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Shia friends: one simple question?

Do you agree that anyone claims that the Quran was changed is a kaffer or not?

If yes, then why, throughout the entire Islamic history, didn't ANY Shia stand against those clerics who asserted, in many writings, that the Quran was changed by the Sahaba, removed "surat alwelayah", changed the ordering, removed verses that talk about the imamate....etc????!!!

And if no, then why do you insist that you are the followers of Mighty Muhammed pbuh??!!!


@Leon: Thank God you answered :)

You said: "This Hadith implies that in the original Qur'an there was a verse on Rajam ( stoning ). Who then removed it? "

You LIED Leon, you LIED, and i am NOT surprised RAFIDHI !!

Omar (ra) said what means that he was afraid that one day, IGNORANTS like Shia,Quranits and Kharijites, or even average people, may ask him or the judge or anyone in charge about a particular verdict to be mentioned in the Quran, in spite the fact it was mentioned in the Sunnah, such as the stoning, the punishment of homosexuality, the Luqta....etc

Omar (ra) knew that deviant people will one day inquire about the judgment in the Quran without referring to the authentic Sunnah, this got NOTHING to do with tahreef of any of your nonsense

If you dont know Arabic, neither do you know authentic Sunnah/history, neither do you understand hadith, then why not spare us your deception and stick to the kuffr of your rabbis instead of accusing the STUDENTS of the Prophet pbuh of som

Update 2:

@Guardiano & Leon: I dont care about what you are posting, i dont care about the time the Sahaba were compiling the chapters in the Mushafs, it is all based on narrations and authorities from the Prophet pbuh himself, Ibn Masud, Ibn Abbas or whomever where living during the time of compilation and were doing their ijtihad while the Quran was not entirely revealed/ compiled, and the net is full of TONS of refutations to your claims, like this one for ex:

If i want to refute every single narration then i can, blindly arrogantly and most definitely, but you KNOW that this is not the subject, you know exactly what i mean, i'll rephrase the Q again:


I'll extend the duration of this post till i receive an answer, not an ad hominem

I'm awaiting Leon, Guardian.

Update 3:


OMG!! @Weakest: i love you sis :D :D :D :D

Now, the following list of Shia "scholars" believe that the Quran was changed by ADDING/REMOVING/CHANGING the verses !!! check out the below:

1- Ali Alqummi

2- Abu Jaafar Al Saffar

3- Kareem Alkarmani

4- Ni'matahAllah Aljazaeri

5- Alhashemi Alkhoey

6- Alardabeeli


8- Aliashy


10- Almufeed

11- AL K U L A I N I

12- Albahrani

13- Abu Hasan Alameli

The above are the "scholars" who authored your religion, they are the ones who taught the deen, and they are absolutely KAFFERS, so how could you take your knowledge from these people? and more importantly, HOW COULD YOU NOT CONSIDER THEM KAFFERS!!????!?!?!?

Thank you Weakest, i have always liked you, always will, you just proved that almost 2/3rd the Shia in the world are kaffers and agree with their kaffers clerics.

12 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Since shias are NOT answering this 'simple' question, therefore i would take the liesure to answer it on BEHALF of shias:

    -the sanad of the PRESENT quran which we holding our hands, contains the names of the first three khalifas R.A. of islam. (whom shias consider apostates, liers, userpers, etc.)

    -there r NO 'SAHIH' hadith books in shia'ism

    -there is NO WAY of finding out the authetnticity of ALL the books in shia'ism which contains the 'words of imams' (ilm ul asnaad is a taboo in shia'ite creed)

    -if shias do NOT believe in the myth of the NEW quran which the HIDDEN mahdi will bring, they are KAFIRS.

    -if shias believe in PRESENT quran as complete and untampered, then there is NO REAson for a NEW quran to be hidden for over 1000 years of time

    -if shias believe the Quran was NOT compiled and collected and PREserved in its pristine shape, they say it NOT based on the AUTHENTIC chains of narrations, BUT, they base it upon their hatred of the SAHABAS whom they despise and are forced to 'curse' and slander in all manners.

    FINALLY, since there ARE no LOOPHOLES in answering this question in a feasible manner, i can only say this:

    -if shias DO say YES - the Quran is tampered with,

    they challenge NOT the Quran!

    BUT the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.

    Allah has mentioned in the The Holy Qur'an, Chapter 15, Verse 9

    "We have without doubt, send down the message; and We will assuredly guard it(from corruption)."

    -if shias DO say NO - the Quran is NOT tampered with,

    they are left with NO shia'ism (no concept of 12 godlike imams, wilayat, blind adherence to their la'natullahs,etc)


    please recite the translation and interpretation of an ayah from the Quran with me:

    Many are the Jinns and men we have made for Hell:

    They have hearts wherewith they understand not,

    eyes wherewith they see not,

    and ears wherewith they hear not.

    They are like cattle,

    - nay more misguided:

    for they are heedless (of warning). (Al-A'raaf: 179)

    Quelle(n): revert muslim O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the messenger, and make not vain your deeds! (Muhammad: 33)
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Shia books and scholars have continuously stated that there is Tahreef in Quran, that only their fake Mahdi will bring the " real " one.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Quran never changed as Allah (swt) is the protector.

    Only problem with shias is they cannot digest the greatness of Sahaba, as Quran is compiled by Sahaba and not imams.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The quran was never changed, not in the past not ever.

    Who ever belives this obvesiouly isn't muslim.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Check "Life or Death for Ahlul Bayt's" answer here:;_ylt=AkK2y...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Ok but Sunni books say that Quran is changed

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Quran is protected .

    @leon saboor :

    Sahi bukhari is not word of Allah thus not protected

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i am not in the mood of answering nor reading *yawns*

    m sleepy n have a slight headache so umm i don wana

    omg i may get reported so ill answer for not getting reported

    answer: yes changed but nothing was removed, the only thing was that it got compilled in wrong order but all the contents are still the same,

    what we mean is the quran in the exact order , imam mehdi will bring , that which was compilled by imam aliAS

    so yeah it was changed but im talking about the order not the contents

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    anyone claims that theTalmud was changed is a kaffer

    Quelle(n): abdullah ibn saba
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I wonder when all this hatred and jealousy will stop.

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