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Cookie fragte in Pregnancy & ParentingBaby Names · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Why we have to baptizing a baby ?

Why we have to baptizing a baby ?

For what reason ?

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Good question! There is nothing in the Bible about baptizing/christening babies. Baptism should only be considered when the person concerned understands what it's all about. Go well, and God Bless!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You don't have to. Baptizing a baby really means nothing because a person has to be able to understand and choose for themself whether or not be baptized. Baptism is a public expression of your faith. A baby has no such faith and to baptize a baby is meaningless. You could always dedicate your baby to Christ which means that you are placing the baby in God's hands and is a public expression that you will raise your child to be a Christian. Also, if a person is merely baptized with not believing Jesus is the son of God, lived a life free of sins, died on the cross because he loves up and the wages of sin is death (He took the punishment we rightly deserve b/c we're all sinners so we can live forever with him) then rose again then their baptism also means nothing.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You only have to baptize your baby if you believe in a religion that requires it. Catholics, Lutherans and Episcopalians baptize babies. Baptists, Methodists and others do not.

    It's all up to you. I can't believe a loving God would send an innocent baby to Hell just because somebody else failed to get him wet. After all, babies are very good at getting themselves wet. I'm not certain, but I think the Roman Catholic Church recently said that Limbo doesn't exist except as a dance for intoxicated people to do. But who knows? With this Pope, the Inquisition could be reinstated a week from Tuesday.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Most people do it for religion reasons. However i did not baptize any of my children, instead i let them decide if thats what they wanted when they were old enough to make that decision, my 12 and 10 yr old decided to get baptized last year all on their own ..

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Baptizing a baby is just for my option.

    It shows the church that you are giving your child to God's hands.

    For the child to truely accept Jesus in his heart, he needs to accept Jesus on his own and decide to be Baptized. This usually happens after the child has pasted childhood and is a young adult and is mature enough to understand and have true faith in God and Jesus. Its a personal choice and a learning of the faith, if you will.

    So, again, Baptizing of the child, really is just for the adults, the church and pastor. Ive never heard that it "protects" your child any more or less if you dont.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Infant baptism is a christian tradition begun centuries ago to "ensure" the baby's soul would go to Heaven should the baby die.

    Catholic teachings said an unbaptized child's soul would exist in a place called "baby limbo" until Jesus returned.

    Protestant churches carry on baby and adult baptisms.

    This all has to do with the belief that original sin transfers for all time to children--a christian belief, but not supported by Hebraic scripture. Jews believe a baby is born pure and sinless.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is a religious thing. It is up to you whether or not you want to baptize your baby. My mom baptized me and my siblings and so did my husband's mom, but we choose not to baptize our son.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    you dont have to if you arent religious, in fact if your not religious its probably better that you dont because baptism is the start of a religious commitment. a line in the baptism commitment of my united methodist religion (i help with baptism) is "will you honor your commitment to your church with your tithes, offernings, gifts, and services" (its to the parents) then at the age of accountability (in my church its typically 12, 13, or 14) the confirmans are asked the questions the parents were asked at there baptism, but this time, the children answer for themselves if they are ready to commit to a life of christ. so dont baptize if thats not a commitment you want to or are ready to make.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    u dont have to its up to you and whatever religon u are

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    you dont that is all up to you

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