it makes me really angry .i checked it out on internet and found this used Japnese Nissan Sylphy doesn't have one too. is it safe?i don't get my @ss fu*ked when i am driving.
So my question is why doesn't Nissan put a steel bumper on my car? Is there a steel bumper on every Sylphy sedan in The US?Please tell me,this is important to me,thank you.
2 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 8 JahrenWhat is the purpose of back bumpers?
Is it designed to guarantee the safety of backseat passages ?Does every auto have a bumper in America?
Please tell me what you know,this is important to me,thank you very much.
5 AntwortenOther - Cars & Transportationvor 8 JahrenWhy do people in Alaska like travelling across the state by air?
5 AntwortenOther - United Statesvor 8 Jahrendo you want to travel Tibet?
Take a look of the link below and enjoy the wonderful sensery of Tibet.
3 AntwortenOther - Holidaysvor 8 JahrenWho is the toughest guy in the world? I?
I'd say Kim Jong-un is, a sexy man who has enough guts to confront with US and UN.
6 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 8 JahrenWhen will Japan stop killing the whales and dolphins?
I watched the BBC news reported Japanese kills at least twenty thousand of whales and dolphins every year, it shocks me.So what does Japan need so much cute whales and dolphins for?
9 AntwortenCurrent Eventsvor 8 JahrenWhen will Japan stop killing the whales and dolphins ?
I watched the BBC news reported Japanese kills at least ten thousand of whales and dolphins every year, it shocks me.So what does Japan need so much cute whales and dolphins for?
9 AntwortenConservationvor 8 JahrenWhen will Japan stop killing the whales and dolphins ?
I watched the BBC news reported Japanese kills at least ten thousand of whales and dolphins every year, it shocks me.So what does Japan need so much cute whales and dolphins for?
8 AntwortenJapanvor 8 JahrenIs fishing island belonged to Japan or China?
Is it possible for China to start a war against Japan?
4 AntwortenJapanvor 8 JahrenCPC..................????
your opinions about CPC, Tell me anything more about them(Bad or good),Is it a great party ever in China?
3 AntwortenChinavor 9 JahrenJaps,do you know what happened on Sep,18th,1931??
Probably the incident has been removed from your history books.But i think you have the right to know the truth.And i am just wondering how the japanese young people think about this.
10 AntwortenJapanvor 10 Jahrenwhy did the terrorists attack the twin towers?
I feel sad about the American people lost in 9/11 event.
13 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 JahrenQuestion for parent: have you ever beaten up your kids for .....?
For something they did terribly wrong and really pissed you off.
3 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 JahrenTure or false: you love "Made in china"?
5 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 JahrenDo you strongly believe in that..............?
you'll have a nice future.
14 AntwortenPolls & Surveysvor 10 Jahrenhow to say "i love you" in Italian??
3 AntwortenLanguagesvor 1 JahrzehntHas the South Korean rescue dog been found in Tokyo?
I hear about the news says that S-korea sent five men and 2 rescue dogs to help Japan,But a dog was lost when they landed in Tokyo, has it found now?
1 AntwortKoreavor 1 JahrzehntHas the South Korean rescue dog been found in Tokyo?
2 AntwortenJapanvor 1 Jahrzehnt