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Favorisierte Antworten11%
  • Why are my tiger Oscar's fighting?

    I have two tiger oscars about 9 months to a year old. I have had them in a 55 gallon tank with other fish. Recently I took the two oscars and put them in a 75 gallon tank. About two days ago the larger oscar started beating up the smaller one. I bought these two at the same time, same day and out of the same tank. They have always happily kept each other company. The larger one I do believe to be a female and the smaller one a male. Also I have no idea why one out grew the other any ideas is appreciated.

    5 AntwortenFishvor 10 Jahren
  • Can a ankle injury cause knee pain?

    I have already been to the doctor and told her about my ankle injury. She told me it was just a severe sprain and should heal within 6 weeks, but put me in a air cast. The thing is I am having knee pain that shoots from my ankle and stops and shoots again about every 10 to 15 mins. There is also brusing that runs from the top of my foot to my ankle and around to the back to the bottom half of the other side of my foot. She did take an X-Ray, would it be possible that I may have also torn ligaments? The pain is severe on a scale of 8 out of 10. I was not offered anything for pain at all. What other possibilities could be causing my knee pain. The Knee pain only started after I injured my ankle.

    12 AntwortenInjuriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Help With Severe Foot Pain?

    For the past year, i have had foot pain. I work on my feet all day, on concrete, wear good shoes, and stretch my feet as much as i can. Just after 2 hours of being on my feet i start to experience severe burning and pain in my feet and recently in the past few months ankle pain in both ankles. When i am able to get off my feet and start to stand they hurt so bad I have to hold on to something to walk. Any ideas what this may be?

    7 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Sciatica, getting worse Leg gave out what should i do?

    Last Tuesday i was told i have sciatica. The pain is terrible yesterday while i was just walking from the car to the house, my leg gave out on me and i fell to the ground on the side that has sciatica. My leg gave out on me 2 more times yesterday without me falling i was able to catch myself. My family doctor prescribed muscle relaxants and anti-inflammability's. The pain is getting worse, and I am wondering if i should go to the hospital. I live a very active lifestyle, working full time to support 4 children, and I go to school full time. I really need to get back to work. What can I do about this pain it almost disables me. Please only serious answers.

    7 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • What does stinging sensation mean in right hip area?

    3 days ago i started having severe stinging sensation in my right hip. The pain is bad enough to where i can not sleep on my right side. A few weeks ago I had went to the doctor for pelvic pain. The pain is constant and does not come and go. I was bitten by a spider over 2 years ago which left my right hip numb. Any ideas as to what this could be? I have a doctors appointment in 2 days. I just hope it is not serious

    2 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • spider bite symptoms or something else?

    A couple of years ago I was bitten by a spider on my right hip while i was sleeping. I had blisters and swelling, and no medical treatment. For the past 2 years the area has been numb, 3 days ago while working at a garden center I notices a stinging sensation on my right hip. When I got home I seen what looks like my old bite but the puncture wounds are red, and my whole hip stings, and i can not sleep on my side. Could this be just the numbness coming out or maybe I have been bitten again. There is no swelling just alot of stinging, and it is in the hip joint. I have a doctors appointment set up in the morning to make sure it isn't anything else that could cause the symptoms.

    1 AntwortZoologyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • My 2 yr old has a rash around his mouth?

    My 2 yr old has a rash around his mouth, started a few days ago now he seems to be more ill. The rash is now spreading from his chin and now a little on his cheeks, but mainly around his mouth. He has never had anything like this before and nothing has changed as far as soap, washing powders or toothpaste. Any ideas what this could be?

    2 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • ways to get help online for Christmas?

    I wanted to get a early start this year. I am a mom of 4 with a very low income. I am trying to find help for Christmas for the kids this year. Any good ideas are greatly appreciated. The local social services and the church we attend arent really doing much this year, What options are left?

    1 AntwortChristmasvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Dvd burner that burns at 1x?

    I recently had to replace my Plextor dvd burner I had for 5 years . I always write at 1x speed because it will play in anything, Ive recently bought a new burner that writes no less than 4x. What dvd burners will still write at the 1x speed.

    Thanks in advance

    1 AntwortAdd-onsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how to beat the heat?

    I work outside all day, it gets extremely hot and i wanted to find simple ways to keep myself cooler. I drink plenty of water and wear light colored clothing but that doesnt seem to do the trick,Also i take frequent breaks in the ac but then have to go back out within 10 mins, Any other ideas on how to stay cool?

    Thanks in Advance

    1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Saliva drug test done serious answers only please?

    I had a saliva drug test done today and havent taking any of my medication in the past 2 weeks. Which is xanax and felixarile. Do you think it will show up in my saliva drug test?

    1 AntwortOther - Healthvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Heavy Bleeding 8 weeks after giving birth?

    ok gave birth by c section bout 8 weeks ago, for the past 2 weeks i have been bleeding very heavy and passing fairly large clots.i almost sometimes fill a pad in 20 mins. Anyone else had this experience and should i got back to the doctor.There has only been a few days here and there since birth i have was not bleeding.I did get tied and cut to be fixed during the section.Just trying to see if anyone else has had the same problem

    8 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Back Pain after c-section?

    Ok I had a csection on the 9th of October. I had a spinal block done, which took about 3 try's because my spine is a little crooked at the bottom. Ive been fine up until about 3 days ago now I am having CONSTANT lower back pain in the middle of my spine. Feels like it is swollen some, Anyone else had this happen and if so what was the cause? Any quick relief ides? BTW this was my 4th birth first spinal, epi's with the other 3..Also I have not had no increase in the amount of activity in the past few days.

    3 AntwortenPain & Pain Managementvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Formula Changes in Newborns?

    Please tell me the problems / upsides you have had to changing formulas. Also why you changed , and the formula you changed from / to..

    Thanks in advance for your advice

    4 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Welcome baby!!?

    Over the past two months Ive had alot of questions and alot of good advice. I had the baby by section on oct 9th two days before duedate. He was breach again! So instead of another version i decided to have a section. Thanks again to everyone who answered questions for me. Also my 12 yr old daughter was at the hospital but unable to witness the section.

    Good Luck to all you moms to be and I will miss you all!!!

    5 AntwortenNewborn & Babyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 39.4 certain baby movements?

    Ever sat down and watched your belly make continuous, repeative movements. All day baby has my belly moving like he is breathing or suckin his thumb! Which one is it! It would be nice if he is practicing his breathing that would mean he could be releasing the hormone to make me go into labor soon right? Ill ask my doctor in the am but want to know others thoughts!

    Im due thursday

    4 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 12 year old going into delivery room?

    Ok I am going to have my 4th child, I want my 12 yr old daughter to go back with me. She begs me not to make her go back but I believe it will be a good learning experiance for her. She is very boy crazy and NOT sexually active. Do you think this would be a good or bad thing to make her go back with me and share in this experiance.

    Due Thrusday

    17 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How can u tell if baby is to big?

    ok guys I am due on Thursday Oct 11th. Tuesday we found out baby was already almost 9 pounds. I know they can be off by a whole pound because with previous pregancy's they were under a over a pound just a week before birth. I can tell this baby is BIG and starting to really fatten up. I have given birth naturally 3 times now and do not want a csection. Is there any other way to tell if the baby is to large for delivery. He still has not dropped yet and the doctor told me i was only dialated to a 1 for 3 weeks now. I had a version done and he is NOT head down 5 days after the proceedure. Ive talked to my midwife and she just tells me if its to big emergancy csection will b performed. If i need a csection i want it planned not emergancy! So how do we know before if he is to big

    12 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 39.1 weeks could i just be dehydrated?

    I am 39.1 weeks pregnant and the last two days i have noticed i am not able to unrinate as much. I do have some extreme pressure that feels like the baby is pushing down, and contractions that are mild for 5 days now.What are the signs of being dehydrated this late in pregancy. And for it to come on so suddenly? I drink about a half of a gallon of water a day!

    6 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • 39 weeks baby dropping?

    god ive had alot of questions this past week! Anyways I had to have baby turned on tuesday, before i did have alot of pelvic and leg pain and i thought i had some pressure. But now I really feel him pushing down hard.This is my 4th child, how long after him moving down can i expect labor to hit.I heard they drop right before labor esp when this is going to be my 4th pregancy.I have been having mild contractions since monday!

    1 AntwortPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt