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it's boring to be always right, isn't it? If you are an Atheist, Christian, Jew, Shia, Hindu, Sikh or whatever, please feel free to email me if you want to debate with me, i never lost a debate, maybe you can be the 1st to defeat me, maybe you are more Muslim than i am. Original account:;_ylt=AvmEiNAgcBSXljQSCM9xxrPsy6IX;_ylv=3?show=M30X5vYsaa&view=public Peace
Do you know the stance of David Duke on the Syrian Revolution and Syrian crisis?
Thank you all
1 AntwortCurrent Eventsvor 9 JahrenWhat is the stance of Shia clerics on the massacres done by the Alawite regime and Hezbollah in Syria?
The extraordinary brave Syrian people have been facing tremendous and monstrous quelling and suppression for more than 7 months, thanks to the Chinese and Russian Veto and the constant sectarian Iranian support of their Syrian minority ruling sect in the form of military support (Hezbollat) and money.
What do Shia clerics have to say about that?
5 AntwortenRamadanvor 10 JahrenShia friends: one simple question?
Do you agree that anyone claims that the Quran was changed is a kaffer or not?
If yes, then why, throughout the entire Islamic history, didn't ANY Shia stand against those clerics who asserted, in many writings, that the Quran was changed by the Sahaba, removed "surat alwelayah", changed the ordering, removed verses that talk about the imamate....etc????!!!
And if no, then why do you insist that you are the followers of Mighty Muhammed pbuh??!!!
12 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: Don't you agree that politics, is behind twisting the religion of God?
Jesus pbuh, were sent to destroy paganism at his time and to lead humanity to the banner of Monotheism.
Rome had no other choice but to avenge his religion by twisting it, and actually giving him the status of God/son of God, after the failed attempt of crucifying him.
Similarly, when you take a look into the history of Persia, we see that Hazrat Ali (ra) was the mastermind behind destroying the Zoroastrian empire in Persia, a wise military plan that only Omar (ra) was capable on executing.
The grudge for the loss of Zoroastrian Persia, compelled abululua to murder Hazrat Omar (ra), and Ibn Muljem to murder Hazrat Ali (ra), and Ibn thi Aljawshan to take the pure head of Hazrat Alhussein (ra).
In retaliation to Islam, and as a part of the eternal vengeance, the Persians did not stop at that, they gave Ali (ra) the status of God, they gave his descendants the status of infallible, almost omnipotent beings, in an attempt to distort the original religion of Muhammed pbuh, the main reason behind the collapse of the Zoroastrian empire.
Don't you agree that politics, is behind twisting the religion of God?
9 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntIslamophobics: don't you think it's about time you see the truth behind the so called "Islamic Terrorism" ?
The below vid will open your eyes and grant you what they call it a constructive paradigm shift
I implore everyone of you, who has always thought of Muslims as terrorist, who has always thought that Islam incites hatred and violence, to watch this vid, AND KNOW WHO IS THE VICTIM AND WHO IS THE ENEMY:
Thank you all, your thoughts?
15 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntShia: why is the Sunni view of Sayyenda Ali (ra) much braver and greater than that of yours?
Sunnis believe that Sayyenda Ali (ra) was a mighty companion, the most blessed man amongst Ahlulbayt after the Prophet pbuh, brave, supportive and protective to his wife, jealous and merciful to his daughter, Mujahid and tough on his enemies.
But unfortunately, the Shia view seems to be very corrupted, you think he couldn't defend/avenge for his very wife, daughter of the Prphet pbuh, and an AHLULBAYT MOST IMPORTANT MOTHER, you think that he couldn't stop Omar (ra) from marrying Umm Kolthoum his daughter, you think that he couldn't raise the sword against who "stole" the Imamate (which is suppose to be the 1st pillar in your religion)
That said, how could you accept such an image about the one who many of you deem as the best man in history!?
7 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntIs the aim of Iran to "Persianize" Islam?
The Shias drew sayyenda Ali and Alhussein may Allah be pleased with them, and they gave them Persian facial features, may Allah paralyze their hands for such a horrid deed. Moreover, the Shia books praise the Persians as if Islam and the Quran were revealed in Iran, ignoring the fact the The Prophet pbuh and Ahululbayt were Arab and had no Persian relation whatsoever, not to mention that the Quran was revealed in Arabic.
Furthermore, The Persian nationalist (Zoarostrian Shia) authors forge Hadiths stating that Allah swt speaks Persian when he is happy and Arabic when he is angry!! Astaghferullah
Isn't that evidence enough to you, Shia friends, that the Shia religion is nothing but a political movement in favor for Iran and the Zionists?
7 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntDid the term "ex-muslim" emerge when the Shia Iranians started to hate their man made dogma?
I had a discussion with an Atheist friend, he claimed that even Muslims become Atheists. i felt upset, until i realized that those who claimed they were former Muslims were NEVER actually muslims to begin with, check the people who call themselves ex-muslims and you will find the following:
- Salman Rushdi IRANIAN and SHIA
- Ali Sina IRANIAN and SHIA
- The founder of council of ex-muslims, Mina Ahadi IRANIAN and SHIA
- Christian convert, Reza Fakour, IRANIAN and SHIA
- Hashem Aghajari and Hassan Youssefi Eshkevari, IRANIAN and SHIA
- ALLLLL Y!A EX MUSLIM TROLLS such as Irish Girl, Fawzia (i so remember her), and others i can't remember their names, they were Iranian and Shia too.
Of course, a handful of Ex-Sunnis does exist, but they are the very least comparing to the rest of the theists, if you want to count the former Sunnis throughout history you will end up with a very humble number, that's because it is the true religion alhamdulellah.
That being said, does anyone, whether be Muslim or non Muslim, still believe that the Shia religion got anything to do with Islam?
8 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntIs the Persian nationalist ideology based on stirring the sentiments of the heedless people?
Isn't the Shia propaganda based on the account of the murder of Alhussein (ra) making the people morn his death and deeply hate his so called "enemies"? Isn't that exactly what turns a sweet, cute, tender 10 year old Southern Lebanese girl into a cursing angry Sahaba-hater?
Is it any surprise that Atheists view religion as a hate factory? Is it any surprise that Shia give Islam a bad name?
5 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntInspired by Zoroastrians: is Sayyedna Ali (ra) more infallible than the Shia Mahdi?
According to the Shia, Sayyendna Ali (ra) did not avenge for his daughter cause he never avenges for his people or his "personal" issues (and obviously his entire religion), however they claim that when the Shia Mahdi emerges, he will take the 3 Caliphs (ra) out of their graves and punish them severely.
Who are more infallible in your measures?
And before anybody twists my words, i am NOT mocking Sayyenda Ali (ra) astaghferullah, cause i deem him as the lion of Islam companion and cousin of the Prophet pbuh, a companion who would not tolerate any transgression against Ahlulbayt (Fatima (ra)) or Islam as a whole.
7 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntCould this be one of the things the Shia and the Christians have in common?
The Christians assert that Jesus pbuh is divine and his divinity is mentioned in the Gospels, however when we look into the Gospels we realize that there is not a single verse therein which EXPLICITLY ascribes any divine attribution to him. Similarly, we find the Shia asserting their Imamate creed which cannot be found almost anywhere in the Quran and yet they somehow interpret some verses in a way it shows some Imamamate correlation to Islam.
All people throughout history agree that the explicit statements override the implicit ones, so why do these two parties insist on their falsehood?
9 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: Aren't your Hadith narrators too religious to be believed?
We all agree (Sunnis and Shia) that the first and foremost rule to accepting any narration is that the narrator has to be PIOUS, and piety means strict and strong adherence to one's religion.
That said, Sunnis will reject any narrator that is said to have lied even ONCE in his life time, however, piety in the Shia religion is measured differently. The narrator has to enjoy practising Taqiyah cause it comprises 9/10 of his religion.
So how can we believe any Shia narration while we know that the most important criterion required there is actually the mastery of lying?
5 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: how could Al Kafi contain 16000 narrations, 66 of which only is said to have been by the PROPHET PBUH?
Kulaini narrated 16000 rafidhi hadith mostly from Jaafar Alsadeq, while the greatest man in mankind history pbuh shared 0.4% of this narrations.
Is the Prophet pbuh that insignificant to you?
BQ: Why is Jaafar Alsaqeq the only narrator? what about the rest of the imams, weren't they suppose to participate in perfecting your religion before the coming of your 12th?
5 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: how could you accuse Sunnis of hating Ali (ra) in spite the fact that...?
we have narrated 661 hadiths from Ali (ra) and 539 hadiths from Omar (ra) in total?
- Musnad Ahmed contained 818 hadiths narrated from Ali (ra) alone! while it contains 81 hadith from AbuBakr (ra), 308 from Omar (ra) and 137 from Othman (ra)!!
This means that Imam Ahmed narrated more hadiths from Sayyedna Ali (ra) than those from the 3 caliphs combined.
How do you respond?
5 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: isn't it ironic how you refer to anti-islamic websites to refute the Sunnah?
You refer to websites made by Zionists and Atheists to refute the Sunnah, what does that tell you?
4 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: What is the occasion of revealing Surah Alnasr (chapter 110)?
When the victory of Allah has come and the conquest, (1) And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes, (2) Then exalt [Him] with praise of your Lord and ask forgiveness of Him. Indeed, He is ever Accepting of repentance. (3) (Holy Quran, 110)
Muslim scholars and historians believe that this chapter was revealed upon the conquest of Mecca, when all the Arab tribes converted to Islam by will.
The Q being, would Allah swt call the conversion of the Arab tribes to a supposedly false religion (Sunni Islam, the opposite of Shiasm) a victory?
If you believe that the tribes converted to the Shia twelver religion at that time, please provide evidence.
Thank you.
6 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntJews: is Judaism mentioned in Tanakh?
5 AntwortenReligion & Spiritualityvor 1 JahrzehntSpain: what are your views regarding Andalucia?
I suppose most of you know that the Muslims built an empire called "Al Andalus" in what it is called now Spain/Portugal, this empire lasted for 800 years.
What are you taught about it in schools and colleges? do you view it as a negative or a positive conquest?
Thank you.
5 AntwortenOther - Spainvor 1 JahrzehntWhat are your thoughts regarding the great conversion of Abul Fadhl Ibn Al Reda to Sunnism?
Isn't it worth watching at least? so you can understand the perspective of a repentant former Shia scholar?
This Q is NOT meant to offend any one, i really would like to know your response to his points.
Thank you.
6 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 JahrzehntShia: Are the new Muslim converts considered as new "enemies of Ahulbayt" too?
Please take into consideration the following:
1- I am NOT interested to know that I follow Yazeed or whatever.
2- I am NOT interested to hear stories about any Sunni political rulership.
5 AntwortenRamadanvor 1 Jahrzehnt