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Inspired by Zoroastrians: is Sayyedna Ali (ra) more infallible than the Shia Mahdi?

According to the Shia, Sayyendna Ali (ra) did not avenge for his daughter cause he never avenges for his people or his "personal" issues (and obviously his entire religion), however they claim that when the Shia Mahdi emerges, he will take the 3 Caliphs (ra) out of their graves and punish them severely.

Who are more infallible in your measures?

And before anybody twists my words, i am NOT mocking Sayyenda Ali (ra) astaghferullah, cause i deem him as the lion of Islam companion and cousin of the Prophet pbuh, a companion who would not tolerate any transgression against Ahlulbayt (Fatima (ra)) or Islam as a whole.


@Leon: keep insulting the Prophet pbuh, it will only make you dwell deeper in hell fire, i shall pray in the last third of every night, may Allah sends you his prompt severe painful punishment for slandering the Prophet pbuh's honor, wallahi i will make you regret posting this answer, i'm not gonna do anything to you, you will see the results soon inshallah, and we will see who is right and who is wrong.

And you are Zoroastrians, with Jewish Talmudic teachings, with Christian - pagan philosophy, with gay responses, that's who you are.

Update 2:



his *wife*

Update 3:

first line of Q's body

7 Antworten

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
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    when a dog barks at the moon,

    does the moon STOP spreading its cool light?


    let dogs bark!

    for they know!

    they never can, and never will stop or impede the light which will keep our hearts and minds illuminated!

    Leave the matter to Allah!

    for He is the Best of Judges.

    Quelle(n): the answer to such questions can NOT be given by ANY shia, cuz they KNOW that there iS No end to their stupidity of their cult which is ANYTHING but islam!
  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    There are trainging techniques that you can use. Learn here


    1. A dog straining on the lead is the result of improper early heel-training. Reinstruction will be required to remedy the fauly.

    2. Correct positioning ensures that the dog can anticipate the owner's actions such as a change in direction, sudden stop or new instruction.

    3. A lagging dog can also indicates bad heel training. Frequent sharp tugs on the check chain should encourage the dog to keep up with its owner.


    1. On the command 'sit', press the dog's hindquarters firmly down with your left hand while keeping the dog's head supported in the air.

    2. Keep the lead taut in the right hand, giving it a slight upwards pull as you press the hindquarters down to help the dog respond.

    3. Crouching down beside, but not over, the dog may prove helpful in teaching more unruly dogs to perform the exercise.


    1. Pul the dog in the sit position by holding your hand up in front of the dogs face and giving the command ' sit' in a firm voice.

    2. Then move in the front of the dog jerking on the check chain if any attempt is made to move. If the dog does move, start agian.

    3. Keeping your hand high up in front of the dog, and repeating the command 'stay', back off bit by bit, increasing the space between you.


    1. Tell the dog to speak, if he doesnt, the owner must bark to encourage the dog to bark

    2. soon enough the dog will bark

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    How did Leon insulted Prophet(pbuh)?

    I think you meant Prophet's wife

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Laa their gay leader(imam) can not do that

    he(the dajjal) will not be able to enter the two holy cities mecca and medina where the noble companions are buried right NEXT TO THE RASOOL LLAAH!

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Imam Mahdi As does not have such power unless willed by Allah swt

    either way, i would pay to watch the 3 taghoots get their a55 kicked

    umar already got pwned by that jinn he wrestled, inshAllah he gets pwned again

    Quelle(n): edit i must go shower as i feel najis now, i just accidently gave bint iblees wabbit a thumbs up, may Allah forgive me
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    these shiaa know nothing, ask their khomeini... he have more knowledge, a knowledge to make sleeping with animals halal

    there is still 99 to fvck.... maybe thats why khomeini died like a dog, dragged in the city....bcz of sadness.


  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Allah will punish your 3 Caliphs.

    There are also fabricated hadiths which claim that Imam Mahdi is also going to punish contradict Quran because Allah(swt) tells the wives of Prophet "O wives of the prophet! whoever of you commits an open indecency, the punishment shall be increased to her doubly; and this IS easy to Allah...."Quran [33:30-31]

    If the wives of Prophet(pbuh) obey Allah(swt) & Prophet(pbuh) and do good then Allah(swt) will double the reward and if they commit sin and do bad then Allah will double the punishment.


    Edit- Sometimes we are Zoroastrians and sometimes we are Jews....please make up your fcuking mind.


    How did I insult Prophet Muhammad(pbuh)?

    It is you who insult Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) by loving Muawiya who cursed Imam Ali(as).

    Abdullah al-Jadali said: 'I came to Um Salama and she said to me: 'How come Allah’s Messenger is being cursed among you?’. I replied: 'We seek refuge from Allah or praise Allah or some similar words'. She said: 'I heard Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) saying ‘whoever curses Ali has cursed me’

    Musnad Ahmed, Volume 6 page 323 Hadith 26791

    "On his way to Hajj, Sa'd met Mu'awiya and his companions mentioned 'Ali upon which Mu'awiya showed disrespect towards Ali, Sa'd got angry and asked 'why do you say such things?'"

    Sahih Sunan Ibn Majah by Albani, Volume 1 page 26

    Grated SAHIH by ALBANI



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