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Well, my name is Amber, im 14, and my bday is january 5th. i love sports. skateboarding, soccer and lacrosse are my best sports but im pretty much good at almost any sport. i learned so many sports skills from my 6 brothers. I come from a large family. I'm one of 9 and the 5th oldest. Our ages are 22, 19, 17, 15, 14 (me), 12, 9, 4,1, and another due 10/29.

  • need help picking a dress?

    its for my 15th birthday which isnt till january, but if i shop now i have a bigger budget to get the perfect dress. i need to know which dress i should get. here is my picture:

    and here are the dresses

    also tell me if i should wear gold or silver shoes and lead me to some good accessories.

    2 AntwortenOther - Beauty & Stylevor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do i go upon this?

    from december to the beginning of april me and my crush were like a thing, like treating each other like boyfriend and girlfriend. we held hands when we could, wrote each other notes, and we kissed a few times. but we didnt call each other bf/gf. then my crush and i got found out by his mom, my paster. she told us that dating is off limits to him right now (which we both respected since day 1) and ever since then she wont even let us be friends. i want to talk to the both of them or at least her about it because its bothering me. i want to be friends with him but everytime we come within "i am close enough to aknowledge your presence" distance, she pulls him to the side and makes him go somewhere else. how should i go upon talking to them, or at least her? i need to know his friendship means alot to me.

    3 AntwortenAdolescentvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • How do i go upon this?

    from december to the beginning of april me and my crush were like a thing, like treating each other like boyfriend and girlfriend, but we didnt call each other that. then my crush and i got found out by his mom, my paster. she told us that dating is off limits to him right now (which we both respected since day 1) and ever since then she wont even let us be friends. i want to talk to the both of them or at least her about it because its bothering me. i want to be friends with him but everytime we come within "i am close enough to aknowledge your presence" distance, she pulls him to the side and makes him go somewhere else. how should i go upon talking to them, or at least her? i need to know his friendship means alot to me. and if it matters were both 14.

    1 AntwortSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • how do i go upon this?

    from december to the beginning of april me and my crush were like a thing, like treating each other like boyfriend and girlfriend, but we didnt call each other that. then my crush and i got found out by his mom, my paster. she told us that dating is off limits to him right now (which we both respected since day 1) and ever since then she wont even let us be friends. i want to talk to the both of them or at least her about it because its bothering me. i want to be friends with him but everytime we come within "i am close enough to aknowledge your presence" distance, she pulls him to the side and makes him go somewhere else. how should i go upon talking to them, or at least her? i need to know his friendship means alot to me.

    1 AntwortFriendsvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • please help me only people with similiar experiences?

    i found out around 8 this evening that i miscarried my baby. what should i do to cope? i was raped and couldnt handle raising a child (i was gonna put it up for adoption to a couple in my church) but i cant help but miss it. only people who had a miscarriage before please.

    4 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • i really need help i dont know what to do?

    ok, so there are these two guys at my church and im pretty sure i like them both. i used to have a thing with one of them (guy A) but his mom viciously put it to a halt, so i decided i had to move on, which is where the other guy (guy B) comes in. i could talk to guy B about it. Lately i started having feelings for guy B and i told him i liked him, but it was right before his vacation so i dont know how he took it. and i think but dont really know how guy A feels, in fact it was guy B who suggested that guy A still likes me because everytime me and guy B talk, guy A seems to look over and give us that "p!ssed and upset put together" look. i'd rather choose guy B because he's never lied to me but i cant help but still like guy A a little bit. there not the best of friends and know how to get on each others nerves and im worried that soon ill be the reason why. please help me, im pregnant and dont need this stress. i wanna be friends with both but i dont know who or if i should pick.

    7 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • wondering for my baby?

    to start, i gotta say i have more then one question but i dont wanna waste points.

    1. what do u think of these names- Christopher James for a boy and Zayla Karli for a girl?

    2. what kind of excersise would be appropriate for me im almost one month pregnant and i do rough sports so what should i do that wont strain my baby?

    3. once i know the sex of the baby how much should i spend on clothes for it and per item?

    4. Besides eating healthy and excersising, what else can i do to ensure good health for my child?

    3 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • help with this outfit??

    my mom said i could buy a new outfit from the mall so i'd like some opinions on this one. i mix the skater look with the sporty look, and really am not too girly.

    12 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • Parents please help me. I dont know what to do?

    If anybody read my previous 2 questions then you would know that I got raped about two weeks ago. I got all the medical work done and am working on the legal aspects with my family, but I did find out about an hour ago that the EC didnt work and now im pregnant. I dont know how to tell everyone because Im worried that my dad, whose pro-choice would force me to get an abortion and as a christian, I wouldnt want to, then he'd kick me out. How do I go upon this, telling them and my 6 siblings? Please any advice on health or anything would be appreciated.

    21 AntwortenOther - Pregnancy & Parentingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what is.....?

    the very earliest possible date after having sex that you can find out you're pregnant. i got raped last night and i got screened for drugs and STDs but i dont think they did a pregnancy test. when would i be able to go in and find out if i am or not. i think i may be because ive felt bad all day but i dont know im only 14 and it was my first time.

    14 AntwortenPregnancyvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • what to do?

    ok, so saturday night around 11pm or so, i was raped by my dance instructor. what should i do? i mean i know i cant let it go unknown but im just freaking out right now and not exactly sure what i should do. p.s. if u dont believe me then please dont answer.

    4 AntwortenSingles & Datingvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • why is it that.....?

    on Yahoo Answers, some people post a question like a million times and dont appear to get reported, but some people (such as myself) lose an account (now its an old one) for posting a question just twice.

    2 AntwortenYahoo Answersvor 1 Jahrzehnt
  • summer outfits?

    ok, so in two weeks (6/1/07 and 6/2/07) my church confirmation class is doing a lock in at the church friday night and the next day we are having a swim party at two of the confirman's house. so i was wondering what you think of these outfits (i havent bought them yet)

    this is a pic of me

    <a href=""/ target="_blank"><img src=" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

    my pajamas:

    and my swim outfit:

    2 AntwortenFashion & Accessoriesvor 1 Jahrzehnt